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Monday, May 18, 2015

wonderful tours in Bengkulu Indonesia

Long Beach bengkulu Indonesia
A. Overview
Long Beach is a coastal tourism is very well known in Bengkulu, besides Padri Tread Beach, White Sand Beach, and Beach Humo. Why is it called Long Beach? Because quite a long coastline, which is about 7 km. In addition, the distance between the ebb tide and the line too long, when compared to other beaches, which is about 500 m. This is because it does not have coral beach. So, when there is high tide, the water can reach up considerably.
B. Features
Conditions sloping beaches, clean water, as well as the vast expanse of white sand, is the main attraction of Long Beach attractions. With conditions like the beach, visitors can bathe as much as he enjoyed the beach breeze is still clean and cool because the beach is far from the industrial area.
In addition, many pine trees growing around the coast is also a uniqueness that is probably not shared by other beaches. Because, in general, a tree that usually grows in coastal areas is a palm tree, and is not found in Long Beach.
C. Location
Administratively, Long Beach is located in the Municipality of Bengkulu, Bengkulu province, Indonesia.
D. Ticket
In confirmation.
E. Access
It lies only about 3 km from the center of the city of Bengkulu make Long Beach easily accessible. Many public transport to get to this beach. Of the city of Bengkulu, visitors can use the minibus, taxi, or rental car to get to the beach location.
F. Accommodations and Other Facilities
In the vicinity of the beach, visitors can find accommodation facilities and complete facilities, among which is a large parking area, hotel, restaurant, swimming pool, cottages, minimarket, stalls selling mobile phone vouchers, stalls souvenirs, etc. ,

Home Exile Bung Karno in Bengkulu
Home Exile Sukarno Sukarno was sentenced to exile place as a political prisoner. Sukarno was exiled to Ende, Flores on January 14, 1934. He was exiled there for four years (1934-1938) After that, he was exiled to Bengkulu.Rumah is located in the center of the city of Bengkulu, precisely in the way Sukarno Hatta Village Anggut Top districts Gading Cempaka , Originally, the house was owned by a Chinese merchant named Lion BWE Seng hired by the Dutch to put Sukarno during exile in Bengkulu. Soekarno occupy the house in 1938-1942. In this house there are relics of Sukarno. There is an iron bed that used to Sukarno and his family, a collection of books and uniforms Dutch-speaking majority group tonil Monte Carlo care during the Soekarno Bengkulu There are also photos of Sukarno and his family that adorn almost every room and no less interesting is the use of old bikes Sukarno during in Bengkulu

the Fort Marlborough Bengkulu Indonesia
Fort Marlborough (UK: Fort Marlborough) is a relic of the British fort in the city of Bengkulu. This fort was established by the East India Company (EIC) in 1713-1719 under the leadership of Governor Joseph Callet as a bastion of English. That said, this is the strongest bastion fort in eastern England after the fort St. George in Madras, India. This fort was built on an artificial hill, overlooking the city of Bengkulu and backs to the Indian Ocean. This fort once burned by the people of Bengkulu; so the inhabitants were forced to flee to Madras. They then returned in 1724 after an agreement was held. In 1793, an attack was launched. On this incident a British officer, Robert Hamilton, was killed. And then in 1807, the Resident Thomas Parr was also killed. Both are commemorated by the establishment of monuments in the town of Bengkulu by the British government.

Marlborough still serves as a bastion until the years 1825-1942 the Dutch East Indies, Japan in 1942-1945, and in the war of independence of Indonesia. Since Japan's defeat until 1948, the castle was widened police headquarters. However, in the years 1949-1950, Marlborough fort was occupied again by the Netherlands. After the Dutch left in 1950, the fort of Marlborough became the headquarters of the Army. Until 1977, the fort was handed over to the Department of Education for refurbished and turned into cultural heritage buildings.

Indonesia Bengkulu city Curup
Curup is the capital of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Curup is the 2nd largest city in the province of Bengkulu.

Curup a rice-producing areas, coffee and vegetables are major in Bengkulu province, whose results are sent to the Palembang, Jambi, Padang, Lampung and Jakarta.

Some of the famous tourist spot is Suban Hot, Causeway Lake, Mount Kaba, Waterfall in Chief Curup, Tabarena and prehistoric sites such as Stone Panco.

This area is also known as one of the growth of Rafflesia Arnoldii.

Bang Mego market Curup

Markets do a bit modern is Bang Market Mego. Before construction markets Bang Mego, in the 1970s, known as the Lower Market also called Los market, to differentiate with other markets, namely Upper Market, which is located near the freight terminal and the Central Market that has existed since before Indonesia's independence as well as the market Pasarde Serbo AdeCurup is a city in a mountainous area surrounded by a mountain chain and Kaba Hill / Mount Kaba and Bukit Daun. The natives are Rejang tribe, but also many people of other tribes such as Java, Lembak, Minang, Serawai and Sunda. This city was once the capital of South Sumatra province during the revolution under the leadership of Governor AK Gani.

Curup is a small city air cool, fresh and cool that lay in the valley of the highlands of Sumatra. The existence of regional cultural assimilation with the immigrants, now make Curup city as a heterogeneous city from various ethnic groups in Indonesia.

Lake Revenge Not Already bengkulu Indonesia
Revenge lake Tak It is named for a lake located on the edge of town Bengkulu .Pada originally this area was a swamp at the foot of a small hill of Bukit Barisan. The Dutch colonial times this area was transformed into a lake through labor to collect water from the hills above for subsequent use for mengairan agricultural area around it.It thrives in lake water Orchid (Vanda hookeriana), which is only found here and if the growing season to make the atmosphere more lively. Orchids by the government is classified as a rare flower can be found on the edge of the lake.


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