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Friday, May 1, 2015

beautiful sights in western Sumatra Indonesia

Maninjau Lake tour
Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The lake is located about 140 kilometers north of Padang, capital of West Sumatra, 36 kilometers from New York City, 27 kilometers from Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital.

Maninjau This is a volcanic lake located at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level. Maninjau extensive approximately 99.5 km² and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. Cekungannya formed due to volcanic eruption called Sitinjau (according to local legend), it can be seen from the shape of the hills around the lake that resembles like a wall. According to legend in Minang, where Lake Maninjau is closely related to the Nine Single story.

Lake Maninjau is a source of water to the river named Rod Sri Antokan. In one part of the lake which is upstream from Sri Antokan Batang Hydropower Maninjau there. The highest peak around Lake Maninjau diperbukitan known as Puncak Lawang. To be able to reach Lake Maninjau if from Bukittinggi it will pass a winding road known as Curved 44 along approximately 10 km from Ambun morning to Maninjau.

The lake is listed as the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in West Sumatra, Maninjau is the second largest lake after Lake Batur which has an area of ​​129.69 km² located in two districts of Tanah Datar and Solok district. Around Lake Maninjau are tourist facilities, like hotels (Maninjau Indah Hotel, Pasir Panjang Permai) as well as lodging and restaurants.

Mentawai islands
Mentawai Islands are a cluster of islands that are geographically located in the Indian Ocean and administratively into the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Mentawai Islands are on the west side of the province of West Sumatra. Mentawai natives have different cultures with the Minangkabau because of separate by the sea.

Mentawai Islands has four large islands items, namely:

Siberut Island
Sipora Island
North Pagai Island
South Pagai Island
and Several smaller islands.
The Mentawai Islands sea area there are Several straits, Among others:

Mentawai Strait, the strait that separates the island of Sumatra in the Mentawai Islands
Siberut Strait, the strait that separates the island of Siberut Island Sipora
Sipora Strait, the strait that separates the island of Sipora with North Pagai Island
Sikakap Strait, the strait that separates Pualau North Pagai and South Pagai Island
Strait Sanding
Since 1999, the Mentawai Islands region confirmed as a district called the Mentawai Islands with a capital city in the Old Pejat.

Batur Lake
This lake has an area of ​​107.8 km² and is the 2nd largest lake on the island of Sumatra. This lake is upstream Trunk Ombilin. However sebahagian lake water is channeled through a tunnel cut through the Bukit Barisan to Batang Anai to drive hydroelectric generators Batur [1] in the near Lubuk Alung, Padang district Pariaman.Danau Batur is located at the geographic location coordinates of 0, 36 degrees south latitude (LS) and 100, 3 East longitude (BT) with a height of 363.5 meters above sea level (masl). Batur Lake water surface area reached 11,200 hectares with a maximum length of 20 kilometers and a width of 6.5 kilometers and a depth of 268 meters. The lake has an area of ​​water flow along 1,076 kilometers with rainfall 82 to 252 melimeter per bulan.Ikan bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) is a species of fish are estimated to only live in this lake, and became one of the specialties. Research experts revealed 19 species of freshwater fish living in habitats Lake Batur, Solok and Tanah Datar district, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), with the limited availability of food materials.

Of the 19 species, three species of which have a high density of population, namely fish Bilih / Biko (Mystacoleusus padangensis Blkr), Asang / Nilem (Osteochilus brachmoides) and Rinuak. Other fish species that live in Lake Batur is, Turiak / turiq (Cyclocheilichthys de Zwani), Lelan / Nillem (Osteochilis vittatus), Sasau / Barau (Hampala mocrolepidota) and Gariang / Tor (Tor tambroides).

Then, Kapiek fish species (Puntius shwanefeldi) and Balinka / Belingkah (Puntius Belinka), Baung (Macrones planiceps), Kalang (Clarias batrachus), Jabuih / Buntal (Tetradon mappa), Kalai / Carp (carp Osphronemus lac) and Puyu / Betok (Anabas testudeneus).

Furthermore, fish species sapek / Snakeskin (Trichogaster trichopterus), Tilan (Mastacembelus unicolor), Jumpo / Cork (Chana striatus), Kiuang / Cork (Chana pleurothalmus) and Mujaie / Mujair (Tilapia pleurothalmus).

With only 19 species of fish that live in Lake Batur shows the diversity of fish in places that are not are too high. Lake Batur mesogotrofik condition that causes this habitat carrying capacity for the development and growth of aquatic organisms such as plankton and Betos, very terbatas.Dari several times research shows plankton and Betos in Lake Batur very rendah.Padahal community of plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton) is the basis of the formation of a food chain and play a pivotal role in an ecosystem danau.Kondisi, causing the main source of nutrients naturally fish generally are various types of plankton and benthos.

hours gadang
Clock Tower is the name for the tower clock located in the center of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This clock has a clock tower with a large measure on the four sides so-called Clock Tower, designation Minangkabau language meaning "big clock".

Apart from being the center of Dublin city bookmarks, Clock Tower has also been used as a tourist attraction with the expansion of the park around the tower's clock. The park became a good community interaction spaces on weekdays and on holidays. The events of a general nature usually organized around a park near the clock tower

Sawahlunto is one of the cities in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The town is located 95 km northeast of the city of Padang, surrounded by three districts in West Sumatra, namely Tanah Datar, Solok district, and the district Sijunjung. Sawahlunto has an area of ​​273.45 km² which consists of 4 districts with a population of more than 54,000 inhabitants. During the government of the Dutch East Indies, Sawalunto city is known as a coal mining town. This town was dead, after coal mining stopped.

Today, the city developed into a tourist town Sawahlunto old multi-ethnic, thus becoming one of the best old city in Indonesia. The town, founded in 1888, many standing buildings from the Netherlands. Some have been designated as cultural heritage by the local government in order to encourage tourism and Sawahlunto launched into "Travel City Mine Cultured" Embryo dijadikannya Sawahlunto as a city associated with the research conducted by several Dutch geologist inland Minangkabau (then known as Plateau Padang), as assigned by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies. The first study conducted by Ir. C. De Groot van Embden in 1858, followed by Ir. Willem Hendrik de Greve in 1867. In the study De Greve, it is known that there are 200 million tons of coal contained in Batang flow Ombilin, one of the rivers in Sawahlunto. Since the study was announced to Batavia in 1870, the Dutch East Indies government began planning the construction of facilities and infrastructure to facilitate the exploitation of coal in Sawahlunto. Furthermore Sawahlunto also be used as a town in 1888, precisely on December 1, which was then set as Day Sawahlunto.

The city began producing coal since 1892. Along with that, the city started to become a residential area miners, and continues to develop into a small town with a population that essentially are employees and miners. Until 1898, the mine in Sawahlunto still rely narapaidana are forced to work to mine and paid a pittance. In 1889, the Dutch East Indies government began to build a railway line to the city of Padang to facilitate the transport of coal out of Sawahlunto. The railway line reached Sawahlunto in 1894, so since freight trains began operating coal production in this city continue to increase until it reaches hundreds of thousands of tons per year and many western Sumatra tour you must visit


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