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Friday, January 23, 2015

Indonesia tour beauty

borobudur temple
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang, 86 km to the west of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Stupa temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple or shrine in the world and one of the largest Buddhist monument in the world.

The monument comprises six square terraces on which there are three circular courtyard, the walls are decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues are original. Borobudur has most complete collection of Buddhist reliefs in the world.  The main stupa is the largest teletak in the middle once crowned this building, surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated stupas in which there is a statue of buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly with mudra (hand gesture) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).

This monument is a model of the universe and built as a shrine to honor the Buddha also functions as a place of pilgrimage to lead mankind from natural lust switch to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha. The pilgrims enter through the east side begin the ritual in the temple grounds to walk this sacred building circling clockwise, while continuing to climb the stairs to the next through three levels in the realm of Buddhist cosmology. The third level is Kamadhatu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (tangible realm), and Arupadhatu (formless realm). In this journey of pilgrims walking through a series of hallways and stairs with no less than 1,460 witnessed the beautiful relief panels carved on the walls and balustrades.

The Ubud Monkey Forest is a nature reserve and temple complex in Ubud, Bali. Its full name as written on a welcome sign is the Padangtegal Mandala Wisata Wanara Wana Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. The complex houses approximately 605 Crab-eating Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) monkeys (39 adult males, 38 male sub adult, 194 adult females, 243 juvenile and 91 infants —2011—). There are four groups of monkeys each occupying different territories in the park. The Sacred Monkey Forest is a popular tourist attraction in Ubud, and is often visited by over 10,000 tourists a month. The forest comprises approximately a tenth of a square kilometer (approximately 10ha or 27 acres)and contains at least 115 different species of trees.The Monkey Forest contains the Pura Dalem Agung Padangtegal temple as well as a "Holy Spring" bathing temple and another temple used for cremation ceremonies. The Monkey Forest is owned by the village of Padangtegal, and village members serve on the Monkey Forest's governing council. The Padangtegal Wenara Wana Foundation manages the Monkey Forest and serves to maintain its sacred integrity and to promote the sacred site as a destination for visitors.

The forest has been populated by monkeys in greater numbers than an environment undisturbed by humans would allow for a number of years, with the population density now (2013) higher than ever. The visitor will notice the interesting phenomenon of numerous obese monkeys, a testament to the almost unbounded food supply the huge number of tourists entering in and near the forest provide. Tourists are bitten by monkeys daily and numerous of these attacks can be can be found by a key word searches on YouTube. The monkeys - crab eating macaques - will invariably approach human visitors in a large group and then grab any bags containing food. They may also grab bags not containing food. If the demanded food is readily provided the monkeys will usually not, although occasionally will, bite the human owner. If the demanded food is not provided quickly enough, one or more of the monkeys will certainly bite the human owner. Numerous bites occur because humans are not quick enough in producing a desired food item. Given that tourists don't enter and travel the monkey forest armed and ready to fight relatively small monkeys, and that dogs are not allowed inside, the monkeys have none of the normal environmental competitors to keep them in check. They have also lost the fear of humans normal to almost all animals.

Monkey bites are a very serious medical event given the variety of viruses monkeys carry that can be transferred to humans. For example, Herpes B virus is very prevalent in crab eating macaques, should be assumed to be very prevalent in the populations in Ubud Monkey Forest, and frequently causes death in humans. Given their apparently increasing aggressiveness, and the risk they pose to human health, there have been calls by Balinese politicians for a cull of macaques in Bali. These calls have not been formally accepted by authorities.

Mountain Kawi is an 11th-century temple complex in Sukawati north east of Ubud in Bali, Indonesia, that is spread across either side of the Pakerisan river. It comprises 10 rock-cut temples (shrines) that are carved into some 7-meter-high (23 ft) sheltered niches of the sheer cliff face. Reviews These funeral monuments are thought to be dedicated to the King Children Wungsu of the Udayana dynasty and his favorite queens. On the east side there are five temples that are dedicated, According to one theory, to King Udayana, his queen Mahendradatta, and Reviews their sons Airlangga, Children Wungsu, and Marakata. The temples on the west side are dedicated, According to the same theory, to the king's minor queens or concubines.

The Tangkuban Perahu or Tangkuban Perahu is one of the mountains which is located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of Bandung, with lush pine trees and the surrounding expanse of tea plantations, Tangkuban Perahu has a height of 2,084 meters high. The shape of this mountain is Stratovulcano with eruptive center moved from east to west. Rock types are mostly issued by the eruption of lava and sulfur, sulfur minerals issued is sulfur, a mineral that is emitted when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. Tangkuban Perahu area administered by the Corporation of Forestry. The average daily temperature is 17 ° C at 2 ° C during the day and at night hari.Asal genesis Tangkuban Perahu Sangkuriang associated with the legend, told in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi / Rarasati. To thwart his intentions to marry her, Dayang Sumbi stipulating that Sangkuriang create a lake and a boat overnight. When his efforts failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat that landed upside down. The boat is then formed Tangkuban Perahu.

Tangkuban Perahu This includes an active volcano whose status is monitored continuously by the Indonesian Directorate of Volcanology. Some of the crater is still showing signs of activity of this mountain. Among the signs of volcanic activity of this is the emergence of sulfur gases and sources of hot water at the foot of the mountain, among which are in kasawan Ciater, Subang. Tangkuban Perahu never experienced a small eruption in 2006, which led to three people were slightly injured.

The existence of this mountain and form the shape of Bandung basin topography with hills and mountains on each side reinforces the theory of the existence of a large lake which is now the Bandung area. Believed by geologists that the plateau region of Bandung with an altitude of approximately 709 m above sea level is the remnant of a large lake formed by the damming of Ci WTC by the eruption of an ancient volcano known as Mount Sunda and Tangkuban Perahu is a remnant of ancient Mount Sunda which is still active. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and Ngorongoro district in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend that is the story of society Sangkuriang the region is believed to be a public documentation area of Mount Sunda Ancient of events at that time

Ranu Kumbolo is a mountain lake in Lumajang, East Java. It is in the Tengger Mountains, at the foot of Mount Semeru. The extent of 15 hectares.

Ranu Kumbolo is part of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park tour beauty (English: Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park), abbreviated pedestal, is a tourist park in the southern part of the island of Bali. This park is located on the headland of Nusa Dua, Badung regency, about 40 kilometers south of Denpasar, the provincial capital of Bali. In this cultural garden area, planned to be established a landmark or mascot of Bali, the giant statue of Lord Vishnu who is riding his mount, Garuda, as high as 12 meters. 

Area Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park is located at an altitude of 146 meters above ground level or 263 meters above sea level.

In the region there is also a statue of Garuda which is just behind the Plaza Vishnu is Garuda Plaza where 18-meter high statue of Garuda placed temporarily. At this time, Garuda Plaza became the focal point of a large hall carved limestone pillars which covers more than 4000 square meters of open space that is the Lotus Pond. Limestone pillars colossal and monumental sculpture Lotus Pond Garuda made the room very exotic. With a capacity of rooms that can accommodate up to 7000 people, Lotus Pond has earned a good reputation as the perfect place to hold large events and international.

There is also a statue of Vishnu hand which is part of the statue of Lord Vishnu. This is one step closer to completing the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue complete. This work was placed temporarily in Tirta Agung area.


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