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Sunday, May 10, 2015

South Sumatra enchanting tour

Ampera Bridge
Ampera Bridge is a bridge in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Ampera Bridge, which has become a kind of emblem of the city, located in the middle of the city of Palembang, connecting the area Seberang Ulu and Ilir are separated by the River MusiIde to unite the two land in Palembang "Seberang Ulu and Ilir" with the bridge, actually being there Gemeente since the time of Palembang, 1906. Currently held the post of Mayor of Palembang Le Cocq de Ville, 1924, this idea was raised again and made a lot of effort to make it happen. However, until the term of office of Le Cocq end, even when the Dutch pull out of Indonesia, the project was never realized.

At the time of independence, the idea of ​​re-sticking. Transitional Council of the City of Palembang back proposed the construction of the bridge at the time, called the Musi Bridge by referring na-ma Musi River were flashing, at the plenary session which took place on October 29, 1956. This proposal is actually classified as reckless because the existing budget in Palembang that will be initial capital of only around Rp 30.000,00. In 1957, the construction committee was formed, consisting of the Sovereign Military Regional Command War IV / Sriwijaya, Aaron Sohar, and the Governor of South Sumatra, HA Bastari. Companion, Mayor of Palembang, M. Ali Amin, and Indra Caya. This team approach to Bung Karno to support the plan.

The work done by the Provincial Government of South Sumatra and Palembang, which is fully supported by the Military District Command IV / Sriwijaya then to fruition. Bung Karno then approve the proposed development. Because the bridge is planned to be built with each of his legs in the 7 Ulu and Ilir 16, which means that its position in the center of town, Bung Karno then filed requirement. Namely, the placement of the boulevard or the garden is open at both ends of the bridge. Perform the appointment of the company executing the construction, with the signing of the contract on December 14, 1961, at a cost of USD 4,500,000 (the current exchange rate, USD 1 = Rp 200.00) .Pembangunan bridge began in April 1962, after obtaining the approval of the President , The cost of construction is taken from the Japanese war reparation funds. Not just the cost, even this bridge use experts from these countries.

At first, this bridge, named after the bridge Bung Karno. According to historian Djohan Hanafiah, naming as a form of tribute to the first President. Bung Karno seriously fight Palembang residents desire, to have a bridge over the River Musi

Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (l: Palembang, 1767, w: Ternate, 26 September 1852) is the leader of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate during two periods (1803-1813, 1818-1821), after the reign of his father, Sultan Muhammad Bahauddin (1776-1803 ). Original name before becoming Raden Hasan Sultan is Prince Queen.

In his reign, he several times led the battle against the English and Dutch, among them the so-called War of Menteng. On the stairs July 14, 1821, when the Dutch managed to control Palembang, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II and family were arrested and exiled to Ternate.

His name is now immortalized as the name of the international airport in Palembang, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II and currency rupiah denomination's 10,000 issued by Bank Indonesia on October 20, 2005. The use of pictures SMB II in this paper money had become a case of copyright infringement, allegedly The image used without permission painter, but later revealed that this image has become the property of contest organizers face painting SMB II.

Conflict with England Since tin is found in the Pacific in the mid 18th century, Palembang and its territory became the target of Britain and the Netherlands. in order to establish a commercial contract, the Europeans intend to master Palembang. Beginning of European colonization marked by the placement Loji (trade office). In Palembang, the first lodge built in Sungai Aur Netherlands (10 Ulu).

The first Europeans to face Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (SMB II) is Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Raffles know the exact nature of the Sultan of Palembang. Therefore, Raffles very respectful in addition there are concerns as stated in a report to his superiors, Lord Minto, dated December 15, 1810:

"Sultan Palembang is one of the richest Malay prince and correct what was said that the warehouse is filled with dollars and gold that had been stockpiled by the ancestors. I consider that this is one subject that is important to deter Daendels utilize the great resource procurement. "
Along with contact between Britain and Palembang, the same thing was also done Netherlands. In this case, through his envoy, Raffles tried to persuade SMB II to expel the Dutch from Palembang (Raffles letter dated March 3, 1811).

Wisely, SMB II wrote back Raffles who essentially said that Palembang do not want to engage in hostilities between Britain and the Netherlands, and there is no intention to cooperate with the Netherlands. But finally there is cooperation Britain-Palembang, Palembang in which the more advantaged.

On 14 September 1811 events extermination and genocide in loji River Flow. Dutch alleges that provokes Britanialah Palembang in order to drive the Dutch. Conversely, the British hand washing, even directly accused the SMB II who took the initiative to do so.

Raffles cornered by events lodges Sungai Aur, but still hope to negotiate with the SMB II and get Bangka as compensation to Britain. Raffles expectation is of course rejected SMB II. As a result, the British sent a fleet of war under the leadership of Gillespie on the grounds punish SMB II. In a brief battle, Palembang SMB II capitulated and withdrew to Muara Rawas, far upstream Musi River.

After successfully occupying Palembang, Britain felt the need to appoint a new puppet ruler. After signing an agreement with favorable terms Britain, dated May 14, 1812 Prince Duke (younger brother of SMB II) appointed by the sultan Ahmad title Najamuddin II or Husin Diauddin. Bangka island capitulated and was renamed the Duke of York's Island. In Mentor, who then called Minto, Meares placed as a resident.

Meares ambition to capture the SMB II who have made camp in Muara Rawas. On August 28, 1812 he was carrying troops and weaponry are transported by boat to invade Muara Rawas. In a battle in Buay Langu, Meares was shot and later died after being taken back to Mentor. His position was replaced by Major Robison.
Great Mosque of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin

Cheng Ho Mosque
Cheng Hoo Mosque Palembang actually named Masjid Al Islam Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque Sriwijaya Palembang is a Chinese Muslim nuanced located in Jakabaring Palembang. The mosque is established on the initiative of the sespuh, advisors, administrators Chinese Islamic Association of Indonesia (PITI) South Sumatra, and as well as the leaders of the Chinese community around Palembang.Mesjid established diaspora also has a new priest who has memorized 30 chapters of the Muslim holy book, Al-Quran is Choirul Rizal.

Additionally, the Mosque which was built with a blend of elements of Chinese, Malay, and this archipelago has completed some parts of the mosque like the priest house, a fence around, and activate Education Sites Koran to children free of charge. Construction of the mosque was preceded by laying the first stone of the construction of the mosque, 2003. The initial capital was approximately USD 150 million from the get-togethers with friends on PITI. The land where the mosque stood a grant from the local government and inaugurated on 2006.Masjid Sriwijaya Muhammad Cheng Hoo, a mosque located in Jakabaring this has China architectural design, can accommodate about 600 worshipers and 2-story.

Cheng Ho Mosque has a unique architectural design, which combines elements of Palembang local culture with the nuances of Chinese and Arabic. The mosque is built on a land of 5,000 square meters is located in a middle-class residential complex. Towers on either side of the mosque mimic Chinese pagoda-pagoda, painted red and jade green.

The mosque is put into use since August 2008. There is no barrier that separates the congregation of men and women in the mosque. Men pray on the first floor, while women on the second floor. The environment of this mosque there is a small house for the priest, an office, a library, and a ballroom.

Kuto Besak
Kuto Besak is building the palace in the eighteenth century became the center of Palembang Sultanate. The idea of ​​establishing Kuto Besak initiated by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I who ruled in 1724-1758 and execution of construction completed by his successor, Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin who ruled in 1776-1803. Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin is a figure of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate realistic and practical in international trade, as well as a religionist who make Palembang as a center of religious literature in the archipelago. Marking its role as a sultan, he moved from Keraton Kuto Kuto Lamo to Besak. Dutch called Kuto Besak as nieuwe palace new palace alias.

This fort was built in 1780 by architects who are not known with certainty and supervision of work entrusted to a Chinese. Adhesive cement limestone bricks used in inland river Ogan coupled with egg white. The time used to build this Besak Kuto approximately 17 years. This palace is occupied officially on Monday on February 21, 1797.

In contrast to the location of the old palace, located in the countryside, the new palace stands in a very open position, strategic, and also very beautiful. Its position overlooking the River Musi.

At that time, the city of Palembang is still surrounded by children river that divides the city area into islands. Kuto Besak was as if standing on the island because it is limited by Sekanak River in the west, the River Tengkuruk in the east, and Kapuran River in the north.

Kuto Besak currently occupied by the Regional Military Command (Kodam) Sriwijaya.

Construction and arrangement of the area around the Plaza Kuto Besak projected to be open entertainment venues that sell Musi charm and historic buildings. If viewed from the Seberang Ulu or Ampera Bridge, scenery looks is spacious courtyard with a background of a row of palm trees in the yard Kuto Besak, and the water tower at the Office of the Mayor of Palembang.

In the night time, the atmosphere will be more dramatic. Light from a row of lights yellow garden creates reflections on the surface of the river.

The city government has a number of development plans to support the Plaza Kuto Besak as a tourist attraction.


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