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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

welcome to the beautiful Indonesian West Kalimantan

pontianak city is the provincial capital of West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The city is known as the Equator because

passed the equator. In the north of the city is, precisely Siantan, there Equator Monument which was built on the spot

passed the equator. In addition, the city of Pontianak also passed Kapuas River, the longest river in Indonesia and

Porcupine River. Kapuas River and Porcupine River which divides the city logo symbolized in Pontianak. This town

has an area of ​​107.82 kilometers persegi.Nama Pontianak derived from the Malay language is believed related

with a story that Syarif Abdurrahman often plagued by ghosts Kuntilanak when he along Kapuas River. According to

story, Syarif Abdurrahman forced to open fire cannon to repel ghosts while indicating where

cannon that fell, then that's where the region empire was founded. Cannonball went down near the river persimpang

Kapuas River and Porcupine, which is now known as Kampung BetingKota Pontianak is located on Line Tracks

Equator with an altitude ranging between 0.1 to 1.5 meters above sea level. City separated by the river

Kapuas Large, Small Kapuas River and Porcupine River. Thus Pontianak City is divided into three parts.

The structure of the city is a layer of peat former silt Kapuas River. Achieved a new layer of clay

at a depth of 2.4 meters above sea level. Pontianak city including tropical climate with high temperatures (28-32 ° C and

noon 30 ° C).

The average relative humidity in the area of ​​the city of Pontianak maximum 99.58% and minimum 53% with an average irradiation

solar minimum 53% and maximum 73%.

The amount of rainfall in Pontianak ranging between 3000-4000 mm per year. Most rainfall (in wet) fall

in May and October, while the smallest precipitation (dry months) fell in July. The mean number of rainy days

average per month ranges from 15 days

city ​​singkawang

Singkawang or San Keuw Jong (Hanzi: ??? hanyu pinyin: Shankou that) is a city (municipality) in Kalimantan

Barat, Indonesia. It is located about 145 km north of the city of Pontianak, the provincial capital of West Kalimantan,

and surrounded by mountains Pasi, Poteng, and Sakok. The name comes from the Hakka Singkawang, San khew jong

referring to a town in the hills near the sea and estuari.Awalnya Singkawang is a village part of the territory

Sambas Sultanate, Singkawang village as a haven traders and gold miners from Monterado. Miners

and traders who mostly come from China, before they head resting on the first Monterado

Singkawang, while gold miners who had long Monterado often rested in Singkawang to take off

kepenatannya and Singkawang as well as the transit transportation of gold mining (gold dust). At that time, they

(The Chinese) call Singkawang San Keuw words Jong (Hakka), they assume that the geographical terms

Singkawang directly adjacent to the Natuna sea and there are mountains and rivers, where the water flows from

mountains through the river to the mouth of the sea. Seeing the development of Singkawang were assessed by their considerable

promises, so that between the miners switched professions there are farmers and traders in Singkawang

The miners eventually stayed and settled in Singkawang.

ketapan West Kalimantan
Ketapang district is one of the second-level regions in the province of West Kalimantan. The capital of the district is located in

Ketapang city, a city located on the banks of the River Pawan. This district has an area of ​​31240.74 km² and

inhabited by 427 460 Life (2010) .At the reign of the Dutch East Indies, since 1936 Ketapang is

one area (section) which is part of the residency of West Kalimantan (Residente Western Afdeling van

Borneo) with the central government in London. Ketapang when it is divided into three Onder Afdeling,

that is:

Sukadana, based in Sukadana
Matan Downstream, based in Ketapang
Matan Hulu, based in Nanga Tayap
Onder Afdeling each headed by a district officer.

Each Onder Afdeling subdivided into Onder District, namely:

Sukadana consists of Onder District Sukadana, Simpang Simpang Downstream and Upstream
Downstream consists of Onder Matan Matan Hilir District and Kendawangan
Matan Upstream consists of Onder District Sandai, Nanga Tayap, tumbles Titi and Marau
Onder District each headed by an assistant district officer.

Ketapang section consists of three kingdoms, namely:

Matan kingdom which oversees Onder Afdeling Matan Matan Downstream and Upstream
Sukadana kingdom which oversees Onder District Sukadana
Kingdom who oversees Onder District Simpang Simpang Simpang Downstream and Upstream
Each kingdom led by a Panembahan. Until 1942, these regions led by:

Matan empire by Gusti Muhammad Saunan
Sukadana empire by Tengku Betung
Simpang empire by Gusti MesirMasa Dutch East Indies government ended with the arrival of Japanese troops in the year

1942. During the Japanese occupation, Ketapang still remain in the status Afdeling, only leaders

directly taken over by the Japanese.

Japanese occupation government that ended his rule in 1945 was replaced by the Government of the Netherlands Army

(NICA). At this time the existing form of government before they passed. Afdeling the Ketapang district status

enhanced with stard Blood 1948 No. 58 with the recognition of the existence of the autonomous government. At that time the district

Ketapng divided into three autonomous governments, namely Sukadana, Simpang and Matan, then all of the autonomous regions

there are combined into a federation.

Ketapang during the formation of the Republic of Indonesia Government is Based on Law No. 25 year

1956 which establishes the status of Ketapang District as part of the Autonomous Region of West Kalimantan Province, led by

a regent.


Sanggau is one of the second-level region in the province of West Kalimantan. Sanggau is one

The region is located in the middle and in the northern part of West Kalimantan province with an area of ​​12857.70 area

km² with a density of 29 inhabitants per km². Judging from geographical location Sanggau district lies between 1 ° 10 'latitude

North and 0 ° 35 'south latitude and between 109 ° 45', 111 ° 11 'east longitude. This area is the birthplace

Governor of West Kalimantan today, Cornelis MHKontrak 1756, Sultan Tamjidullah I of Banjarmasin with VOC-Dutch

Sanggau enroll in the sphere of influence of the Sultanate of Banjarmasin. According to the Statute van Nederlandisch Indie 1849,

This region included in the wester-afdeeling based BêsSuku nation in this area are:

Dayak Bidayuh in District Noyan, Sekayam, Kembayan, Sanggau, and Beduai, Jangkang
Dayak tribe in most of the District Sekayam Kerambay and Entikong
Mali Dayak tribe in the District Hall, Tayan Upstream, Downstream Tayan, Teraju, Parindu, and Sanggau
Dayak village in the district of Toba, Sanggau
Pandu Dayak tribe in most sub-district and Kapuas Parindu
Dayak tribe in most of the District Parindu Ribun, Tayan Hulu, Bonti, Kembayan, and Meliau
Dayak Iban in most areas of the border with Sarawak, Malaysia
Ethnic Chinese in most areas Sanggau
Malay tribes scattered throughout the region Sanggau [need citation needed]
In addition to the local tribes there are also other tribes who are newcomers, such as:

Javanese Ethnic
Batak Tribe
Minang tribe
Tribe Bima
Floresluit tribe van den Minister van Staat, Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indie, on August 27, 1849,
Penjamur hill Bengkayang
This hill is not too high, only about 900 meters above sea level. Located in Bengkayang, which can be reached about 4

Hours overland from Pontianak, this hill is becoming a prima donna among nature lovers in the province. With tracks

which is not too difficult and access into an easily accessible, Penjamur Hill offers views of the sea of ​​clouds and

sunrise is spectacular.

Monday, July 13, 2015

welcome in eastern Java beautiful and majestic

Mount Bromo (from Sanskrit: Brahma, one of the main Hindu gods), the volcano is still active and best known as a tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Mount Bromo become attractive because of its status as the volcano is still active. Mount Bromo is included in the area of ​​Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.Bromo has a height of 2,329 meters above sea level it was in four areas, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Malang. Mount Bromo shape mesh between valleys and canyons with the caldera or the ocean of sand covering about 10 square kilometers.

Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of ​​a circle with a radius of 4 km from the center of the crater Bromo.Gunung Bromo is one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia, precisely in East Java and covers four counties, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Malang. As the volcano is still active, so Bromo-known tourist destination in East Java and almost never empty every day.His status is still active makes Mount Bromo become more attractive in the eyes of tourists. Mount Bromo altitude of 2392 meters above sea level and has a body shape mesh between valleys and canyons with the caldera or sea surrounded by vast sand approximately 5,300 hectares.Mount Bromo is famous as a tourist icon probolinggo most beautiful and most visited. The word "Bromo" comes from the word "Brahma" is one of the Gods of Hinduism. Mount Bromo is not as large as other volcanoes in Indonesia, but the scenery is fabulous Bromo once. The beauty of Mount Bromo extraordinary make tourists amazed.Penanjakan peak at an altitude of 2,780 m, tourists can see the sunrise at Bromo Tourism. Beautiful scenery, many people want to immortalize this precious moment. At sunrise seen from the top of a very remarkable climbing visitors can see the foreground of Mount Semeru which will remove smoke visible from a distance and the sun will shine bright rose into the sky.

Sampoerna (refer to the word "perfect") is the name of a family in Surabaya, East Java, which is a pioneer PT HM Sampoerna Tbk, the largest cigarette company in Indonesia. The first generation of this family is Seeng Tee, who migrated to Indonesia from his hometown in Fujian, People's Republic of China in cigarette 1898.Dialah who founded the company in 1913. The second generation is Aga Sampoerna, the son of Liem, while the third generation is the Son Sampoerna. The next generation led by Michael, the son of the Sampoerna family Putera.Sejarah began when Seeng Tee was born in China in 1893. He is the son of Liem tioe and Tan Sie Nio. This small family stayed and settled in a small village in the region of Anxi, Tiongkok.Pada severe winter in 1897, Tan Sie Nio suddenly died, leaving Seeng Tee which at that time was 5 years old and 6 year old sister tahun.Sepeninggal his wife, Liem tioe decided to leave Anxi in 1898.Ia brings with two children and all family possessions in the basket and moving toward Amoy. From there, he sailed to Penang

Arriving in Penang, he discovered that the city is less aman.Penang then diselemuti chaos due to conflict between immigrants and government, as well as disputes between the members of the community Tionghoa.Liem Tiou decided to move again and sail to Surabaya, East Java, but when he tried book tickets ship, he realized that he did not have enough money. He finally decides to give his daughter to a family adoption Hokkien and earn money from there

With the money he could, he and his son can sail 621 miles through the Strait of Malacca to East Java, which was then controlled by the Dutch East Indies But six months after arriving there, Liem tioe kolera.Menjelang died of his death, he left his son , Seeng Tee, into a family Hokkien in Bojonegoro.Karena limitations, Seeng Tee do not attend school. However, during the stay in this family, Seeng Tee learn both languages ​​Mandarin.Di Hokkien and here he also helped her step family business soy sauce, and learn how to do business from there

At the age of eleven, Seeng Tee decided to stay in place lain.Ia work in a small restaurant and live there in conditions completely keterbatasan.Ia paid with the salary is very low and at night he slept on a table in some old sana.Setelah , he decided to change jobs to get better income and even restaurant owners agree to give a little money to him, he used the money to buy a used bicycle and start selling coal in Surabaya

After some time, he decided to stop selling coal and turned into food vendors for lower-class passengers on the train. For eighteen months, without a day off, Seeng Tee selling on trains that operate between Surabaya and Jakarta, selling bread and food dikantungkan in its sheath. After that, he was employed by the railway company to serve first-class passengers who are mostly Dutch citizens, and there he learned Dutch.

mpu museum Tantular sidoarjo

State Museum MPU Tantular, is a country museum located in the district Buduran, Sidoarjo, East Java. The museum was originally named the Stedelijk Historisch Museum Soerabaia, founded by Godfried von Faber in 1933 and was inaugurated on July 25, 1937. Currently, the museum is managed by the Technical Implementation Unit at the Ministry of Culture and the founding of the State Museum Pariwisata.Cikal MPU Tantular is the establishment cultural institutions Stedelijk Historisch Museum Soerabaia by Godfried Hariowald von Faber, a German citizen of Surabaya, in 1933, which was inaugurated on July 25, 1937.

Efforts to expand the museum accomplished by obtaining a new building in Jalan Simpang (now Jalan Pemuda Surabaya 3) and financed by funds collected from the public. Tata room this museum has a collection room, library, office, auditorium. They lead to improvements museum, Von Faber held many international relations. But before his goal is reached, Von Faber died on September 30 of 1955.

After the death of von Faber, the museum is not maintained, collections many broken and missing. Then the museum is managed by the Public Education Foundation. In 1964, the museum is to obtain funding from the Foundation Mr. Prof. Dr. M. Soetopo. After the establishment of the Directorate of Museum in the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Government's attention to the museum run Public Education Foundation becomes more serious.

General Education Museum opened in public on May 23, 1972 and inaugurated with the name "Museum of East Java". Furthermore, the initiative arose to submit this to the Cultural Institute of the Provincial Government of East Java. In the process of nationalization, Public Education Foundation in cooperation with representatives of Museum Development Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture. With the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, dated February 13, 1974 No. 040 / C / 1974, the Museum of East Java status of the State Museum. It was conducted November 1, 1974 with the handover of the Chairman of the Public Education Foundation for Culture R. Banu Iskandar to the Director General of Culture Prof. Dr. I.B. Mantra. Furthermore, East Java museum was inaugurated with the name "State Museum of East Java MPU Tantular" with 3 locations in Jalan Pemuda Surabaya. Due to the increase in the collection, in mid-1975 Museum moved to a larger place on Jalan Taman Mayangkara No. 6 Surabaya, which was inaugurated on August 12, 1977 by East Java Governor Sunandar Priyosudarmo. Furthermore, on May 14, 2004 occupies a fixed location on Jl. Raya Buduran, Sidoarjo (west Flyover Buduran).

singosari temple

Singasari Singhasari temple or temple or temple is a Hindu temple Singosari - historical heritage Buddhist kingdom located in the village Singhasari Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.Ways of making this Singhasari temple with a system of stone piled up to a certain height andhesit subsequently forwarded by carving out of new top down to the bottom. (Not like building a house as it is today). The temple is located in the village Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang, (about 10km from the city of Malang) lies in the valley between the Tengger mountains and Mount Arjuna at an altitude of 512 m above sea level.

waterfall sedudo

Niagara Roro Kuning is a waterfall located about 27-30 km south of the city Nganjuk, at an altitude of 600 m above sea level and has a height of between 10-15 m. This waterfall flows from three sources in the vicinity of Mount Wilis flowing vines on the sidelines padas rocks under pine forest trees. Then become waterfalls that make up the trident. And because the process flow that the villagers of Bajulan named waterfall climbing.

Besides the natural beauty, waterfalls Roro Kuning also has historical value. Around this location there is a monument struggle General Sudirman. The monument was built to commemorate the struggle General Sudirman when he led a guerrilla war against the Dutch in 1949.

Besides menumen, in this place there is also a very simple house during the first struggle was occupied Panglima Sudirman for one week. That's why in addition to enjoying the natural beauty, visitors to the waterfall Roro Yellow can also at the same time remembering the struggle Panglima Sudirman.

According to legend, the name is derived from the Yellow Roro Routing and Roro Kuning, two princess who comes from the kingdom of Kadiri and royal ruling Dhoho around 11-12 century AD The original name is Dewi Kilisuci Ruting, while the original name of the Goddess Roro Kuning is Sekartaji ,

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

welcome to tour the most beautiful in Central Java, Indonesia

Borobudur temple
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang, 86 km to the west of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Stupa-shaped temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple or shrine in the world, and one of the largest Buddhist monument in the world.

This monument consists of six square terraces on which there are three circular courtyard, the walls are decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 statues originally contained Buddha.Borobudur has the most complete collection of Buddhist reliefs and highest in the largest main dunia.Stupa teletak in the middle once crowned the building This, surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated stupas in which there is a statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly with mudra (hand gesture) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).

This monument is a model of the universe and built as a shrine to honor Buddha also functions as a place of pilgrimage to lead mankind to switch from natural lust to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha. The pilgrims enter through the east side begin the ritual at the base of the temple with the walk this sacred building circling clockwise, while continuing to ascend to the next steps through the three levels of the realm in Buddhist cosmology. The third level is Kamadhatu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (the realm of intangibles), and Arupadhatu (formless realm). In this journey the pilgrim goes through a series of hallways and stairs with witnessing no less than 1,460 beautiful relief panels carved on the walls and balustrades.

According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th century as the weakening of the influence of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in Java as well as begin the influence Islam.Dunia began to realize the existence of this building since it was discovered in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who was then serving as Governor General England on Java. Since then Borobudur has suffered a series of rescue and restoration efforts. The largest restoration project was held in the period 1975 to 1982 for the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and UNESCO, then this historic site included in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; each year Buddhists who come from all over Indonesia and abroad gathered at Borobudur to celebrate Vesak Trisuci. In the world of tourism, tourism Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited by tourists.

sights dieng

Dieng is a plateau region in Central Java, who entered the district Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. It lies to the west of the complex of Mount Sindoro and Sumbing.

Dieng is an active volcanic region and can be said to be a giant volcano crater with some craters. Average altitude is about 2,000 m above sea level. Temperatures range from 12-20 ° C in daytime and 6-10 ° C at night. In the dry season (July and August), temperatures can reach 0 ° C in the morning and bring frost by the locals called bun upas ("dew poison") because it causes damage to agricultural crops.

Administratively, the region of the village of Dieng Dieng Kulon, District Batur, Banjarnegara and Dieng ("Dieng Wetan"), District Kejajar, Wonosobo. This region is one of the most remote regions in Central Java.
sam poo kong semarang
Gedung Batu temple Sam Po Kong is a petilasan, which is the former site of the first landing a stopover and Moslem Chinese admiral named Zheng He / Cheng Ho. Located in the area Simongan, southwest of Semarang. Signs that show as a former petilasan, characterized by the discovery keislamanan text reads "let a moment of silence to listen to the recitation of the Qur'an".

Stone building called because of its shape is a huge Batu Caves are situated on a rock, the Indonesian Chinese descent assume that the building was a temple - given the shape of the building architecture chinese so like a temple. Now the place is used as a memorial and a place of worship or worship as well as a place for pilgrimage. For this purpose, in the cave was placed on an altar stone, as well as statues of Sam Po Tay Djien. Whereas admiral Cheng Ho was a Muslim, but by them is considered a god. This is understandable in view of Confucianism or Tau assume people who have died can provide aid to them.

According to the story, Admiral Zheng He sailed past the Java Sea, but when crossing the Java sea, many crew members who fall sick, then he ordered to drop anchor. Then docked to the north coast semarang to take refuge in a Goa and establish a mosque on the waterfront that now has changed into a temple. The building has now been located in the city center of Semarang on the north coast of Java akibatkan always experienced silting process that causes the sedimentation process so that the mainland will gradually increasingly expanding towards the north.

That said, after Zheng He left the scene because he had to continue his voyage, many crew members who live in villages Simongan and mating with the locals. They bersawah and farming on the ground. Zheng He gives lessons planting and spreading the teachings of Islam, in this temple also contained Graveyard of Ships Mudi A spokesman Admiral Cheng Ho.

Lawang Sewu
Lawang Sewu (Indonesian: a thousand doors) is building a historic building in Indonesia, located in the city of Semarang, Central Java. This building, which was formerly the office of the Nederlands-Indische Maatschappij Spoorweg or NIS. Built in 1904 and was completed in 1907. Located in Tugu Muda roundabout formerly called Wilhelminaplein.

Local people call Lawang Sewu because the building has a door that very much, although in reality, the number of the door does not reach a thousand. The building has many windows are tall and wide, so that people often take it as a door (mace).

Ancient buildings and magnificent two-story after independence used as offices Department of Railways Indonesian republic (DKARI) or now PT Kereta Api Indonesia. Moreover once used as the Office of National Infrastructures Regional Military Command (Kodam IV / Diponegoro) and Regional Office (Regional Office) Ministry of Transportation Central Java. During the struggle of this building has its own historical records that during a five-day event in Semarang Battle (14 October to 19 October 1945). The old building became a great battle sites between youth AMKA or Young Generation Railways against Kempeitai and Kidobutai, Japan. Therefore the City of Semarang Mayor Decree Number. 650/50/1992, enter Lawang Sewu as one of the 102 ancient or historic buildings in the city of Semarang that should be protected.

Nowadays the old building has undergone a phase of conservation and revitalization undertaken by Conservation Unit objects and historic buildings PT Kereta Api Persero
and there are many tourist attractions in Central Java that you must visit