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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

welcome in Aceh Indonesia

Tsunami Museum
Tsunami Museum, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, is a museum that is designed as a symbolic monument to the earthquake and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at the same time educational center and emergency shelter if a tsunami occurs lagi.Museum Tsunami designed by architects from Indonesia, Ridwan Kamil . This museum is a four-story structure with an area of ​​2,500 m² curved walls covered with geometric reliefs. Inside, visitors enter through a dark narrow corridor between two high walls of water - to recreate the atmosphere and panic when the tsunami. Museum walls decorated images of the Saman dance, a symbolic meaning to the strength, discipline, and religious beliefs Acehnese. From the top, the roof forming waves. The ground floor is designed like a traditional stilt house Acehnese who survived the tsunami.

This building commemorates the victims, whose names are listed on the wall of one of the deepest space museums, and community members who survived this disaster.

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque

In addition to its role as a memorial to the dead, the museum is also useful as a protection from disasters of this kind in the future, including the "hill of refuge" for visitors if a tsunami occurs again.
Baiturrahman Mosque is a mosque Sultanate of Aceh that was built by Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Nature in the year 1022 AH / 1612 AD beautiful and magnificent building which is similar to the Taj Mahal in India is located right in the heart of the city of Banda Aceh and become the focal point of all activities in Aceh Darussalam.

When the Kingdom of the Netherlands attacked the Sultanate of Aceh on the second Dutch military aggression on the Moon Shafar 1290 AH / 10 April 1873 AD, Mosque Baiturrahman burned. Then, in 1877 the Dutch rebuild Masjid Baiturrahman to attract attention and reduce anger Nation Aceh. At that time the Sultanate of Aceh still under the reign of Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah Johan Sovereign is the last Sultan of Aceh.

As a historic place that has high artistic value, Mosque Baiturrahman become the object of religious tourism that is able to make every tourist who comes amazed the history and beauty of its architecture, where the Mosque Baiturrahman including one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia, which has a stunning architecture, carvings Interestingly, a large courtyard with water fountain pond Ottoman Empire style and would be very cool if it were inside the mosque ini.Pada the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam, In addition to the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Makkah, Masjid Baiturrahman also became a center of religious learning Muslims are visited by people who want to learn Islam from all over the world

On March 26, 1873 the Kingdom of the Netherlands declared war to the Sultanate of Aceh, they began firing cannon to Aceh mainland of warships Citadel Van Antwerp. On April 5, 1873, the Dutch landed in Pante Ceureumen under the leadership of Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler, and instantly be able to master Mosque Baiturrahman. Köhler was carrying 3,198 soldiers. A total of 168 of them officers. However, this first battle was won by the Sultanate of Aceh, where in the event the death of General Johan Rudolf Kohler Hermen a large Dutch General due to the use of a rifle shot by an army of the Sultanate of Aceh are then perpetuated a shooting at a small monument that is located under the tree Kelumpang near the entrance north Mosque Baiturrahman.

weh island
Pulau Weh (or We) is a small volcanic island located in the northwest of the island of Sumatra. The island was once connected to the island of Sumatra, but later separated by sea after a volcanic eruption last time at the time of this Pleistosen.Pulau located in the Andaman Sea. The largest city on the island of Weh, Sabang, is the westernmost city located in Indonesia.

The island is famous for its ecosystem. The Indonesian government has set a 60 km² area as far from the edge of the island either to the inside or outside as nature reserves. Big mouthed shark can be found on the coast of the island. In addition, this island is the only habitat of frogs whose status is threatened, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo). Coral reefs around the island is known as a habitat for many species of ikanPulau Weh is located in the Andaman Sea, where two groups of islands, the Nicobar and Andaman Islands, spread out in a line of Sumatra to the Burma plate. Andaman Sea is located in a small active plate tectonics. Complex fault system and the islands have volcanic arc formed along the sea by the movement of tectonic plates.

The island stretches along 15 kilometers (10 miles) in the northern tip of Sumatra. The island is only a small island with an area of ​​156.3 km², but it has many mountains. The highest peak of the island is a volcano with a height of 617 meters fumarolic (2024 feet). The last eruption of the mountain is expected to occur in the Pleistocene. As a result of this eruption, most of the mountain is destroyed, filled with sea and formed a separate island.

At a depth of nine meters (29.5 feet) near the town of Sabang, underwater fumaroles emerging from the bottom of volcanic laut.Kerucut can be found in the forest. There are 3 areas solfatara: one located 750 meters southeast of the peak and the other is located 5 km and 11.5 km northwest part of the summit in the west coast of the Gulf of Lhok Perialakot.

There are four small islands that surround the island of Weh: Klah, Rubiah, Seulako, and Rondo. Among the four, Rubiah famous for diving tourism as coral reefs. Nuns became a haven Indonesian Muslims perform the Hajj sea for before and after Mecca.

Aceh p. Ramlee village
P.Ramlee or real name Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Puteh (born in Penang, March 22, 1929 - died May 29, 1973 at the age of 44 years) is a Malaysian actor in the 1950s. His father came from Lhokseumawe (Aceh) who married Che Mah Hussein in 1925 in Kubang Buaya, Butterworth, Malaysia.

Ramlee basic education in the School of Malay Kampung Jawa and then to Francis Light School. After that, Ramlee continued his education at the Penang Free School until the outbreak of World War II.

Starting from playing ukelele, P. Ramlee then switched to guitar and violin musical instrument under the guidance Kamaruddin (brass band leader in Penang Free School). Ramlee then joined the Cadet Orchestra Sekampung and then Sinaran Evening Star. He had been a champion singing contest organized by Radio Penang in 1947 and was elected as the Star Singer Main Malaya. In these competitions, Ramlee using the letter "P" (for Puteh) at the beginning of its name and since then the name of P. Ramlee lingered until his death.

The first film starring P. Ramlee is Chinta (1948) with a role as a villain and background vocals. His success continued and plays a role in 27 films between 1948 to 1955.

P. Ramlee died on May 29, 1973 at the age of 44 years. To commemorate his services, Yang Pertuan Agong of Malaysia awarded Commander of the Faithful Darjah Greatness Star Crown in 1990 and added the title Tan Sri on behalf Ramlee.

seumadu island

Seumadu island is located in Muara One, approximately 10 kilometers east of Lhokseumawe. This beautiful island is a popular tourist spot for residents Lhokseumawe to whom it is easily accessible. The island is also known as Rancong Beach.Seumadu Island is located in Muara Satu. PT Arun, the largest oil company in the province, located about 12 kilometers from downtown Lhokseumawe along the route to Banda Aceh from this island Medan.Seumadu previously named Rancong Beach. However, over time, become more commonly referred to as Seumadu Island. The origin of this name change is based on the story of a husband and wife who live in the region. Husband, Mr. Jali, is one of the first to set up a stall near the beach Rancong. Although others then follow his example, people began to call the beach "Seumadu", after the name of Mr. Jali itu.Pulau shop is famous for its natural beauty and as a result attract many tourists. Lhokseumawe and surrounding communities are frequent visitors who want to enjoy the beautiful beaches. Access to the island is via a simple foot bridge built by one of the local residents. Before the foot of the bridge was built, the only way to cross is by boat.


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