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Friday, June 19, 2015

welcome to the beautiful West Java Indonesia

Kawah Putih is a tourist spot in West Java which is located in Ciwidey. White crater is a lake formed from the eruption of Mount Patuha. Soil mixed with sulfur around the crater is white, and the color of water in the crater is greenish-white color, which is unique from this crater is sometimes discolored water. The crater is located at an altitude +2090 m below the peak / highest point of Mount Patuha.Letusan great by Patuha in the 10th century led many to assume that this location is haunted region because every bird that flew past the region will die. Because of these beliefs, no one dared to approach the region until finally in 1837 there was an expert named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn who decided to go to the top of Patuha for the sake of science.

Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn reached the top Patuha and from there he saw there a white lake menyegat with the smell of sulfur. Since then, the existence of the White crater became famous and in 1987 the government began to develop as a wisata.Untuk White crater to crater white visitors can use the travel route as follows: Visitors from outside Bandung menggunnakan four-wheeled vehicles can pass through the toll lane Exit door Kopo , passing Sayati and continued to Soreang, from Soreang we visit to Ciwidey and arrived at the location of the white crater. Route alternatives can use the toll lanes Stone Fruit.

As for tourists who use public transport, access to the white crater reached by using a terminal lines Leuwi Long - proceed to the terminal Ciwidey - location Kawah Putih

tangkuban mountain boat in West Java Indonesia
Tangkuban Parahu or Mount Maras is one of the mountain located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of Bandung, with lush pine trees and the surrounding expanse of tea plantations, Mount Maras have as high an altitude of 2,084 meters. This is a mountain shape Stratovulcano with eruptive center moved from east to west. Rock types are mostly issued by the eruption of lava and sulfur, sulfur minerals released are sulfur, a mineral that is issued when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. Maras Mountain area managed by the Corporation of Forestry. The average daily temperature is 17 ° C at 2 ° C during the day and at night.

Maras has a mountain forest area Dipterokarp Hill, Upper Dipterokarp forest, Montane forests, and forest or forest Ericaceous gunung.Asal genesis of Mount Maras associated with Sangkuriang legend, told in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi / Rarasati. To thwart his intentions to marry her, Dayang Sumbi stipulating that Sangkuriang create a lake and a boat overnight. When his efforts failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat that landed in the state overturned. The boat is then formed Tangkuban Perahu.

Tangkuban Perahu This includes an active volcano whose status is monitored continuously by the Indonesian Directorate of Volcanology. Some crater is still showing signs of liveliness this mountain. Among the signs of volcanic activity of this is the emergence of sulfur gas and other sources of hot water at the foot of the mountain, among which are in kasawan Ciater, Subang. Tangkuban Perahu had experienced a small eruption in 2006, which led to three people slightly injured.

The existence of this mountain and shape in the form of Bandung basin topography with hills and mountains on each side reinforces the theory of the existence of a large lake which is now the Bandung area. Believed by geologists that the Bandung plateau region with an altitude of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of a large lake formed by the damming of Ci Tarum by the eruption of an ancient volcano known as Mount Sunda and Tangkuban Perahu is a remnant of ancient Mount Sunda which is still active. This phenomenon can be seen in Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and the area of ​​Ngorongoro in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend Sangkuriang which is the region's public story is believed to be a documentation of the area of ​​Mount Sunda Ancient society to the events at the time.

botanical garden Bogor in West Java Indonesia
Kebun Raya Bogor or Bogor Botanical Garden is a huge botanical garden located in Bogor, Indonesia. The wide reach 87 hektaree and has a collection of 15,000 types of trees and plants.

Currently Bogor Botanical Gardens visited as a tourist, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. In the vicinity of the Garden scattered centers of science, namely Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor Zoological Museum, and References.

King Geusan ulun museum in West Java Indonesia
Relics of historic objects and items heirloom Ancestors Sumedang, since the kings of the Kingdom of Sumedang Disallow and Regent-regent who ruled ancient Sumedang District, is a collection of proud and great meaning for all of us, especially for families Sumedang.

A collection of these objects are stored in the Foundation of Prince Sumedang since 1955.

There arose an idea, want to show Sumedang community in particular and society in general outside of Sumedang, that formerly contained in Sumedang great kingdom of the Kingdom of Sumedang Disallow, by looking at the relics of the kings and so on.

The idea met with confidence by the family, then planned to make a museum. Having conducted thorough preparations and planning, five years after 1968 was finally set, the exact date of November 11, 1973 Family Museum stands.

The Museum was named the Museum Foundation of Prince Sumedang, and managed directly by the Foundation of Prince Sumedang. In 1974, in Sumedang History Seminar held by historians as West Java and followed historian of the Foundation of Prince Sumedang, the seminar discussed the name of the museum Sumedang. Proposed name of the museum is a character in the history of Sumedang, it agreed last name King Sumedang Disallow who ruled the kingdom of Sumedang Disallow of the year 1578 - 1601, the King Geusan Oeloen.

Then the name of the museum into a museum of King Geusan Ulun with a new spelling to facilitate a new generation to read.

Building used for a museum that is building Srimanganti, Earth Kaler, Building and Building Gendeng Gamelan. In 1980, the Government through the Department of Museum and Antiquities Bureau of Culture of West Java, reached up and restore Srimanganti Building and Earth Kaler.

On Wednesday April 21, 1982, the Director General of Culture Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. DR. Haryati Soebadio, inaugurated and handed over two buildings completely refurbished to the Foundation of Prince Soil and shelter under Momenten Ordonnatie Number 19 Year 1931 (State Gazette Year 1931 No. 238).

King Geusan Ulun museum is located in the city center Sumedang, 50 meters from the Square to the south, adjacent to the Crooked House or the State House and dealing with buildings Pemerintah.Jarak of Bandung 45 kilometers, while the distance of 85 kilometers Cirebon, mileage of Bandung 1 hour, while from Cirebon 2 hours

isola villa in West Java Indonesia
Villa Isola is building villas located in the northern outskirts of the city of Bandung. Located on high ground, on the left side of the road to Lembang (Jln. Setiabudhi), the building was used by the Teachers' Training College (Institute of Teacher Training and Education) Bandung, which is now the Indonesian Education University-UPI). Villa Isola is one of the Art Deco architectural style buildings that are often found in Bandung.

Villa Isola was built in 1933, belonged to a wealthy Dutchman named Dominique Willem Berretty. Then the luxury buildings used as residences was sold and became part of the Savoy Homann Hotel. Subsequent developments, he made Building Teachers' Training College (now UPI) and used as the office of the rector.

A special publication at the time of the Dutch East Indies to the villa is written by Ir. W. Leimei, a Dutch architect. In this publication, Leimei said that in Batavia when urbanization began to occur, many people set up a villa on the outskirts of the city with classic architectural style but always adapt well to nature and ventilation, windows and alleys that serve as thermal insulation sun. It is also embraced by the Villa Isola in Bandung. During the Japanese occupation, this building was used as a temporary residence of the General Hitoshi Imamura just before the final agreement with the Government Kalijati Indies in Kalijati, Subang, in March 1942. The house was built on the design of the Dutch architect who worked in the Dutch East Indies Prof. Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker.

The building of modern architecture by incorporating traditional concepts with Java architecture wheelbase cosmic philosophy north-south as well as the Main Building ITB and Gedung Sate. Cosmic orientation is reinforced with garden extends in front of this building which is perpendicular to the transverse axis of the building kearang Mount Maras. The three-story building, with the bottom floor is lower than the surface of the highway, due to the uneven topography. Sphere around a large open area, created garden terraces follow the curved surface of the soil. Angle arch-arch forming a quarter circle. Overall the building and the park like water surging arising from objects falling from above, so that this building is the architectural adjustments between buildings on the environment.

Part villa facing north and south are used for bedrooms, living rooms, and dining room; each equipped with wide glass windows and doors, so that residents can enjoy the beautiful scenery around it. Beautiful scenery can also be observed from the terrace take advantage of reinforced concrete flat roof above the third floor.

In the rear garden there is a pool with a pergola for orchids, roses and equipped with a tennis court. In front of the north far apart from the main building consists of a service unit stationed garage for several cars, homes driver, waiter, warehouses and others.

Entrance gate to the villa complex is made of stone combined with iron to form horizontal and vertical planes. Once through the gate and the asphalt road is wide enough, there is the main entrance is protected from heat and rain with flat portal of reinforced concrete. Following the arches on the wall, floor plans arched portal also form part of the circle on the right side. The tip of the intersection of two arches supported by a single column that is similar to parts of the house Toraja (tongkonan). Once through the main door there is vestibulae as homes in Europe generally.

The reception rooms are behind the main entrance in addition to work for a coat, umbrella sticks, and others as well as a transitional space between outer space with space inside. From the vestibule to the left and to the right there is a circular staircase that follows the shape of the building as a whole. This ladder is constantly up to the roof.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

tourist attractions a famous Indone

Monas in Jakarta, Indonesia
National Monument or popularly abbreviated as Monas monument or memorial is as high as 132 meters (433 feet), which was established in memory of the resistance and the Indonesian people's struggle for independence from Dutch colonial rule. Construction of the monument began on August 17, 1961 under the orders of the president Sukarno, and was opened to the public on July 12, 1975. This monument crowned flame coated gold sheet that symbolizes the spirit of fiery struggle. The National Monument is located right in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. Monuments and museums are open every day starting at 08:00 to 15:00 pm. On Monday last week of each month is closed for umum.Setelah seat of government of the Republic of Indonesia returned to Jakarta after previously located in Yogyakarta in 1950 following the recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia by the Dutch government in 1949, President Sukarno began to think about the construction of a national monument that is equivalent to Eiffel Tower on the ground right in front of the Palace. Development aims Monas monument commemorate and preserve the Indonesian struggle for independence during the revolution of 1945, in order to continue to inspire patriotism and spirit of present and future generations.

On August 17, 1954 a national committee was formed and a national monument design competition held in 1955. There are 51 works entered, but only one works made by Frederich Silaban that meet the specified criteria committee, among others, describe the character of the Indonesian nation and can survived for centuries. The second contest was held in 1960 but again none of the 136 participants who meet the criteria. Chairman of the jury then asked Silaban to show his design to Sukarno. But Sukarno does not like the design of it and he wanted the monument was shaped phallus and yoni. Silaban then asked to design a monument with a theme like that, but the design of the proposed Silaban so extraordinary that the cost is very large and is not able to be covered by the state budget, especially when the economic conditions were pretty bad. Silaban reject designing smaller building, and suggested the construction be delayed until the Indonesian economy improves. Sukarno then asked the architect R.M. Soedarsono to resume the draft. Soedarsono enter the number 17, 8 and 45, August 17, 1945 symbolizes the start Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, into the design of the monument National Memorial was later built in an area of ​​80 hectares. This monument diarsiteki by Friedrich Silaban and RM Soedarsono, began construction August 17, 1961.

the national museum in Jakarta, Indonesia
The existence of the National Museum begins with the establishment of a set of named Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, established by the Government of the Netherlands on 24 April 1778. At that time there was a revolution in the central European intellectual (the Age of Enlightenment) is where people begin to develop ideas scientific and science. In 1752 in Haarlem, The Netherlands stands De Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Dutch Scientific Society). This prompted the Dutch in Batavia (Indonesia) to establish similar organizations.

Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (BG) is an independent institution established for the purpose of advancing penetitian in art and science, especially in the fields of biology, physics, archeology, literature, ethnology and history, Berta published research hash. This institution has the motto "Ten Nutte van het Algemeen" (For the Public Interest).

One of the founders of this institution, namely JCM Radermacher, donated his house in Jalan Kalibesar, a commercial district in Jakarta-Kota. Except that he also donated a number of collections of cultural objects and books are very useful, donations Radermacher which is the forerunner to the establishment of museums and libraries.

During the period of British rule in Java (1811-1816), Lieutenant Governor Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles as Director of this association. Therefore, the house in Kalibesar already filled with collections, Raffles ordered the construction of a new building to be used as a museum and meeting rooms for Literary Society (formerly called the building "Societeit de Harmonie"). The building is located at Majapahit street number 3. Now at this place stands state secretariat building complex, near the presidential palace.

Total collections of BG continued neningkat to the museum at Jalan Majapahit can no longer accommodate the collection. In 1862, the Dutch East Indies government decided to build a new museum building at the current location, namely Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 12 (Dutu called Koningsplein West). Soil covers an area that later on it was built building Rechst Hogeschool or "Law School" (once used to markasKenpetai during the Japanese occupation, and now the Department of Defense and Security). The new museum building opened to the public in 1868.

The museum is very well known among the people of Indonesia, especially Jakarta residents. They call it "Elephant House" or "Elephant Museum" as the front page of the museum there is a bronze statue of elephant gift from King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) from Thailand who've been to the museum in 1871. Sometimes called the "Gedung Arca" because in the building is a lot of stored various types and forms of statues from various periods.

textile museum in Jakarta, Indonesia
In the mid-1970s era, the use of textiles, understanding the use and the quantity and quality of production is very obvious decline. Some even become very rare. It motivates some of the leading citizens of Jakarta to set up an institution dedicated to the preservation and study of Indonesian textiles. The Association Wastraprema (Textile Lovers Society) donated the basic collection of 500 high-quality textiles. Provincial government provides accommodation a lovely old building in the district of Tanah Abang Jakarta.

The core of the building now houses the Textile Museum was built in the early 19th century by a French and then sold to Abdul Aziz Al Mussawi Katiri Turkish consul in Jakarta. In 1942 the property was sold to Dr. Karel Christian Crucq and in early 1945 was used as the headquarters of the "Pioneer Youth Front" and the Civil Defence Forces in the struggle for independence was proclaimed Indonesia. For this last reason, the building is listed as a historic monument.

In 1947 the property is owned by Sion Lie Pin leased to the Ministry of Social Affairs is transformed into an institution for the elderly. In 1962 the property was acquired by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Originally used as an office, it turned into a hostel employee in 1966. Finally, in 1975, was officially handed over to the Jakarta City Government by Minister of Social Affairs. Governor Ali Sadikin decided that the need to preserve traditional Indonesian textiles is greater than the needs of the city for archival storage space, the building has been allocated and Textile Museum was born.

puppet museum in Jakarta, Indonesia
Building that looks unique and interesting has several times undergone renovation. At first this building named De Oude Hollandsche Kerk ("Old Dutch Church") and the first built in 1640. In 1732 repaired and renamed De Hollandse Nieuwe Kerk (New Church Netherlands) until 1808 due to destroyed by an earthquake in the same year , Above ground it is built in the ruins of buildings puppet museum and its use as a museum inaugurated on August 13, 1975. Although it has been restored several old and new parts of the church are still visible visible inside the building iniMuseum Puppet displaying various types and forms of puppets from all over Indonesia, both made of wood and leather and other materials. Puppets from abroad there is also here, for example, of the People's Republic of China and Cambodia. Until now Puppet Museum collects more than 4,000 puppets, consisting of shadow puppets, puppet show, puppet cardboard, puppets grass, coconut puppets, masks, dolls, puppets and gamelan beber. Generally dolls collected in the museum are the dolls that come from Europe even though some are derived from non-European countries such as Thailand, Suriname, China, Vietnam, India and Colombia.

In addition to periodically disenggelarakan also puppet at week 2 and 3 each month.

On November 7, 2003, the UN decided to recognize the puppet Indonesia as a world heritage that should be preserved.

cathedral church jakarta in Jakarta, Indonesia
Cathedral Church Jakarta (official name: Santa Maria Patron Assumption, De Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouwe ten Hemelopneming) is a church in Jakarta. The church building was inaugurated in 1901 and built with neo-gothic architecture of Europe, which is very prevalent architecture used to build a church building a few centuries ago.

The present church was designed and initiated by Father Antonius Dijkmans and the laying of the first stone made by Carolus Provicaris Wenneker. This work was followed by Cuypers-Hulswit when Dijkmans could not continue, and then inaugurated and blessed on 21 April 1901 by Mgr. Edmundus Sybradus Luypen, SJ, Apostolic Vicar of Jakarta.

Cathedral as we know it is not really original church building in that place, because the original cathedral was inaugurated in February 1810, but on July 27, 1826 the chapel was burnt along with 180 houses in the vicinity. Then, on May 31, 1890 in sunny weather, the church also had collapsed.

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2000, this church became one of the locations hit by bomb blasts and many tourist attractions in other Indonesian jakarta
46 homestead in Jakarta Indonesia
46 homestead in Jakarta Indonesia
Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum in Jakarta Indonesia
Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum in Jakarta Indonesia

Monday, May 18, 2015

wonderful tours in Bengkulu Indonesia

Long Beach bengkulu Indonesia
A. Overview
Long Beach is a coastal tourism is very well known in Bengkulu, besides Padri Tread Beach, White Sand Beach, and Beach Humo. Why is it called Long Beach? Because quite a long coastline, which is about 7 km. In addition, the distance between the ebb tide and the line too long, when compared to other beaches, which is about 500 m. This is because it does not have coral beach. So, when there is high tide, the water can reach up considerably.
B. Features
Conditions sloping beaches, clean water, as well as the vast expanse of white sand, is the main attraction of Long Beach attractions. With conditions like the beach, visitors can bathe as much as he enjoyed the beach breeze is still clean and cool because the beach is far from the industrial area.
In addition, many pine trees growing around the coast is also a uniqueness that is probably not shared by other beaches. Because, in general, a tree that usually grows in coastal areas is a palm tree, and is not found in Long Beach.
C. Location
Administratively, Long Beach is located in the Municipality of Bengkulu, Bengkulu province, Indonesia.
D. Ticket
In confirmation.
E. Access
It lies only about 3 km from the center of the city of Bengkulu make Long Beach easily accessible. Many public transport to get to this beach. Of the city of Bengkulu, visitors can use the minibus, taxi, or rental car to get to the beach location.
F. Accommodations and Other Facilities
In the vicinity of the beach, visitors can find accommodation facilities and complete facilities, among which is a large parking area, hotel, restaurant, swimming pool, cottages, minimarket, stalls selling mobile phone vouchers, stalls souvenirs, etc. ,

Home Exile Bung Karno in Bengkulu
Home Exile Sukarno Sukarno was sentenced to exile place as a political prisoner. Sukarno was exiled to Ende, Flores on January 14, 1934. He was exiled there for four years (1934-1938) After that, he was exiled to Bengkulu.Rumah is located in the center of the city of Bengkulu, precisely in the way Sukarno Hatta Village Anggut Top districts Gading Cempaka , Originally, the house was owned by a Chinese merchant named Lion BWE Seng hired by the Dutch to put Sukarno during exile in Bengkulu. Soekarno occupy the house in 1938-1942. In this house there are relics of Sukarno. There is an iron bed that used to Sukarno and his family, a collection of books and uniforms Dutch-speaking majority group tonil Monte Carlo care during the Soekarno Bengkulu There are also photos of Sukarno and his family that adorn almost every room and no less interesting is the use of old bikes Sukarno during in Bengkulu

the Fort Marlborough Bengkulu Indonesia
Fort Marlborough (UK: Fort Marlborough) is a relic of the British fort in the city of Bengkulu. This fort was established by the East India Company (EIC) in 1713-1719 under the leadership of Governor Joseph Callet as a bastion of English. That said, this is the strongest bastion fort in eastern England after the fort St. George in Madras, India. This fort was built on an artificial hill, overlooking the city of Bengkulu and backs to the Indian Ocean. This fort once burned by the people of Bengkulu; so the inhabitants were forced to flee to Madras. They then returned in 1724 after an agreement was held. In 1793, an attack was launched. On this incident a British officer, Robert Hamilton, was killed. And then in 1807, the Resident Thomas Parr was also killed. Both are commemorated by the establishment of monuments in the town of Bengkulu by the British government.

Marlborough still serves as a bastion until the years 1825-1942 the Dutch East Indies, Japan in 1942-1945, and in the war of independence of Indonesia. Since Japan's defeat until 1948, the castle was widened police headquarters. However, in the years 1949-1950, Marlborough fort was occupied again by the Netherlands. After the Dutch left in 1950, the fort of Marlborough became the headquarters of the Army. Until 1977, the fort was handed over to the Department of Education for refurbished and turned into cultural heritage buildings.

Indonesia Bengkulu city Curup
Curup is the capital of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Curup is the 2nd largest city in the province of Bengkulu.

Curup a rice-producing areas, coffee and vegetables are major in Bengkulu province, whose results are sent to the Palembang, Jambi, Padang, Lampung and Jakarta.

Some of the famous tourist spot is Suban Hot, Causeway Lake, Mount Kaba, Waterfall in Chief Curup, Tabarena and prehistoric sites such as Stone Panco.

This area is also known as one of the growth of Rafflesia Arnoldii.

Bang Mego market Curup

Markets do a bit modern is Bang Market Mego. Before construction markets Bang Mego, in the 1970s, known as the Lower Market also called Los market, to differentiate with other markets, namely Upper Market, which is located near the freight terminal and the Central Market that has existed since before Indonesia's independence as well as the market Pasarde Serbo AdeCurup is a city in a mountainous area surrounded by a mountain chain and Kaba Hill / Mount Kaba and Bukit Daun. The natives are Rejang tribe, but also many people of other tribes such as Java, Lembak, Minang, Serawai and Sunda. This city was once the capital of South Sumatra province during the revolution under the leadership of Governor AK Gani.

Curup is a small city air cool, fresh and cool that lay in the valley of the highlands of Sumatra. The existence of regional cultural assimilation with the immigrants, now make Curup city as a heterogeneous city from various ethnic groups in Indonesia.

Lake Revenge Not Already bengkulu Indonesia
Revenge lake Tak It is named for a lake located on the edge of town Bengkulu .Pada originally this area was a swamp at the foot of a small hill of Bukit Barisan. The Dutch colonial times this area was transformed into a lake through labor to collect water from the hills above for subsequent use for mengairan agricultural area around it.It thrives in lake water Orchid (Vanda hookeriana), which is only found here and if the growing season to make the atmosphere more lively. Orchids by the government is classified as a rare flower can be found on the edge of the lake.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

welcome to travel to Indonesia jambi

Lake Kerinci, Jambi Indonesia
The scenery around the lake is so captivating. Your eyes will not get tired of seeing the expanse of clear water background graceful mountain ranges. In the middle of the lake seen fishing boats are being sailed the calm surface of the water. In the villages around the lake, there are a number of carved stone megalith relics of 2,000 years laluMeski no five-star hotel in Kerinci, but you do not have to worry because in the city there is a river full of jasmine-class hotel with pretty good service ranges from 100,000, - to semalam.Anda can use a landline with public transport, private car or rented from the city to the River Cashew Full approximately 500 km for 10 hours. May also from the city of Padang to Tapan then proceed to Full River about 278 km for 7 hours. Another alternative from Padang to a location about 211 km for 5-6 hours.
The trip to Lake Kerinci can be passed three alternative paths. Try to check the schedule for the holding of Concerned Citizens of Lake Kerinci Festival. In the festival you can enjoy a variety of activities and attractions that draw was held. Not only presents the cultural and superior product but also presents art and culture. Do not miss the variety of handicraft products and household industrial flagship of a number of districts in the province jambiBelum fit when you visit Lake Kerinci payo when not tasting rice, fish curry semah, jerky beteko, lemang and orange Pelompek, Tojin, as well as coffee and tea kerinci aro wood.
For these types of snacks, you can enjoy lunkhead potatoes, potato chips, sweet potato, energy drinks raw materials from cinnamon, and syrup Dutch eggplant. For dishes, a variety of freshwater fish

sitimang ceramics market jambi Indonesia
Sitimang market in Jambi city is famous as the center of ceramics. Hobbyists often hunt ceramic products here. In addition to its unique ceramic designs and up to date, the price of ceramics which are mostly imported from China here is also cheaper than other centers.

If you want to decorate the house with a variety of decorative ceramics, there's nothing wrong if you come to the Sitimang Market, the city of Jambi. There, precisely on Jalan Mega Gang contained ceramic sales centers. There, there are dozens of stalls selling ceramics hold merchandise.

One of the advantages of this center is the product being sold is always up to date or trailing ceramic models overseas trends. Not surprisingly, this center is often visited by collectors imported ceramics. In addition, there are many people who are looking for tableware made of ceramic in this Sitimang Market.

Most customers who hunt ceramics in this market is coming from outside the city of Jambi. They come from Palembang, Jakarta, some even came from Surabaya.

Hilda Sabri example. All the way from Jakarta, Hilda eyeing the clock. He said, hours ceramics are sold here is different from other areas. "The price is too low," he said.

Hilda addition, there is also Lina Jabir who is a collector of ceramic dinnerware from Jakarta. He deliberately come to this center because they want to supplement and replace the collection of ceramic dinnerware. Lina admitted intentionally comes as a collection of ceramics in Sitimang market is very varied.

According to Lina, a collection of ceramics in this center also more classy, ​​with a blend of white and gold. This type is very difficult to obtain in other ceramic centers. "Even if there are in Jakarta, the price must be two times more expensive," he said.

Sholihin, ceramics traders in Market Sitimang admit, this collection of ceramics in different centers of ceramics are sold in other regions. The reason, he only sells ceramics imported from China, ranging from flower vases, jars, jar, tableware buffet, and so on.

The price offered was relatively affordable, ranging from Rp 30,000 to a dozen small cake plate up to Rp 3 million for a two-meter tall jar.

During this time, the best selling products are tableware. Various food supplies is increasingly in demand just before the religious holidays and other holidays.

Within one month, the shop owner is admitted to pocketing Thoriq turnover of Rp 50 million. Income will be doubled when religious festivals and other major holidays. "Every Eid and Christmas approaching, the turnover to reach USD 100 million," said Sholihin.

Andi, Isalina store manager, who has been selling since 1990, admits, many customers who are collectors. He also has a loyal customer of Jakarta which always adds to the collection of ceramic tableware buffet.

According to Andi, the collectors often hunts ceramic collections in Sitimang because ceramics are good quality and unique design. Not surprisingly, once shopping, the collectors are not reluctant to waste a lot of money. "The collectors, usually shopping with a minimum transaction of Rp 500,000," he said.

The laying of the first stone of the Museum of Edinburgh carried out by the Governor of Jambi, Maschun Sofwan, SH on February 18, 1981 on an area of ​​13 350 m² with a building area of ​​4,000 m². The inauguration of this museum with the name of the State Museum of Jambi Province conducted on June 6, 1988 by the Minister of Education and Culture, Prof.Dr.Fuad Hasan. With the enactment of Law No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Autonomy, the State Museum of Jambi province was renamed the State Museum of Jambi, according to the Regional Regulation Number 15 year 2002.Fungsi of this museum:

Perform the collection, maintenance, preservation, and presentation of objects that have cultural and scientific value.
Conduct the affairs of the library da scientific documentation.
Introduce and disseminate the results penelitiaan collection of objects that have cultural and scientific value.
Conducting cultural educational guidance.
Carrying out administrative matters.
State Museum of Edinburgh as the largest museum in the city of Jambi, now renamed the Museum Siginjai. Name change is expected to strengthen the collective memory of the community will be a legacy of historical objects Jambi. This name change is the cultural agreement Jambi. Siginjai taken from the name of a dagger Jambisebilah icon King Jambi. Change the name of the State Museum of Jambi into this Siginjai Museum Based on Governor Regulation No. 26 of 2012. They chose the name Siginjai as a substitute, as it is the name of a keris that is used by people Kayo Black, as the King of Jambi in the past in defending the country Jambi. This name better known and people are expected to be more familiar with heirloom weapons related to the history of the Jambi. Keris Siginjai is still stored in the National Museum in Jakarta, and copies are stored in the museum iniMuseum of Jambi has a diverse collection numbering approximately 2,855 pieces, among others geology (object collection that is the object of scientific disciplines of geology, among others, include rocks, minerals, fossils and objects other natural formations), biology (a collection of objects that enter the category of objects the object of research / disciplines studied by biology), philology (ancient manuscripts handwritten manuscripts written in Kerinci incung on horn and bamboo, the Koran and Book Tassauf handwritten.), ethnography (collection that became the object of study / discipline of anthropology, these objects are the result of cultural or describe an ethnic identity), archeology (the collection of which is the object of research / disciplines of archeology, such as: relics of the prehistoric), historical (the collection of the disciplines of history, since the entry of western budata, objects related to historical events), ceramic (ceramic collection made of baked clay with a certain temperature), art (art collection that expresses human artistic experience through object two or three dimensions) and technology (collection illustrates the development of traditional technology up to modern technology).

The museum also keeps prehistoric relics such as stone pickaxe, gong with ancient Chinese characters, teapots, porcelain dishes, fragments of arms, statues of Buddha, statues and so forth.

Garden Mayang Mangurai
Location travel workshop is located at Jalan Atmadibrata. Its location is only 6 km away from the center of the city of Jambi. In this workshop, you can see the traditional house Jambi nan called "Kejanglako". In the custom house you can see a collection of equipment used by the bride nan Jambi. In addition, you can also see traditional dresses nan district and into the province of Jambi.

Not only that, in this traditional house you can also find a wide collection of supplies nan is part of the customs Jambi. Attractions in the form of a garden center dengen form this custom home. Located in an area of ​​0.75 ha nan location is right next to the office of Governor of Jambi because it is located in the same complex with office nan Provincial Government of Jambi.

Kampoeng Radja

Family Travel Parks and out bound kampoeng king, comes to meet local needs for tourism and leisure facilities in Jambi. The area of ​​this park  8 Ha located at Jl. West ring No108 Recognize Big Jambi, exactly 400 m north intersection Rimbo or 300 meters from the terminal Jambi Natural Barajo.
This park is a family recreation area, because the whole vehicle or facility can be enjoyed by all circles; start a child - children, teenagers, adults to the elderly.
Since opening 1 April 2006 Visitors kampoeng king continues to increase. In 2009 these visitors ranged between 13000-15000 people per month. Visitors come from all over the district / city in the province of Jambi, as well as from large cities outside the province of Jambi. Visitors mancapai peak (peak season) on Saturdays and Sundays or on holidays.
Kampoeng Radja is open daily from 09.00 to 17.30 pm. Special Friday began to open at 14:00 pm. Saturday-Sunday (weekend) started to open 08.00 to 18.00 pm. Every Tuesday closed, except on long holiday (school) then Tuesday remained open.


Kampoeng Radja opened to the public (soft opening) April 1, 2006. When first opened, the rides are available:

2007 Vehicle Pool (Jasmine water Park) was built. Dated 2008 Jasmine water Park opened to the public. Subsequently, in June 2009 there are additional facilities slides (water slide).

On Eid 2009, there have been additions of new vehicle that is: go carts and miniature train. The new facility is also available, namely 4-wheel parking and parking wheel 2 is more representative. 4-wheel parking area is very unique, because the first time the existence in Jambi is built terraces (terraces).

Sunday, May 10, 2015

South Sumatra enchanting tour

Ampera Bridge
Ampera Bridge is a bridge in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Ampera Bridge, which has become a kind of emblem of the city, located in the middle of the city of Palembang, connecting the area Seberang Ulu and Ilir are separated by the River MusiIde to unite the two land in Palembang "Seberang Ulu and Ilir" with the bridge, actually being there Gemeente since the time of Palembang, 1906. Currently held the post of Mayor of Palembang Le Cocq de Ville, 1924, this idea was raised again and made a lot of effort to make it happen. However, until the term of office of Le Cocq end, even when the Dutch pull out of Indonesia, the project was never realized.

At the time of independence, the idea of ​​re-sticking. Transitional Council of the City of Palembang back proposed the construction of the bridge at the time, called the Musi Bridge by referring na-ma Musi River were flashing, at the plenary session which took place on October 29, 1956. This proposal is actually classified as reckless because the existing budget in Palembang that will be initial capital of only around Rp 30.000,00. In 1957, the construction committee was formed, consisting of the Sovereign Military Regional Command War IV / Sriwijaya, Aaron Sohar, and the Governor of South Sumatra, HA Bastari. Companion, Mayor of Palembang, M. Ali Amin, and Indra Caya. This team approach to Bung Karno to support the plan.

The work done by the Provincial Government of South Sumatra and Palembang, which is fully supported by the Military District Command IV / Sriwijaya then to fruition. Bung Karno then approve the proposed development. Because the bridge is planned to be built with each of his legs in the 7 Ulu and Ilir 16, which means that its position in the center of town, Bung Karno then filed requirement. Namely, the placement of the boulevard or the garden is open at both ends of the bridge. Perform the appointment of the company executing the construction, with the signing of the contract on December 14, 1961, at a cost of USD 4,500,000 (the current exchange rate, USD 1 = Rp 200.00) .Pembangunan bridge began in April 1962, after obtaining the approval of the President , The cost of construction is taken from the Japanese war reparation funds. Not just the cost, even this bridge use experts from these countries.

At first, this bridge, named after the bridge Bung Karno. According to historian Djohan Hanafiah, naming as a form of tribute to the first President. Bung Karno seriously fight Palembang residents desire, to have a bridge over the River Musi

Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (l: Palembang, 1767, w: Ternate, 26 September 1852) is the leader of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate during two periods (1803-1813, 1818-1821), after the reign of his father, Sultan Muhammad Bahauddin (1776-1803 ). Original name before becoming Raden Hasan Sultan is Prince Queen.

In his reign, he several times led the battle against the English and Dutch, among them the so-called War of Menteng. On the stairs July 14, 1821, when the Dutch managed to control Palembang, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II and family were arrested and exiled to Ternate.

His name is now immortalized as the name of the international airport in Palembang, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II and currency rupiah denomination's 10,000 issued by Bank Indonesia on October 20, 2005. The use of pictures SMB II in this paper money had become a case of copyright infringement, allegedly The image used without permission painter, but later revealed that this image has become the property of contest organizers face painting SMB II.

Conflict with England Since tin is found in the Pacific in the mid 18th century, Palembang and its territory became the target of Britain and the Netherlands. in order to establish a commercial contract, the Europeans intend to master Palembang. Beginning of European colonization marked by the placement Loji (trade office). In Palembang, the first lodge built in Sungai Aur Netherlands (10 Ulu).

The first Europeans to face Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (SMB II) is Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Raffles know the exact nature of the Sultan of Palembang. Therefore, Raffles very respectful in addition there are concerns as stated in a report to his superiors, Lord Minto, dated December 15, 1810:

"Sultan Palembang is one of the richest Malay prince and correct what was said that the warehouse is filled with dollars and gold that had been stockpiled by the ancestors. I consider that this is one subject that is important to deter Daendels utilize the great resource procurement. "
Along with contact between Britain and Palembang, the same thing was also done Netherlands. In this case, through his envoy, Raffles tried to persuade SMB II to expel the Dutch from Palembang (Raffles letter dated March 3, 1811).

Wisely, SMB II wrote back Raffles who essentially said that Palembang do not want to engage in hostilities between Britain and the Netherlands, and there is no intention to cooperate with the Netherlands. But finally there is cooperation Britain-Palembang, Palembang in which the more advantaged.

On 14 September 1811 events extermination and genocide in loji River Flow. Dutch alleges that provokes Britanialah Palembang in order to drive the Dutch. Conversely, the British hand washing, even directly accused the SMB II who took the initiative to do so.

Raffles cornered by events lodges Sungai Aur, but still hope to negotiate with the SMB II and get Bangka as compensation to Britain. Raffles expectation is of course rejected SMB II. As a result, the British sent a fleet of war under the leadership of Gillespie on the grounds punish SMB II. In a brief battle, Palembang SMB II capitulated and withdrew to Muara Rawas, far upstream Musi River.

After successfully occupying Palembang, Britain felt the need to appoint a new puppet ruler. After signing an agreement with favorable terms Britain, dated May 14, 1812 Prince Duke (younger brother of SMB II) appointed by the sultan Ahmad title Najamuddin II or Husin Diauddin. Bangka island capitulated and was renamed the Duke of York's Island. In Mentor, who then called Minto, Meares placed as a resident.

Meares ambition to capture the SMB II who have made camp in Muara Rawas. On August 28, 1812 he was carrying troops and weaponry are transported by boat to invade Muara Rawas. In a battle in Buay Langu, Meares was shot and later died after being taken back to Mentor. His position was replaced by Major Robison.
Great Mosque of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin

Cheng Ho Mosque
Cheng Hoo Mosque Palembang actually named Masjid Al Islam Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque Sriwijaya Palembang is a Chinese Muslim nuanced located in Jakabaring Palembang. The mosque is established on the initiative of the sespuh, advisors, administrators Chinese Islamic Association of Indonesia (PITI) South Sumatra, and as well as the leaders of the Chinese community around Palembang.Mesjid established diaspora also has a new priest who has memorized 30 chapters of the Muslim holy book, Al-Quran is Choirul Rizal.

Additionally, the Mosque which was built with a blend of elements of Chinese, Malay, and this archipelago has completed some parts of the mosque like the priest house, a fence around, and activate Education Sites Koran to children free of charge. Construction of the mosque was preceded by laying the first stone of the construction of the mosque, 2003. The initial capital was approximately USD 150 million from the get-togethers with friends on PITI. The land where the mosque stood a grant from the local government and inaugurated on 2006.Masjid Sriwijaya Muhammad Cheng Hoo, a mosque located in Jakabaring this has China architectural design, can accommodate about 600 worshipers and 2-story.

Cheng Ho Mosque has a unique architectural design, which combines elements of Palembang local culture with the nuances of Chinese and Arabic. The mosque is built on a land of 5,000 square meters is located in a middle-class residential complex. Towers on either side of the mosque mimic Chinese pagoda-pagoda, painted red and jade green.

The mosque is put into use since August 2008. There is no barrier that separates the congregation of men and women in the mosque. Men pray on the first floor, while women on the second floor. The environment of this mosque there is a small house for the priest, an office, a library, and a ballroom.

Kuto Besak
Kuto Besak is building the palace in the eighteenth century became the center of Palembang Sultanate. The idea of ​​establishing Kuto Besak initiated by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I who ruled in 1724-1758 and execution of construction completed by his successor, Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin who ruled in 1776-1803. Sultan Mahmud Bahauddin is a figure of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate realistic and practical in international trade, as well as a religionist who make Palembang as a center of religious literature in the archipelago. Marking its role as a sultan, he moved from Keraton Kuto Kuto Lamo to Besak. Dutch called Kuto Besak as nieuwe palace new palace alias.

This fort was built in 1780 by architects who are not known with certainty and supervision of work entrusted to a Chinese. Adhesive cement limestone bricks used in inland river Ogan coupled with egg white. The time used to build this Besak Kuto approximately 17 years. This palace is occupied officially on Monday on February 21, 1797.

In contrast to the location of the old palace, located in the countryside, the new palace stands in a very open position, strategic, and also very beautiful. Its position overlooking the River Musi.

At that time, the city of Palembang is still surrounded by children river that divides the city area into islands. Kuto Besak was as if standing on the island because it is limited by Sekanak River in the west, the River Tengkuruk in the east, and Kapuran River in the north.

Kuto Besak currently occupied by the Regional Military Command (Kodam) Sriwijaya.

Construction and arrangement of the area around the Plaza Kuto Besak projected to be open entertainment venues that sell Musi charm and historic buildings. If viewed from the Seberang Ulu or Ampera Bridge, scenery looks is spacious courtyard with a background of a row of palm trees in the yard Kuto Besak, and the water tower at the Office of the Mayor of Palembang.

In the night time, the atmosphere will be more dramatic. Light from a row of lights yellow garden creates reflections on the surface of the river.

The city government has a number of development plans to support the Plaza Kuto Besak as a tourist attraction.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

welcome to beautiful Batam Indonesia

The bridge Barelang
Barelang bridge (an abbreviation of Batam, eccentric, and Galang) is the name of the bridge that connects the islands of Pulau Batam, Tonton Island, Nipah Island, rempang, Galang and Galang Baru Island. The locals call the "Bridge Barelang", but some are calling it the "Bridge Habibie", because he who initiated the construction of the bridge to facilitate the three islands which are designed to be developed into industrial areas in the Riau Islands. It now includes a third island province of Riau Islands.

Barelang bridge has become an icon of Batam, even popular as its landmark Batam Island. If the city of Jakarta identical to Monas then people will Batam with Barelang Bridge (Barelang Bridge).

Barelang bridge name that is given by the local community turned out to be far more popular than the original name ie Fisabilillah Bridge. The name "Barelang" by the public are taken from the names of islands connected by the bridge; Batam, Rempang, and Galang. Barelang bridge has another name, Habibie Bridge or Bridge one.

Barelang bridge is a high-tech pilot project involving hundreds of engineers Indonesia without the intervention of foreign experts. Built to expand the working area of ​​the Batam Authority (OB) as a regulator of the industrial area of ​​Batam Island. Trans bridge builders have drawn Barelang budget Batam Authority (OB) of Rp 400 billion that was built in the past six years (1992-1998). Six magnificent bridge is a vital project as a liaison Trans Barelang that stretches along 54 kilometers.

Barelang bridge consists of six bridges Sixth Barelang bridges consist of:
Tengku Fisabilillah bridge (bridge I), which is the largest bridge
Nara Lion bridge (Bridge II)

Raja Ali Haji bridge (bridge III)

Apart from the initial orientation Barelang bridge construction, bridge now Barelang especially bridges I have made one tourist destination for the local communities, local and international tourists. The strategic location is able to "hypnotize" the visitor to linger over Barelang Bridge I.
Bridge-type "cable stayed bridge" stretches along 642 meters connecting Batam Island with Island Watch. At a height of 38 meters above sea level, the tourists can enjoy the scenery around Barelang Bridge I. lined expanse of sea island blue nan will bring a sense of wonder and collaboration with the onshore breeze sea breeze can make people complacent.
Sultan Zainal Abidin bridge (bridge IV)
Tuanku Tambusai bridge (bridge V)
King Kecik bridge (bridge VI).

girder island

Galang island with an area of ​​approximately 80 km² is an island in the city administration Batam, Riau Islands province which is the third major island chain connected by six bridges Barelang. The island is famous for the Vietnam refugee camps that occur on a large scale in the years 1979 - 1996 and to the attention of the UN and the international community. Galang refugee camp is now a tourist attraction and historical city of Batam, because it is relatively close to the island of Batam (approximately 7 km).

In addition to this attraction, the island of Galang also visited by many tourists during the weekend because of the jasmine beach in the western part of the island which is quite beautiful.

Batam is known as an industrial city, but also a lot of interesting sights are there. One of the interesting places in Batam that Nongsa Beach. Nongsa beaches located in the northeast part of Batam Island, precisely in the District Nongsa, Batam, Riau Islands Province. The name of this beach is the same as the name of his district. While Nongsa name itself is taken from the name of a character who first developed the Malay coastal region. Formerly this area is only vacant land covered by scrub, but thanks to the cold hands of the Malay character of this region has now turned into a tourist area with huge potential and managed to make investors build various resorts in the vicinity.
Nongsa coast
Nongsa beaches, better known by the name of Old Nongsa by residents around a gorgeous beach with calm waves and white sand. Interestingly, Nongsa Beach is very close to the southern coast of Singapore, even so close it only takes half an hour to use a motorboat to go to the south coast of Singapore. Due to its proximity, at night when it is in the Nongsa Beach, you can enjoy views of Singapore's city very beautifully decorated with lights. Not only that, this beach facing the northwest so it is perfect for enjoying the sunset. Nongsa coast also has underwater scenery is no less beautiful. You can try snorkeling to enjoy it. In the vicinity of the beach there is also a traditional Malay village can be visited.

Nongsa coast has indeed been constructed in such a way by the government and investors to become a mainstay of the tourist area. Therefore many facilities that you can find here, ranging from hotels with various price, international-class resort and various golf courses. Various kinds of restaurants and restaurants with seafood dishes as the mainstay dishes can also be found here. Interested in the souvenirs and souvenirs, do not miss the souvenir shop in the center of Nongsa Beach.
Batam City Square
Batam City Square (better known as BCS) is a shopping center located at Jl. Bunga Raya, Baloi, Batam Riau Islands. Shopping centers managed by PT Sumber Jaya Lubuk is in a strategic location that is at the confluence of two roads, namely Jalan Bunga Raya and Jalan Penuin. Penuin street is bustling trade area with solid activity every day.

For shopping, recreation and entertainment, BCS Mall stands in the middle of the commercial locations visited by people of the city of Batam, even foreign tourists. BCS Mall building consists of six floors (can be built up to 8 floors) [1] with the effective location of over 30,000 m² and can accommodate more than 1,000 four-wheel vehicles in the parking garage that each floor of the parking building is directly connected to the center of the mall. Building facilities consist of AC Central, 2 lifts in the Atrium Hall, 2 units of elevators in the loading area, 18 units of escalators, powered backup electric power source capable of supplying the electricity needs throughout the building, installation of electricity and telephone cables, Installation Springkle (smoke detector) and Fire Detector, complete security equipment and monitored.

Batam city is not only known as a city of commerce and industry, but the city of Batam also has tremendous tourism potential. In mid-year and year-end holiday season, the ferry port on the island of Batam is always filled with tourists local and foreign tourists, mostly from Singapore and Malaysia. One of the favorite tourist attractions on the island of Batam, especially for tourists from Singapore is Bukit Senyum.Bukit smile on Batam Island became a favorite tourist attraction because of Hill's smile, we can see the sights of Singapore with flashing lights twinkle very sparkling city. From the top of this hill, you can see the look of the buildings in the city of Singapore and the ships passing to and from Singapore. In addition, you can see the view planes taking off from Changi International Airport which also passes through this area Bukit smile.

If the evening had come, a more spectacular view of lights edung-building in the city of Singapore and also the lights of a ship at sea presents a very beautiful scenery. Exotic scenery in Bukit smile in the evening can be enjoyed while sitting on the grass or also can line up sitting on the bench that had been prepared by local merchants.

hill smile batam
In the area of ​​Bukit smile, you can choose to hang out some, among others, The Peak Pujasera, Padang Pusako Eat, Eat Tofu Sumedang, and Sofonta Cafe. Take the most comfortable position to enjoy the view of the City of Singapore. In that area, you can also see the sights Lubuk Baja Batam. Smile hill became a favorite place to watch the turn of the year because of this hill momentum fireworks new year seems so obvious.

and many other tourist attractions in Batam

Monday, May 4, 2015

welcome enchanting natural beauty riau

sari valley artificial lake
Tour Lake Valley Made Sari is one of the natural nuances of tourism Pekanbaru. One tourist destination that is located in the District Rumbai Pekanbaru, Riau. Limbungan is an artificial lake in the form of irrigation dam is located approximately 10 kilometers from the town of Pekanbaru.

Made of natural scenery around Lake Valley Sari have a beautiful panorama, cool, comfortable and the hills are wooded, allowing tirta developed as tourist Attractions such as swimming, fishing, cycling of water and others. Currently, many investors are interested to invest Reviews their capital in this lake.
Currently Riau attraction is being renovated at a cost of millions of dollars to be converted into the destination location Riau Tour mainstay. Hopefully the location of Riau Tour this really be the object of the most popular Travel Riau.
the museum to play indigo pekanbaru
Museum Sang Nila Utama is one of the museum is probably the Reviews largest and most comprehensively in Pekanbaru. The museum is located at Jalan Sudirman, a main street that connects the Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport to the city center.

As with any other museum in Indonesia, visitors Museum Sang Nila Utama quite deserted. In fact I was the only visitor that comes at the time. But in this museum, there are two officers who keep the museum to withdraw the fees and Asks visitors to fill out the guest list. It is quite unfortunate is the visitors are prohibited from taking photos inside the museum and sayapun not allowed to bring my digital camera, so I did not bring home interior photos and collections at the Museum of Sang Nila Utama.

Sang Nila Utama Museum collection can be fairly complete. Ranging from collections in the form of a collection of geology, biology, ethnographic, archeology, history, numismatics / Heraldic, philology, ceramics, and art in the province of Riau.

The portions were quite prominent in this museum are some collections that form is one characteristic of Riau items, namely petroleum mining. Can not be denied again, especially Duri Riau Dumai and an oil producer run by Chevron.

Collection equipment and items such as drill bits mine, replica pumps swing, rock-forming oil, and crude oil or crude oil Became the most unique collections that are rarely found in other museums.

The rest, Sang Nila Utama Museum collection contains various collections of animals that have been preserved, a collection of historic objects (replicas Muara Takus, guns, swords), and a collection of cultural products (clothing and custom homes from various districts, Riau artificial kris, batik, ceramics from China, metal crafts, and others). In addition there is Also a collection of photographs of the governor who had led Riau.

If seen, Sang Nila Utama Museum in Pekanbaru quite terawa, neat, and has a fairly complete collection. It's just like with any other museum in Indonesia, visitors who come to the museum is not much.

riau an-nur great mosque
An Nur Great Mosque is a mosque located in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. This mosque was built in 1963 and was completed in 1968. The mosque in the capital of the province of Riau, Pekanbaru is currently one of the grandest in Indonesia. Viewed from the side of the building, the mosque are much influenced by the architectural style of Malay, Turkish, Arabic and Indian.Mesjid Supreme An Nur stand 27 Rajab 1388 H or coincide with the date of October 19, 1968, the Great Mosque of An-Nur unveiled by Arifin Ahmad, Riau Governor at that time and in 2000 during the governor Saleh Djasit mosque was renovated on a large scale.

Great Mosque of An-Nur Riau that we are witnessing today is not so magnificent original building development results in 1966 and inaugurated in 1968. But it is the result of a total renovation of the building and rebuilding of An-Nur Mosque long. At the turn of the millennium in 2000, when under the leadership of Riau governor Saleh Djasit, the Great Mosque of An-Nur were long in total reorganized into its current form.

From 2000 the construction of the mosque's land area tripled from the previous roomates only an area of ​​4 hectares to 12.6 hectares. The breadth of this new land mosque Provides flexibility for open land for public penyediakan Pekanbaru includes green park area and parking space is so vast.

In the history of the Great Mosque of An-Nur had been a campus for the Faculty of Islamic Theology Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekabaru in its early years until 1973. IAIN Syarif Kasim Sultan has now Become the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim (UIN Suska) Pekanbaru

Palace of Siak Sri Indrapura
Siak Sri Indrapura palace is the official residence of the Sultan of Siak which was built in 1889, during the reign of Sultan Syarif Hasyim. This palace is a relic of the Sultanate of Siak Sri Indrapura which was completed in 1893. Now the palace IS ALSO called the Palace of the Sun East, the entrance area Siak administration.

The palace complex has an area of ​​about 32,000 square meters consisting of four palaces that Siak Palace, the Palace of Lima, Padjang Palace, and Palace Baroe. Siak palace itself has an area of ​​1,000 meters persegi.Istana Siak has a patterned architecture Malay, Arab, and European. The building consists of two floors. The bottom floor is divided into six Courtroom: The waiting room of the guest of honor guest room, living room male, living room for women, one room on the right side is the royal court, Also used for the party room. Upstairs is divided into nine rooms, serves to break the palace of the Sultan and the guests. The top of the building there are six statues of the eagle as a symbol of courage Palace. While at the courtyard of the palace can still be seen eight cannons spread to different sides of the courtyard, then left behind the castle there is a small building that was formerly used as a temporary prison and many other tourist attractions in Riau

Muara Takus
Muara Takus

riau water waterfall law
riau water waterfall law