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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

welcome to travel to Indonesia jambi

Lake Kerinci, Jambi Indonesia
The scenery around the lake is so captivating. Your eyes will not get tired of seeing the expanse of clear water background graceful mountain ranges. In the middle of the lake seen fishing boats are being sailed the calm surface of the water. In the villages around the lake, there are a number of carved stone megalith relics of 2,000 years laluMeski no five-star hotel in Kerinci, but you do not have to worry because in the city there is a river full of jasmine-class hotel with pretty good service ranges from 100,000, - to semalam.Anda can use a landline with public transport, private car or rented from the city to the River Cashew Full approximately 500 km for 10 hours. May also from the city of Padang to Tapan then proceed to Full River about 278 km for 7 hours. Another alternative from Padang to a location about 211 km for 5-6 hours.
The trip to Lake Kerinci can be passed three alternative paths. Try to check the schedule for the holding of Concerned Citizens of Lake Kerinci Festival. In the festival you can enjoy a variety of activities and attractions that draw was held. Not only presents the cultural and superior product but also presents art and culture. Do not miss the variety of handicraft products and household industrial flagship of a number of districts in the province jambiBelum fit when you visit Lake Kerinci payo when not tasting rice, fish curry semah, jerky beteko, lemang and orange Pelompek, Tojin, as well as coffee and tea kerinci aro wood.
For these types of snacks, you can enjoy lunkhead potatoes, potato chips, sweet potato, energy drinks raw materials from cinnamon, and syrup Dutch eggplant. For dishes, a variety of freshwater fish

sitimang ceramics market jambi Indonesia
Sitimang market in Jambi city is famous as the center of ceramics. Hobbyists often hunt ceramic products here. In addition to its unique ceramic designs and up to date, the price of ceramics which are mostly imported from China here is also cheaper than other centers.

If you want to decorate the house with a variety of decorative ceramics, there's nothing wrong if you come to the Sitimang Market, the city of Jambi. There, precisely on Jalan Mega Gang contained ceramic sales centers. There, there are dozens of stalls selling ceramics hold merchandise.

One of the advantages of this center is the product being sold is always up to date or trailing ceramic models overseas trends. Not surprisingly, this center is often visited by collectors imported ceramics. In addition, there are many people who are looking for tableware made of ceramic in this Sitimang Market.

Most customers who hunt ceramics in this market is coming from outside the city of Jambi. They come from Palembang, Jakarta, some even came from Surabaya.

Hilda Sabri example. All the way from Jakarta, Hilda eyeing the clock. He said, hours ceramics are sold here is different from other areas. "The price is too low," he said.

Hilda addition, there is also Lina Jabir who is a collector of ceramic dinnerware from Jakarta. He deliberately come to this center because they want to supplement and replace the collection of ceramic dinnerware. Lina admitted intentionally comes as a collection of ceramics in Sitimang market is very varied.

According to Lina, a collection of ceramics in this center also more classy, ​​with a blend of white and gold. This type is very difficult to obtain in other ceramic centers. "Even if there are in Jakarta, the price must be two times more expensive," he said.

Sholihin, ceramics traders in Market Sitimang admit, this collection of ceramics in different centers of ceramics are sold in other regions. The reason, he only sells ceramics imported from China, ranging from flower vases, jars, jar, tableware buffet, and so on.

The price offered was relatively affordable, ranging from Rp 30,000 to a dozen small cake plate up to Rp 3 million for a two-meter tall jar.

During this time, the best selling products are tableware. Various food supplies is increasingly in demand just before the religious holidays and other holidays.

Within one month, the shop owner is admitted to pocketing Thoriq turnover of Rp 50 million. Income will be doubled when religious festivals and other major holidays. "Every Eid and Christmas approaching, the turnover to reach USD 100 million," said Sholihin.

Andi, Isalina store manager, who has been selling since 1990, admits, many customers who are collectors. He also has a loyal customer of Jakarta which always adds to the collection of ceramic tableware buffet.

According to Andi, the collectors often hunts ceramic collections in Sitimang because ceramics are good quality and unique design. Not surprisingly, once shopping, the collectors are not reluctant to waste a lot of money. "The collectors, usually shopping with a minimum transaction of Rp 500,000," he said.

The laying of the first stone of the Museum of Edinburgh carried out by the Governor of Jambi, Maschun Sofwan, SH on February 18, 1981 on an area of ​​13 350 m² with a building area of ​​4,000 m². The inauguration of this museum with the name of the State Museum of Jambi Province conducted on June 6, 1988 by the Minister of Education and Culture, Prof.Dr.Fuad Hasan. With the enactment of Law No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Autonomy, the State Museum of Jambi province was renamed the State Museum of Jambi, according to the Regional Regulation Number 15 year 2002.Fungsi of this museum:

Perform the collection, maintenance, preservation, and presentation of objects that have cultural and scientific value.
Conduct the affairs of the library da scientific documentation.
Introduce and disseminate the results penelitiaan collection of objects that have cultural and scientific value.
Conducting cultural educational guidance.
Carrying out administrative matters.
State Museum of Edinburgh as the largest museum in the city of Jambi, now renamed the Museum Siginjai. Name change is expected to strengthen the collective memory of the community will be a legacy of historical objects Jambi. This name change is the cultural agreement Jambi. Siginjai taken from the name of a dagger Jambisebilah icon King Jambi. Change the name of the State Museum of Jambi into this Siginjai Museum Based on Governor Regulation No. 26 of 2012. They chose the name Siginjai as a substitute, as it is the name of a keris that is used by people Kayo Black, as the King of Jambi in the past in defending the country Jambi. This name better known and people are expected to be more familiar with heirloom weapons related to the history of the Jambi. Keris Siginjai is still stored in the National Museum in Jakarta, and copies are stored in the museum iniMuseum of Jambi has a diverse collection numbering approximately 2,855 pieces, among others geology (object collection that is the object of scientific disciplines of geology, among others, include rocks, minerals, fossils and objects other natural formations), biology (a collection of objects that enter the category of objects the object of research / disciplines studied by biology), philology (ancient manuscripts handwritten manuscripts written in Kerinci incung on horn and bamboo, the Koran and Book Tassauf handwritten.), ethnography (collection that became the object of study / discipline of anthropology, these objects are the result of cultural or describe an ethnic identity), archeology (the collection of which is the object of research / disciplines of archeology, such as: relics of the prehistoric), historical (the collection of the disciplines of history, since the entry of western budata, objects related to historical events), ceramic (ceramic collection made of baked clay with a certain temperature), art (art collection that expresses human artistic experience through object two or three dimensions) and technology (collection illustrates the development of traditional technology up to modern technology).

The museum also keeps prehistoric relics such as stone pickaxe, gong with ancient Chinese characters, teapots, porcelain dishes, fragments of arms, statues of Buddha, statues and so forth.

Garden Mayang Mangurai
Location travel workshop is located at Jalan Atmadibrata. Its location is only 6 km away from the center of the city of Jambi. In this workshop, you can see the traditional house Jambi nan called "Kejanglako". In the custom house you can see a collection of equipment used by the bride nan Jambi. In addition, you can also see traditional dresses nan district and into the province of Jambi.

Not only that, in this traditional house you can also find a wide collection of supplies nan is part of the customs Jambi. Attractions in the form of a garden center dengen form this custom home. Located in an area of ​​0.75 ha nan location is right next to the office of Governor of Jambi because it is located in the same complex with office nan Provincial Government of Jambi.

Kampoeng Radja

Family Travel Parks and out bound kampoeng king, comes to meet local needs for tourism and leisure facilities in Jambi. The area of ​​this park  8 Ha located at Jl. West ring No108 Recognize Big Jambi, exactly 400 m north intersection Rimbo or 300 meters from the terminal Jambi Natural Barajo.
This park is a family recreation area, because the whole vehicle or facility can be enjoyed by all circles; start a child - children, teenagers, adults to the elderly.
Since opening 1 April 2006 Visitors kampoeng king continues to increase. In 2009 these visitors ranged between 13000-15000 people per month. Visitors come from all over the district / city in the province of Jambi, as well as from large cities outside the province of Jambi. Visitors mancapai peak (peak season) on Saturdays and Sundays or on holidays.
Kampoeng Radja is open daily from 09.00 to 17.30 pm. Special Friday began to open at 14:00 pm. Saturday-Sunday (weekend) started to open 08.00 to 18.00 pm. Every Tuesday closed, except on long holiday (school) then Tuesday remained open.


Kampoeng Radja opened to the public (soft opening) April 1, 2006. When first opened, the rides are available:

2007 Vehicle Pool (Jasmine water Park) was built. Dated 2008 Jasmine water Park opened to the public. Subsequently, in June 2009 there are additional facilities slides (water slide).

On Eid 2009, there have been additions of new vehicle that is: go carts and miniature train. The new facility is also available, namely 4-wheel parking and parking wheel 2 is more representative. 4-wheel parking area is very unique, because the first time the existence in Jambi is built terraces (terraces).


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