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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chile and abundance of charm

cerro san cristóbal
cerro san cristóbal
cerro san cristóbal

Cerro San Cristóbal (San Cristóbal Hill) is a hill in central-northern Santiago, Chile. It rises 880 m. AMSL and about 300 m. above the rest of Santiago; the peak is the second highest point in the city, after Cerro Renca. Cerro San Cristóbal was named by the Spanish-Chilean San Cristóbal family, although its original name is Tupahue (Mapudungun: place of god or gods). The San Cristóbal family held a quarry on the hill's south side, close to the Mapocho River. Limestone from the quarry was used in the building of the first containments of the Mapocho River and also in the construction of its bridges. San Cristobal is one of the main hills that make up Santiago's Metropolitan ParkCerro San Cristóbal began to be used within academic-scientific purposes in 1903 with the installation of the Mills Observatory, currently known as the Manuel Foster Observatory, twin of the Lick Observatory of the University of California.
On its summit there is a sanctuary dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, with a 22 meter statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, an amphitheater and a chapel. The statue of the Immaculate Conception measures 14 meters tall, and the pedestal on which it rests is 8.3 meters in height. It weighs 36,610 kilograms. Within the pedestal there is a small chapel in which Pope John Paul II prayed and blessed the city of Santiago on April 1, 1987. The statue is lit up at night by lights placed on its sides, allowing it to be viewed from all over Santiago both day and night.

At the foot of the statue there is an amphitheater for holding masses or other religious ceremonies. Near the statue, there is also a small chapel for praying.

At the foothills of Cerro San Cristóbal are the Chilean National Zoo and a Japanese-style garden, and up there are also two municipal pools, Tupahue and Antilén.

Cerro San Cristóbal houses Santiago's largest public park: the Santiago Metropolitan Park (Parque Metropolitano).

palacio de la moneda
palacio de la moneda
palacio de la moneda

Palacio de La Moneda (Spanish: [paˈlasjo ðe la moˈneða], Coin Palace), or simply La Moneda, is the seat of the President of the Republic of Chile. It also houses the offices of three cabinet ministers: Interior, General Secretariat of the Presidency and General Secretariat of the Government. It occupies an entire block in downtown Santiago, in the area known as Civic District between Moneda (North Side), Morandé (East), Alameda del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins (South) and Teatinos street (West)La Moneda, originally a colonial mint (Moneda means coin), was designed by Italian architect Joaquín Toesca.[1] Construction began in 1784 and was opened in 1805, while still under construction. The production of coins in Chile took place at La Moneda from 1814 to 1929.In June, 1845 during president Manuel Bulnes's administration, the palace became the seat of government and presidential residence. In 1930, a public square —named Plaza de la Constitución ("Constitution Square")— was built in front of the palace. After the presidency of Gabriel González Videla it ceased to serve as a presidential residence.

During the military coup d'état on September 11, 1973, the Chilean Air Force bombarded the palace at the request of the army. Reconstruction and restoration projects were completed on March 11, 1981, although some bullet marks have been preserved and can still be seen nowadays. During the 1973-1980 restorations, an underground office complex (the so-called "bunker") was built under the front square to provide a safe escape for then-President General Augusto Pinochet in case of an attack.

During President Ricardo Lagos's administration, the palace's inner courtyards were opened to the public during certain hours of the day. Lagos also re-opened Morandé 80 — a gate used by Chilean presidents to enter the palace since the early 20th century. It was eliminated during the restoration of the palace as not being in the original plans, but was restored because of the heavy symbolism attached to it as being the gate through which Chilean Presidents entered La Moneda skipping the main's gate guard protocol or, in other words, as ordinary citizens of the Republic. It was also the gate through which the body of President Allende was taken out after the 1973 coup.

cerro santa lucía

cerro santa lucía

Santa Lucía Hill (Spanish: Cerro Santa Lucía) is a small hill in the centre of Santiago, Chile. It is situated between Alameda del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins in the south, Santa Lucía Street in the west and Victoria Subercaseaux on the east. An adjacent metro station is named after it. The hill has an altitude of 629 m and a height of 69 m over the surrounding area. The hill is the remnant of a volcano 15 million years old.

The hill comprises a 65,300 square metre park adorned with ornate facades, stairways and fountains. At the highest point there is a viewpoint popular with tourists visiting the city.It was originally called Huelén by the pre-colonization inhabitants. However, the current name comes from the day in which Pedro de Valdivia conquered the hill, on December 13, 1541. That day celebrates "Santa Lucía."

Its first use by its conquerors was as a point of reconnaissance, or a lookout in the years of the Conquista (1541).

In 1816, the Brigadier of the Royal Engineers Manuel Olaguer Feliú, proceeded to draw and build on the Santa Lucía Hill, two forts or castles, one north and another south of the hill, built of stone and lime and able to put eight or twelve cannons each. Besides, Olaguer Feliú drew and built an outbuilding for ammunition depot and to house the garrison

On one side of the hill, Fort Hidalgo was finished in 1820 as a defensive point. On the other side, the hillside terrain was used as a "cemetery for the dissidents", people who did not follow the then-official Roman Catholic faith, or were considered otherwise unworthy of burial at hallowed grouonds. However, the remains buried in the hillside under this fashion were eventually transferred to a secluded section of the General Cemetery, before said cemetery, in turn, was opened to all burials regardless of creed or social condition.

In 1872 Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna decided to conduct a dramatic change to the urban atmosphere of the city of Santiago, among his many works aimed to improve the city, and thus initiated an extensive remodelation of the hill. The works of 1872 consisted of a road which crossed the hill, which at the top accessed a chapel which he also built there, illuminated by the then-novel means of gas. The rest of the hill contains a park with fountains and lookouts. The actual hill is watered by a sophisticated irrigation system. The now iconic yellow and white facade is also a product of Vicuña Mackenna's remodelation.

costanera mall
costanera mall

The Costanera Center is a business and commercial complex that includes a six-floor shopping mall, the Gran Torre Santiago and three other skyscrapers - two high-end hotels and an office building. The complex is located in the commune of Providencia, Santiago, Chile, and is owned by the holding Cencosud. The tallest of the four buildings, the Gran Torre Santiago, was designed by architect César Pelli and is 300 metres (980 ft) tall, making it the tallest building in Latin America and the second tallest in the Southern Hemisphere after Australia's Q1 on the Gold Coast at 322 metres (1,056 ft) tall. Of the two other buildings in the complex, one will be 170 metres (560 ft) high and the other only four stories.

Construction was put on hold in January 2009 as a consequence of the late 2000s recession, as the developers were concerned that they would not be able to find tenants if completed by the originally proposed date. After the recession reached its end, Cencosud announced the construction would resume on December 16, 2009.

The construction process restarted at the end of 2010. On February 14, 2012, the Gran Torre Santiago reached 300 meters and became the tallest building in South and Latin America

chile lauca national park
chile lauca national park

chile estación mapocho
chile estación mapocho

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Portuguese beautiful for the holidays

Jeronimos monastery lisbon portugal

Jeronimos monastery lisbon portugal

The Jerónimos Monastery or Hieronymites Monastery, (Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Portuguese pronunciation: [muʃˈtɐjɾu duʃ ʒɨˈɾɔnimuʃ]), is located near the shore of the parish of Belém, in the Lisbon Municipality, Portugal.

The monastery is one of the most prominent examples of the Portuguese Late Gothic Manueline style of architecture in Lisbon. It was classified a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the nearby Tower of Belém, in 1983The Jerónimos Monastery replaced the church formerly existing in the same place, which was dedicated to Santa Maria de Belém and where the monks of the military-religious Order of Christ provided assistance to seafarers in transit.The harbour of Praia do Restelo was an advantageous spot for mariners, with a safe anchorage and protection from the winds, sought after by ships entering the mouth of the Tagus.The existing structure was inaugurated on the orders of Manuel I (1469–1521) at the courts of Montemor o Velho in 1495, as a final resting-place for members of the House of Aviz, in his belief that an Iberian dynastic kingdom would rule after his death.In 1496, King Manuel petitioned the Holy See for permission to construct a monastery at the site. The Hermitage of Restelo (Ermida do Restelo), as the church was known, was already in disrepair when Vasco da Gama and his men spent the night in prayer there before departing on their expedition to the Orient in 1497

sao jorge castle lisbon
sao jorge castle lisbon

The Castle of São Jorge (Portuguese: Castelo de São Jorge; Portuguese pronunciation: [kɐʃˈtɛlu dɨ sɐ̃w̃ ˈʒɔɾʒ(ɨ)]) is a Moorish castle occupying a commanding hilltop overlooking the historic centre of the Portuguese city of Lisbon and Tagus River. The strongly fortified citadel dates from medieval period of Portuguese history, and is one of the main tourist sites of Lisbon.Although the first fortifications on this hilltop date to the 2nd century BC, archaeological excavations have identified a human presence in the Tagus valley as far back as the 6th century BC. The first fortification was, presumably, erected in 48 BC, when Lisbon was classified as a Roman municipality.

The hill was first used by indigenous Celtic tribes, then by Phoenicians, Greeks, and Carthaginians as a defensible outpost that was later expropriated by Roman, Suebic, Visigothic, and Moorish peoples. During the 10th century, the fortifications were rebuilt by Muslim Berber forces, these included the walls or Cerca Moura (Moorish Encirclment).

palacio nacional da pena
palacio nacional da pena

The Pena National Palace (Portuguese: Palácio Nacional da Pena) is a Romanticist palace in São Pedro de Penaferrim, in the municipality of Sintra, Portugal. The palace stands on the top of a hill above the town of Sintra, and on a clear day it can be easily seen from Lisbon and much of its metropolitan area. It is a national monument and constitutes one of the major expressions of 19th-century Romanticism in the world. The palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal. It is also used for state occasions by the President of the Portuguese Republic and other government officials.In 1493, King John II, accompanied by his wife Queen Leonor, made a pilgrimage to the site to fulfill a vow. His successor, King Manuel I, was also very fond of this sanctuary, and ordered the construction of a monastery on this site which was donated to the Order of Saint Jerome. For centuries Pena was a small, quiet place for meditation, housing a maximum of eighteen monks.

In the 18th century the monastery was severely damaged by lightning. However, it was the Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, occurring shortly afterwards, that took the heaviest toll on the monastery, reducing it to ruins. Nonetheless, the chapel (and its works of marble and alabaster attributed to Nicolau Chanterene) escaped without significant damage.For many decades the ruins remained untouched, but they still astonished young prince Ferdinand. In 1838, as King consort Ferdinand II, he decided to acquire the old monastery, all of the surrounding lands, the nearby Castle of the Moors and a few other estates in the area. King Ferdinand then set out to transform the remains of the monastery into a palace that would serve as a summer residence for the Portuguese royal family. The commission for the Romantic style rebuilding was given to Lieutenant-General and mining engineer Baron Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege. Eschwege, a German amateur architect, was much traveled and likely had knowledge of several castles along the Rhine river. The construction took place between 1842–1854, although it was almost completed in 1847: King Ferdinand and Queen Maria II intervened decisively on matters of decoration and symbolism. Among others, the King suggested vault arches, Medieval and Islamic elements be included, and he also designed an ornate window for the main façade (inspired by the chapter house window of the Convent of the Order of Christ in Tomar).
oceanario de lisboa
oceanario de lisboa

The Lisbon Oceanarium (Portuguese: Oceanário de Lisboa, pronounced: [osiɐˈnaɾiu dɨ liʒˈboɐ]) is an oceanarium in Lisbon, Portugal. It is located in the Parque das Nações, which was the exhibition grounds for the Expo '98. It is the largest indoor aquarium in Europe.The Lisbon Oceanarium has a large collection of marine species — penguins, seagulls and other birds; sea otters (mammals); sharks, rays, chimaeras, seahorses and other bony fish; crustaceans; starfish, sea urchins and other echinoderms; sea anemones, corals and other cnidaria; octopuses, cuttlefish, sea snails and other mollusks; amphibians; jellyfish; marine plants and terrestrial plants and other marine organisms totaling about 16,000 individuals of 450 species.The main exhibit is a 1,000 m2 (11,000 sq ft), 5,000 m3 (180,000 cu ft) tank with four large 49 m2 (530 sq ft) acrylic windows on its sides, and smaller focus windows strategically located around it to make sure it is a constant component throughout the exhibit space. It is 7 m (23 ft) deep, which lets pelagic swimmers to swim above the bottom dwellers, and providing the illusion of the open ocean. About 100 species from around the world are kept in this tank,including sharks, rays, barracudas, groupers, and moray eels. One of the main attractions is a large sunfish.

cathedral porto
cathedral porto

The Porto Cathedral (Portuguese: Sé do Porto), located in the historical centre of the city of Porto, Portugal, is one of the city's oldest monuments and one of the most important Romanesque monuments in Portugal

The current Cathedral of Porto underwent construction around 1110 under the patronage of Bishop Hugo and was completed in the 13th century, but there is evidence that the city has been a bishopric seat since the Suevi domination in the 5th-6th centuries.

The cathedral is flanked by two square towers, each supported with two buttresses and crowned with a cupola. The façade lacks decoration and is rather architecturally heterogeneous. It shows a Baroque porch and a beautiful Romanesque rose window under a crenellated arch, giving the impression of a fortified church.

The Romanesque nave is rather narrow and is covered by barrel vaulting. It is flanked by two aisles with a lower vault. The stone roof of the central aisle is supported by flying buttresses, making the building one of the first in Portugal to use this architectonic feature.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

the historical sights in argentina to your holiday

iguazu waterfalls
iguazu waterfalls
iguazu waterfalls

Iguazu name derived from the words in the language Guarani or Tupi y (IPA: [ɨ]) (water) and ûasú (IPA: [wa'su]) (large). Legend has it that the gods want to marry a woman named Naipí, who then went by her lover Tarobá in a canoe. Gods became angry and divide the river that creates a waterfalls and two of them fell into it. The first European to find this waterfall is a Spanish explorer Alvar Núñez Cabeza named Conquistador de Vaca in 1541, which is also enshrined in the name part of waterfalls on the Argentine side. This waterfall and then rediscovered by Boselli at the end of the 19th century, and one of the other waterfalls in the name of the Argentine side is named after his

colon theater buenos aires
colon theater buenos aires
colon theater buenos aires

The Teatro Colón (Spanish) (Colón Theatre) is the main opera house in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is ranked the third best opera house in the world by National Geographic,[1] and is acoustically considered to be amongst the five best concert venues in the world. The other venues are Berlin's Konzerthaus, Vienna's Musikverein, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, and Boston's Symphony Hall.

The present Colón replaced an original theatre which opened in 1857. Towards the end of the century it became clear that a new theatre was needed and, after a 20-year process, the present theatre opened on 25 May 1908, with Giuseppe Verdi's Aïda.

The Teatro Colón was visited by the foremost singers and opera companies of the time, who would sometimes go on to other cities including Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

After this period of huge international success, the theatre's decline became clear and plans were made for massive renovations. After an initial start of works to restore the landmark in 2005, the theatre was closed for refurbishment from October 2006 to May 2010. It re-opened on 24 May 2010, with a programme for the 2010 season.

argentina Jesuit block and estancias of córdoba
argentina Jesuit block and estancias of córdoba
argentina Jesuit block and estancias of córdoba

The Jesuit Block and Estancias of Córdoba (Spanish: Manzana Jesuítica y Estancias de Córdoba) are a former Jesuit reduction built by missionaries in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, named a World Heritage Site in 2000.

The Manzana Jesuítica contains the University of Córdoba, one of the oldest in South America, the Monserrat Secondary School, a church, and residence buildings. To maintain such a project, the Jesuits operated six Estancias (residences) around the province of Córdoba, named Caroya, Jesús María, Santa Catalina, Alta Gracia, Candelaria and San Ignacio.

The farm and the complex, started in 1615, had to be left by the Jesuits, following the 1767 decree by King Charles III of Spain that expelled them from the continent. They were then run by the Franciscans until 1853, when the Jesuits returned to The Americas. Nevertheless, the university and the high-school were nationalized a year later.

Each Estancia has its own church and set of buildings, around which towns grew, such as Alta Gracia, the closest to the Block. The Estancia San Ignacio no longer exists. The Jesuit Block and the Estancias can be visited by tourists; the Road of the Jesuit Estancias has around 250 kilometres of length.

Floralis Generica
Floralis Generica
Floralis Generica

Floralis Genérica is a sculpture made of steel and aluminum located in Plaza de las Naciones Unidas, Avenida Figueroa Alcorta, Buenos Aires, a gift to the city by the Argentine architect Eduardo Catalano. Catalano once said that the flower "is a synthesis of all the flowers and is both a hope that is reborn every day to open." It was created in 2002. The sculpture was designed to move, closing its petals in the evening and opening them in the morning, although this mechanism is currently disabled.

The sculpture is located in the center of a park of four acres of wooded boundaries, surrounded by paths that get closer and provide different perspectives of the monument, and placed above a reflecting pool, which apart from fulfilling its aesthetic function, protects it. It represents a large flower made of stainless steel with aluminum skeleton and reinforced concrete, which looks at the sky, extending to its six petals. It weighs eighteen tons and is 23 meters high.
One of the characteristics of the flower is an electrical system that automatically opens and closes the petals depending on the time of the day. At night the flower closes, emanating a red glow from inside, and reopens (" reborn...") the following morning. This mechanism also closes the flower if strong winds blow.

It opens every morning at 8 and closes at sunset, on a schedule that changes according to season. When its petals were inaugurated, they didn't close due to technical problems which were solved two months later.

There are four special nights in which the petals are open: May 25, September 21, December 24 and December 31.

According to Eduardo Catalano, the author, Floralis "means belonging to the flora and therefore the flowers", and Genérica "from the concept of "gender" and indicates that it represents all the flowers in the world".

The electronics employed in opening and closing the flower were disabled in 2010 to prevent damaging the sculpture, so it remains permanently open. This is due to the fact that one of the petals was incorrectly installed during its assembly, as noted by Catalano himself. The company responsible for its construction, Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina, provided a 25-year warranty, but as the company was nationalized in 2009 its repair was delayed. The mechanism is expected to be functional again by March 2015.

argentina argentine national congress
argentina argentine national congress
argentina argentine national congressthe historical sights in argentina to your holiday

The Palace of the Argentine National Congress (Spanish: Palacio del Congreso Nacional Argentino, often referred locally as Palacio del Congreso) is a monumental building, seat of the Argentine National Congress, located in Buenos Aires at the western end of Avenida de Mayo (at the other end of which is the Casa Rosada). Constructed between 1898 and 1906, the palace is a National Historic Landmark.

The Kilometre Zero for all Argentine National Highways is marked on a milestone at the Congressional Plaza, next to the building.Designed by the Italian architect Vittorio Meano and completed by Argentine architect Julio Dormal, the building was under construction between 1898 and 1906. Inaugurated that year, its aesthetic details were not completed until 1946. The quadriga atop the entrance is the work of sculptor Victor de Pol; Argentine sculptor Lola Mora graced the interior halls and exterior alike with numerous allegorical bronzes and marble statues, including those in the facade.

The edifice was built at a cost of US$6 million allocated by the federal government.

The building was officially accepted by Congress on 12 May 1906. As time went by, the building proved too small for its purpose, and in 1974 the construction of the Annex, which now holds the Deputies' offices, was started.

From 1976 to 1983 the palace housed the Legislative Advisory Commission (CAL), which was a group of officers from the three Armed Forces.

Congressional Plaza, built by French Argentine urbanist Charles Thays, faces the palace. Popular among tourists since its inauguration in 1910, the plaza is also a preferred location for protesters and those who want to voice their opinion about congressional activities and many other tourist attractions in argentina

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Korean beautiful sights you must visit

namsan tower

Namsan tower
N Seoul Tower is a radio transmitter located in Seoul, South Korea. This building was built in 1969, and opened to the public in 1980, the tower height reaches 236.7 m (777 ft) from the base and at an altitude of 479.7 m (1,574 ft) above sea level. The tower also called Namsan Tower or Tower Seoul alone. However, after the owner of the tower in collaboration with CJ Corporation, the tower is named after the N Seoul Tower (official name CJ Seoul Tower).

Most visitors climb the Namsan cable car to go up, then walk up to the tower. In the tower there is a souvenir shop and a restaurant downstairs. Visitors have to pay when it rises to the top of the tower. There are four observation balcony (on the balcony 4th observation, there is a revolving restaurant, and rotates once for 48 minutes), and also a gift shop and two restaurants on it. Visitors can see almost the entire city of Seoul. Nearby there is also a transmission tower.

Gyeongbok Palace
Gyeongbok Palace
Gyeongbok Palace is a palace located in northern Seoul (Gangbuk), South Korea. The palace includes from 5 large palace and is the largest built by the Joseon Dynasty.

Gyeongbok Palace was originally erected in 1394 by Jeong Do Jeon, an architect. The palace was destroyed during the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592-1598 and rebuilt during the 1860s with 330 complex of buildings with 5792 rooms. Standing in an area of 410,000 square meters, Gyeongbok Palace is a symbol of royal majesty and the Korean people. After the assassination of Empress Myeongseong by Japanese spy in 1895, King Gojong leave this palace along with other family members and will never return.

In 1911, the Japanese government is being invaded Korea destroy all the buildings except the 10 main buildings, and build the Main Administration Building of Japan to the governor general of Korea in front of the Throne Room Rear garden palace was once used as the residence of the governor-general during the Japanese colonial period. With the establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948, President Syngman Rhee to use it as an office and residence. In 1993, after President Kim Young-sam chosen to be president of South Korea, the residence of the Governor-General is destroyed to eliminate the symbol of the Japanese occupation of Korea.

Bulguksa Temple Bulguk or (佛 國寺; "State Buddha Temple") is the main Buddhist temple of the Jogye Order. Bulguksa is located in Gyeongju, South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea. This temple is so important because it is the site of historic relics from the days of the Silla kingdom, and save 7 pieces South Korean national treasure. Bulguksa classified as Historic and Scenic Site 1 by the South Korean government. Together with Seokguram, a place of pilgrimage in Tohamsan, Bukguksa became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.
called Bulguksa. Bulguk temple was renovated in the early days of the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty. However, during the invasion of Japan in 1592-1598, he was not spared from destruction. Reconstruct done as much as 40 times between 1604 to 1805. The renovation was also done on the Japanese colonial era, but some pieces of the temple treasure reportedly disappeared.

Restoration after World War II and the Korean War in 1966. It was only implemented between 1969 and 1973, the late President Park Chung Hee begin restoration efforts and massive improvements to the structure to be like that today. Parts of the stone pagoda restored to normal shape.

Bulguk Temple at the foot Tohamsan and is currently the main temple to the 11th district of the Jogye Order.

national folk museum of korea
national folk museum of korea

National Folk Museum of Korea is a national museum of South Korea, located within the grounds of the Gyeongbokgung Palace in Jongno-gu, Seoul, and uses replicas of historical objects to illustrate the history of the traditional life of the Korean people
The museum was established on 8 November 1945 by the US Government and opened on 25 April 1946 at the City Administration Memorial Hall. When the museum was merged with the National Museum of Korea, its collection of artifacts 4.555 was moved to the latter's Mt Namsan site. In 1975, when the National Museum moved onto the grounds of the Gyeongbokgung Palace, it moved along with it into the Modern Art Museum Building. In 1993 it opened in its present site, which was the former site of the National Museum of Korea. The building's design is based on various historical buildings around South Korea

gate dongdaemun
gate dongdaemun
Dongdaemun Market or Dongdaemun Sijang (동대문 시장) is a market which is situated in the district of Dongdaemun, Seoul, South Korea. The location of Dongdaemun market adjacent to East Great Gate (Dongdaemun) and has long been known as the wholesale and retail markets, especially for garment products . Dongdaemun Market opened in 1905 and has become one of the largest markets in Korea. Dongdaemun Market rose to fame with the nickname as the "Fashion District" for various companies such as Migliore, Doosan Tower, APM began to explore the Dongdaemun and doing business garment. As a result, there are more than 20 pieces mall building that stands in the region. in the vicinity of Dongdaemun market, found many young artists entered the stage to entertain the public and show their talentand there are many tourist attractions that you must visit korea
Jogyesa Temple

Friday, February 6, 2015

fun tourist attractions in Denmark

rosenborg castle
rosenborg castle
rosenborg castle
fun tourist attractions in Denmark
Rosenborg Castle (Danish: Rosenborg Slot) is a renaissance castle located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The castle was originally built as a country summerhouse in 1606 and is an example of Christian IV's many architectural projects. It was built in the Dutch Renaissance style, typical of Danish buildings during this period, and has been expanded several times, finally evolving into its present condition by the year 1624. Architects Bertel Lange and Hans van Steenwinckel the Younger are associated with the structural planning of the castleThe castle was used by Danish regents as a royal residence until around 1710. After the reign of Frederik IV, Rosenborg was used as a royal residence only twice, and both these times were during emergencies. The first time was after Christiansborg Palace burned down in 1794, and the second time was during the British attack on Copenhagen in 1801.
christiansborg palace

christiansborg palace
christiansborg palace
Christiansborg Palace or Christiansborg Castle (Danish: Christiansborg Slot; pronounced [krɪsdjænsˈbɔːɐ̯ˀ]), on the islet of Slotsholmen in central Copenhagen, is the seat of the Danish Parliament (Folketinget), the Prime Minister's Office and the Supreme Court. Also, several parts of the palace are used by the monarchy, including the Royal Reception Rooms, the Palace Chapel and the Royal Stables.
The palace is thus the house of Denmark's three supreme powers: the executive power, the legislative power, and the judicial power. It is the only building in the world that houses all three of a country's branches of government. Christiansborg Palace is owned by the Danish state, and is run by the Palaces and Properties Agency.
The present building, the third to be built on the site, is the last in a series of successive castles and palaces constructed on the same site since the erection of the first castle in 1167. Since the early fifteenth century, the various buildings have served as the base of the central administration; until 1794 as the principal residence of the Danish kings and after 1849 as the seat of parliament.

The palace today bears witness to three eras of Danish architecture, as the result of two serious fires. The first fire occurred in 1794 and the second in 1884. The main part of the current palace, finished in 1928, is in the historicist Neo-baroque style. The chapel dates to 1826 and is in a neoclassical style. The showgrounds were built 1738-46, in a baroque style.

den gamle by

den Gamle By in Denmark
den Gamle By in Denmark
The Old Town in Aarhus, Denmark (Danish: Den Gamle By), is an open-air town museum located in the Aarhus Botanical Gardens. It consists of 75 historical buildings collected from 20 townships in all parts of the country. In 1914 the museum opened as the world's first open-air museum of its kind, concentrating on town culture rather than village culture, and to this day it remains one of just a few top rated Danish museums outside Copenhagen serving some 3.5 million visitors pr. year.

The museum buildings are organized into a small town of chiefly half-timbered structures originally erected between 1550 and the late 19th century in various parts of the country and later moved to Aarhus during the 20th century. In all there are some 27 rooms, chambers or kitchens, 34 workshops, 10 groceries or shops, 5 historical gardens, a post office, a customs office, a school and a theatre.

The town itself is the main attraction but most buildings are open for visitors; rooms are either decorated in the original historical style or organized into larger exhibits of which there are 5 regular with varying themes. There are several groceries, diners and workshops spread throughout the town with museum staff working in the roles of town figures i.e. merchant, blacksmith etc. adding to the illusion of a "living" town.

denmark frederik's church

denmark frederik's church
denmark frederik's church
Frederik's Church (Danish: Frederiks Kirke), popularly known as The Marble Church (Marmorkirken) for its rococo architecture, is an Evangelical Lutheran church in Copenhagen, Denmark. The church forms the focal point of the Frederiksstaden district; it is located due west of Amalienborg PalaceThe church was designed by the architect Nicolai Eigtved in 1740 and was along with the rest of Frederiksstaden, a district of Copenhagen, intended to commemorate the 300 years jubilee of the first coronation of a member of the House of Oldenburg.

Frederick's Church has the largest church dome in Scandinavia with a span of 31m. The dome rests on 12 columns. The inspiration was probably St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

The foundation stone was set by king Frederick V on October 31, 1749, but the construction was slowed by budget cuts and the death of Eigtved in 1754. In 1770, the original plans for the church were abandoned by Johann Friedrich Struensee. The church was left incomplete and, in spite of several initiatives to complete it, stood as a ruin for nearly 150 years.

In 1874, Andreas Frederik Krieger, Denmark's Finance Minister at the time, sold the ruins of the uncompleted church and the church square to Carl Frederik Tietgen for 100,000 Rigsdaler — none of which was to be paid in cash — on the condition that Tietgen would build a church in a style similar to the original plans and donate it to the state when complete, while in turn he acquired the rights to subdivide neighboring plots for development.

bonbon land

bonbon land
bonbon land
BonBon-Land is a Danish amusement park located in Holme Olstrup in the South of Zealand, about 100km from Copenhagen. This 34-acre park attracts about 450.000 each season. The park is truly wacky in design; humour is widely employed in the design of the rides and the architecture of buildings and in fun items on display such as a peeing ant, farting dog, etc.The history of theme park BonBon-land can be dated back to when the Danish sweets boiler Michael Spangsberg got an idea to produce wacky candy with such funny names as 'mågeklatter', 'hundeprutter' and 'tissebleer'.

From early on the candy became very popular, and children wanted to visit the factory in Holme Olstrup (a small Danish town in the countryside) to see how the cheeky and delicious pieces of candy were made. However, the production of the candy had to fulfil some very strict regulations concerning hygiene, so the factory couldn´t continue to offer visiting tours. As a result, Michael Spangsberg came up with yet another good idea - to open a small Bonbon-land.

In 1992, the theme park opened with a mini candy factory, a cinema, a shop and four small boats, shaped like a duck in a small pond. The park was an immediate success with children and over the years many rides and attractions have been added making Bonbon-Land one of Denmark´s most popular children´s parks (in 2008 it was the eight most popular tourist attraction in Denmark). In 2007, the Spanish-based entertainment company Parques Reunidos purchased the park. In total, Parques Reunidos owns 67 theme parks around the world.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Singapore with magnificent beauty

sentosa island singapore

This island is one of the locations lay the symbol of Singapore, the Merlion. The total area of Sentosa increasingly growing because Singapore mereklamasikan area with sand imported from the territory of Riau Islands, Indonesia.Sentosa Island is divided into four regions, each of which depicts zones of different entertainment.
Imbiah Lookout: mostly filled by a friendly learning spaces for children such as the Discover of Singapore, a butterfly garden, etc.
Siloso Point: contains some underwater park
Beaches: activities done here as sunbathing and playing with the family on the beach.
Resort World Sentosa: this is the location of a lot of fun entertainment venues one of which is the Universal Studios Singapore.

asian civilizations museum
The Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM, Chinese: 亚洲文明博物馆) is an institution which forms a part of the four museums in Singapore, the other three being the other Asian Civilisations Museum at Old Tao Nan School, the National Museum of Singapore and the Singapore Art Museum,It is one of the pioneering museums in the region to specialise in pan-Asian cultures and civilisations. The museum specialises in the material history of China, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia, from which the diverse ethnic groups of Singapore trace their ancestryThe museum first opened its doors at the Old Tao Nan School building on 22 April 1997 at Armenian Street, with exhibits largely centred on Chinese civilisation. With the restoration of the Empress Place Building, the museum established its new flagship museum there on 2 March 2003, rapidly expanding the collection to other areas of Asia. The Armenian Street branch closed for renovations on 1 January 2006 and reopened on 25 April 2008 as the Peranakan Museum, specialising in Peranakan culture.
On September 16, 2006, the Museum officially launched its new logo with a new slogan The Asian Civilisations Museum — Where Asian Cultures Come Alive!. This new logo reflects the museum's unique location by the historic Singapore River, the source and origin of Singapore multi-cultural society, which the ACM presents in its collection. The brown reflected image also alludes to the museum as a place for reflection, while the vibrant orange is an invigorating colour which represents activity and energy.

buddha tooth relic temple and museum

The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum is a Buddhist temple and museum complex located in the Chinatown district of Singapore"The temple is based on the Tang dynasty architectural style and built to house the tooth relic of the historical Buddha. The ground breaking ceremony was conducted on 13 March 2005. Costing S$62 million and 2 years later, a soft launch was held to coincide with the 2007 Vesak Day celebration. It is claimed that the relic of Buddha from which it gains its name was found in 1980 in a collapsed stupa in Myanmar.
Since opening, the temple has become a popular attraction within Chinatown. Simple vegetarian fare is served in the basement of the temple, though donations are accepted.

art science museum singapura

The Singapore Philatelic Museum (Chinese: 新加坡集邮博物馆) is a museum about the postal history of Singapore and its stamps. The museum, located at 23-B Coleman Street[1] in Singapore, was formerly part of the Anglo-Chinese School, completed in 1906. In the 1970s, the building became the Methodist Book Room until it was restored to become the present museum.

Singapore Philatelic Museum opened on 19 August 1995 to promote interest in and the appreciation of Singapore's history and heritage in philately. Besides the permanent galleries, the theme galleries offer a host of changing exhibitions throughout the year. These include displays from the private collections of renowned philatelists, travelling exhibitions from overseas and themed exhibitions to commemorate new stamp issues. The museum has a stamp shop, and is popular with stamp collectors.

Monday, February 2, 2015

malaysia with beautiful tourism places

petronas twin towers

The Petronas Towers, or the Petronas Twin Towers (in Malaysia: 'Berkembar Petronas Towers') in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is a pair of twin towers that once the tallest building in the world in 1998-2004, before surpassed by Taipei 101. However, both these towers still the tallest twin skyscrapers in the world in the 20th century. Petronas Twin Towers held the title as the tallest building from 1998 to 2004 in terms of size, from the floor of the main entrance to the upper floor, which is the original height reference used by international organizations Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat since 1969 (three additional height categories were introduced when the tower was almost prepared in 1996, There is an air bridge that connects the two towers on floors 41 and 42, which makes it the highest bridge in dunia.Jembatan two floors is not mounted directly on the main structure, otherwise designed to be dropped into and out tower so as not to fracture due to high winds or seismic plates mobilization. it is also to control the accumulation of excessive pressure that occurs in the middle of the bridge, as if the bridge was built so close and too clogged with tower structures, pressure displacement spread around the bridge that eventually created the phenomenon "depressed bridge", which can cause the bridge to collapse easily. the bridge is located 170 meters (558 ft) from the road surface and the length of 58.4 meters (192 ft), sednagkan weighs 750 tonnes (750,000 kg).

Petronas is also true air bridge reinforced with 2 feet retort that each side in pairs; the length of each of the leg is 51 m Floor 41 and 42 also known as the podium, as the visitors who want a higher floor to have to change elevators here. The bridge is open to all visitors, all visitors who wish to visit the bridge for recreational purposes need to get a ticket and travel fitting. Originally issued ticket is free, but due to maintaining the quality and standards of the bridge and bridge maintenance system landscape seen increasingly high costs, Petronas Twin Tower Bridge management has taken the decision to charge traveling at a reasonable price.

stone caves

Batu Caves (Tamil: பத்து மலை) is a limestone hill that has a series of caves and cave temples in the Gombak district, 13 kilometres (8 mi) north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It takes its name from the Sungai Batu or Batu River, which flows past the hill. Batu Caves is also the name of the nearby village.

The cave is one of the most popular Hindu shrines outside India, and is dedicated to Lord Murugan. It is the focal point of Hindu festival of Thaipusam in Malaysia.The limestone forming Batu Caves is said to be around 400 million years old. Some of the cave entrances were used as shelters by the indigenous Temuan people (a tribe of Orang Asli).

As early as 1860, Chinese settlers began excavating guano for fertilising their vegetable patches. However, they became famous only after the limestone hills were recorded by colonial authorities including Daly and Syers as well as American Naturalist, William Hornaday in 1878.

Batu Caves was promoted as a place of worship by K. Thamboosamy Pillai, an Indian trader. He was inspired by the 'vel'-shaped entrance of the main cave and was inspired to dedicate a temple to Lord Murugan within the caves. In 1890, Pillai, who also founded the Sri Mahamariamman Temple, Kuala Lumpur, installed the murti (consecrated statue) of Sri Murugan Swami in what is today known as the Temple Cave. Since 1892, the Thaipusam festival in the Tamil month of Thai (which falls in late January/early February) has been celebrated there.

islamic arts museum malaysia
The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia (Malay: Muzium Kesenian Islam Malaysia) was officially opened on 12 December 1998. The museum is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s tourist belt amidst the lush greenery of Perdana Botanical Gardens and within walking distance to the National Mosque, Bird Park and National Planetarium.
The Islamic Arts Museum has 12 main galleries which is classified according to the types of artefacts spread over level 3 and 4. Level 3 of the museum hosts the Quran and Manuscripts Gallery, the Islamic Architecture Gallery, the India Gallery, the Chinese Gallery, the Ancient Malay World Gallery as well as the reconstructed Ottoman Syrian Room dating back to the 19th Century.Visitors can also proceed upstairs to Level 4 which hosts an display of jewellery, textile, arms and armour, ceramics as well as ancient Islamic glass ware.

culture palace malaysia

The Istana Budaya (literally The Palace of Culture), founded in September 1999, is Malaysia's main venue for all types of theatre including musical theatre, operetta, classical concert and opera from local and international performances. It is located next to the National Art Gallery on Jalan Tun Razak in the heart of Kuala LumpurThe idea of this state-of-the-art theatre began with the proposal in 1964 to establish a cultural centre. The construction work began in 1995 and was completed three years later. It was built at a cost of RM210 million with a theatre floor area of 21,000 m² as part of the 54,400 m² cultural complex. The Istana Budaya was officially opened by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed in 1999.

The Istana Budaya theatre hall Panggung Sari, with its unique design of royal boxes inspired by the windows of the traditional Rumah Melayu or Malay house, can accommodate up to 1,412 audiences at a time. The building is the first theatre in Asia that is equipped with state-of-the-art stage equipment. Istana Budaya is also rated among the ten most sophisticated theatres in the world, and on par with the Royal Albert Hall in London.

Upon completion, the former national theatre, Panggung Negara was relocated to this new building. Istana Budaya is also the residence of the National Theatre Company and the National Symphony Orchestra.

bako national parks

Sarawak's oldest state park was established in 1957, covers an area of 27 square kilometers, and is about 37km from Kuching. The park is renowned for its incredible natural scenery, as well as the uniqueness of habitats, plants and wildlife.

The most significant here is the secluded bays and steep rocky headland with spectacular cliffs, looking towards the South China Sea.

Sea water waves, waves and wind also carve arches and charming sea coral piles at the base of the cliffs, some of which protrudes into the top of the waves like a mighty serpent's head.

This sandstone formation appears orange due to iron patterns on the cliff. On the mainland, waterfalls plunge into the freshwater lake with forest background of silence.

Bako has a variety of plant species and vegetation extraordinary, and it is one of the biggest attractions of this park. In Bako, you can see almost all types of vegetation found in Borneo.

Bako is also inhabited by approximately 275 proboscis monkey (proboscis) are rare, and only found in Borneo. The best time to see wildlife Bako is after dawn and just before dusk, when the animals are active. Bako is also an exciting place for bird watching, as more than 150 species recorded here.

Extensive system of forest roads in Bako consists of 16 color-coded walking trails, which offers a wide selection of walking and hiking. They are fit and adventurous can choose causeway forest full day or overnight in the camp, while those who want to relax can leisurely walk in the woods.and there are many tourist places in Malaysia that you must visit on holiday