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Friday, June 19, 2015

welcome to the beautiful West Java Indonesia

Kawah Putih is a tourist spot in West Java which is located in Ciwidey. White crater is a lake formed from the eruption of Mount Patuha. Soil mixed with sulfur around the crater is white, and the color of water in the crater is greenish-white color, which is unique from this crater is sometimes discolored water. The crater is located at an altitude +2090 m below the peak / highest point of Mount Patuha.Letusan great by Patuha in the 10th century led many to assume that this location is haunted region because every bird that flew past the region will die. Because of these beliefs, no one dared to approach the region until finally in 1837 there was an expert named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn who decided to go to the top of Patuha for the sake of science.

Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn reached the top Patuha and from there he saw there a white lake menyegat with the smell of sulfur. Since then, the existence of the White crater became famous and in 1987 the government began to develop as a wisata.Untuk White crater to crater white visitors can use the travel route as follows: Visitors from outside Bandung menggunnakan four-wheeled vehicles can pass through the toll lane Exit door Kopo , passing Sayati and continued to Soreang, from Soreang we visit to Ciwidey and arrived at the location of the white crater. Route alternatives can use the toll lanes Stone Fruit.

As for tourists who use public transport, access to the white crater reached by using a terminal lines Leuwi Long - proceed to the terminal Ciwidey - location Kawah Putih

tangkuban mountain boat in West Java Indonesia
Tangkuban Parahu or Mount Maras is one of the mountain located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of Bandung, with lush pine trees and the surrounding expanse of tea plantations, Mount Maras have as high an altitude of 2,084 meters. This is a mountain shape Stratovulcano with eruptive center moved from east to west. Rock types are mostly issued by the eruption of lava and sulfur, sulfur minerals released are sulfur, a mineral that is issued when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. Maras Mountain area managed by the Corporation of Forestry. The average daily temperature is 17 ° C at 2 ° C during the day and at night.

Maras has a mountain forest area Dipterokarp Hill, Upper Dipterokarp forest, Montane forests, and forest or forest Ericaceous gunung.Asal genesis of Mount Maras associated with Sangkuriang legend, told in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi / Rarasati. To thwart his intentions to marry her, Dayang Sumbi stipulating that Sangkuriang create a lake and a boat overnight. When his efforts failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat that landed in the state overturned. The boat is then formed Tangkuban Perahu.

Tangkuban Perahu This includes an active volcano whose status is monitored continuously by the Indonesian Directorate of Volcanology. Some crater is still showing signs of liveliness this mountain. Among the signs of volcanic activity of this is the emergence of sulfur gas and other sources of hot water at the foot of the mountain, among which are in kasawan Ciater, Subang. Tangkuban Perahu had experienced a small eruption in 2006, which led to three people slightly injured.

The existence of this mountain and shape in the form of Bandung basin topography with hills and mountains on each side reinforces the theory of the existence of a large lake which is now the Bandung area. Believed by geologists that the Bandung plateau region with an altitude of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of a large lake formed by the damming of Ci Tarum by the eruption of an ancient volcano known as Mount Sunda and Tangkuban Perahu is a remnant of ancient Mount Sunda which is still active. This phenomenon can be seen in Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and the area of ​​Ngorongoro in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend Sangkuriang which is the region's public story is believed to be a documentation of the area of ​​Mount Sunda Ancient society to the events at the time.

botanical garden Bogor in West Java Indonesia
Kebun Raya Bogor or Bogor Botanical Garden is a huge botanical garden located in Bogor, Indonesia. The wide reach 87 hektaree and has a collection of 15,000 types of trees and plants.

Currently Bogor Botanical Gardens visited as a tourist, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. In the vicinity of the Garden scattered centers of science, namely Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor Zoological Museum, and References.

King Geusan ulun museum in West Java Indonesia
Relics of historic objects and items heirloom Ancestors Sumedang, since the kings of the Kingdom of Sumedang Disallow and Regent-regent who ruled ancient Sumedang District, is a collection of proud and great meaning for all of us, especially for families Sumedang.

A collection of these objects are stored in the Foundation of Prince Sumedang since 1955.

There arose an idea, want to show Sumedang community in particular and society in general outside of Sumedang, that formerly contained in Sumedang great kingdom of the Kingdom of Sumedang Disallow, by looking at the relics of the kings and so on.

The idea met with confidence by the family, then planned to make a museum. Having conducted thorough preparations and planning, five years after 1968 was finally set, the exact date of November 11, 1973 Family Museum stands.

The Museum was named the Museum Foundation of Prince Sumedang, and managed directly by the Foundation of Prince Sumedang. In 1974, in Sumedang History Seminar held by historians as West Java and followed historian of the Foundation of Prince Sumedang, the seminar discussed the name of the museum Sumedang. Proposed name of the museum is a character in the history of Sumedang, it agreed last name King Sumedang Disallow who ruled the kingdom of Sumedang Disallow of the year 1578 - 1601, the King Geusan Oeloen.

Then the name of the museum into a museum of King Geusan Ulun with a new spelling to facilitate a new generation to read.

Building used for a museum that is building Srimanganti, Earth Kaler, Building and Building Gendeng Gamelan. In 1980, the Government through the Department of Museum and Antiquities Bureau of Culture of West Java, reached up and restore Srimanganti Building and Earth Kaler.

On Wednesday April 21, 1982, the Director General of Culture Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. DR. Haryati Soebadio, inaugurated and handed over two buildings completely refurbished to the Foundation of Prince Soil and shelter under Momenten Ordonnatie Number 19 Year 1931 (State Gazette Year 1931 No. 238).

King Geusan Ulun museum is located in the city center Sumedang, 50 meters from the Square to the south, adjacent to the Crooked House or the State House and dealing with buildings Pemerintah.Jarak of Bandung 45 kilometers, while the distance of 85 kilometers Cirebon, mileage of Bandung 1 hour, while from Cirebon 2 hours

isola villa in West Java Indonesia
Villa Isola is building villas located in the northern outskirts of the city of Bandung. Located on high ground, on the left side of the road to Lembang (Jln. Setiabudhi), the building was used by the Teachers' Training College (Institute of Teacher Training and Education) Bandung, which is now the Indonesian Education University-UPI). Villa Isola is one of the Art Deco architectural style buildings that are often found in Bandung.

Villa Isola was built in 1933, belonged to a wealthy Dutchman named Dominique Willem Berretty. Then the luxury buildings used as residences was sold and became part of the Savoy Homann Hotel. Subsequent developments, he made Building Teachers' Training College (now UPI) and used as the office of the rector.

A special publication at the time of the Dutch East Indies to the villa is written by Ir. W. Leimei, a Dutch architect. In this publication, Leimei said that in Batavia when urbanization began to occur, many people set up a villa on the outskirts of the city with classic architectural style but always adapt well to nature and ventilation, windows and alleys that serve as thermal insulation sun. It is also embraced by the Villa Isola in Bandung. During the Japanese occupation, this building was used as a temporary residence of the General Hitoshi Imamura just before the final agreement with the Government Kalijati Indies in Kalijati, Subang, in March 1942. The house was built on the design of the Dutch architect who worked in the Dutch East Indies Prof. Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker.

The building of modern architecture by incorporating traditional concepts with Java architecture wheelbase cosmic philosophy north-south as well as the Main Building ITB and Gedung Sate. Cosmic orientation is reinforced with garden extends in front of this building which is perpendicular to the transverse axis of the building kearang Mount Maras. The three-story building, with the bottom floor is lower than the surface of the highway, due to the uneven topography. Sphere around a large open area, created garden terraces follow the curved surface of the soil. Angle arch-arch forming a quarter circle. Overall the building and the park like water surging arising from objects falling from above, so that this building is the architectural adjustments between buildings on the environment.

Part villa facing north and south are used for bedrooms, living rooms, and dining room; each equipped with wide glass windows and doors, so that residents can enjoy the beautiful scenery around it. Beautiful scenery can also be observed from the terrace take advantage of reinforced concrete flat roof above the third floor.

In the rear garden there is a pool with a pergola for orchids, roses and equipped with a tennis court. In front of the north far apart from the main building consists of a service unit stationed garage for several cars, homes driver, waiter, warehouses and others.

Entrance gate to the villa complex is made of stone combined with iron to form horizontal and vertical planes. Once through the gate and the asphalt road is wide enough, there is the main entrance is protected from heat and rain with flat portal of reinforced concrete. Following the arches on the wall, floor plans arched portal also form part of the circle on the right side. The tip of the intersection of two arches supported by a single column that is similar to parts of the house Toraja (tongkonan). Once through the main door there is vestibulae as homes in Europe generally.

The reception rooms are behind the main entrance in addition to work for a coat, umbrella sticks, and others as well as a transitional space between outer space with space inside. From the vestibule to the left and to the right there is a circular staircase that follows the shape of the building as a whole. This ladder is constantly up to the roof.


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