National Monument or popularly abbreviated as Monas monument or memorial is as high as 132 meters (433 feet), which was established in memory of the resistance and the Indonesian people's struggle for independence from Dutch colonial rule. Construction of the monument began on August 17, 1961 under the orders of the president Sukarno, and was opened to the public on July 12, 1975. This monument crowned flame coated gold sheet that symbolizes the spirit of fiery struggle. The National Monument is located right in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. Monuments and museums are open every day starting at 08:00 to 15:00 pm. On Monday last week of each month is closed for umum.Setelah seat of government of the Republic of Indonesia returned to Jakarta after previously located in Yogyakarta in 1950 following the recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia by the Dutch government in 1949, President Sukarno began to think about the construction of a national monument that is equivalent to Eiffel Tower on the ground right in front of the Palace. Development aims Monas monument commemorate and preserve the Indonesian struggle for independence during the revolution of 1945, in order to continue to inspire patriotism and spirit of present and future generations.
On August 17, 1954 a national committee was formed and a national monument design competition held in 1955. There are 51 works entered, but only one works made by Frederich Silaban that meet the specified criteria committee, among others, describe the character of the Indonesian nation and can survived for centuries. The second contest was held in 1960 but again none of the 136 participants who meet the criteria. Chairman of the jury then asked Silaban to show his design to Sukarno. But Sukarno does not like the design of it and he wanted the monument was shaped phallus and yoni. Silaban then asked to design a monument with a theme like that, but the design of the proposed Silaban so extraordinary that the cost is very large and is not able to be covered by the state budget, especially when the economic conditions were pretty bad. Silaban reject designing smaller building, and suggested the construction be delayed until the Indonesian economy improves. Sukarno then asked the architect R.M. Soedarsono to resume the draft. Soedarsono enter the number 17, 8 and 45, August 17, 1945 symbolizes the start Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, into the design of the monument National Memorial was later built in an area of 80 hectares. This monument diarsiteki by Friedrich Silaban and RM Soedarsono, began construction August 17, 1961.
the national museum in Jakarta, Indonesia
The existence of the National Museum begins with the establishment of a set of named Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, established by the Government of the Netherlands on 24 April 1778. At that time there was a revolution in the central European intellectual (the Age of Enlightenment) is where people begin to develop ideas scientific and science. In 1752 in Haarlem, The Netherlands stands De Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Dutch Scientific Society). This prompted the Dutch in Batavia (Indonesia) to establish similar organizations.
Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (BG) is an independent institution established for the purpose of advancing penetitian in art and science, especially in the fields of biology, physics, archeology, literature, ethnology and history, Berta published research hash. This institution has the motto "Ten Nutte van het Algemeen" (For the Public Interest).
One of the founders of this institution, namely JCM Radermacher, donated his house in Jalan Kalibesar, a commercial district in Jakarta-Kota. Except that he also donated a number of collections of cultural objects and books are very useful, donations Radermacher which is the forerunner to the establishment of museums and libraries.
During the period of British rule in Java (1811-1816), Lieutenant Governor Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles as Director of this association. Therefore, the house in Kalibesar already filled with collections, Raffles ordered the construction of a new building to be used as a museum and meeting rooms for Literary Society (formerly called the building "Societeit de Harmonie"). The building is located at Majapahit street number 3. Now at this place stands state secretariat building complex, near the presidential palace.
Total collections of BG continued neningkat to the museum at Jalan Majapahit can no longer accommodate the collection. In 1862, the Dutch East Indies government decided to build a new museum building at the current location, namely Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 12 (Dutu called Koningsplein West). Soil covers an area that later on it was built building Rechst Hogeschool or "Law School" (once used to markasKenpetai during the Japanese occupation, and now the Department of Defense and Security). The new museum building opened to the public in 1868.
The museum is very well known among the people of Indonesia, especially Jakarta residents. They call it "Elephant House" or "Elephant Museum" as the front page of the museum there is a bronze statue of elephant gift from King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) from Thailand who've been to the museum in 1871. Sometimes called the "Gedung Arca" because in the building is a lot of stored various types and forms of statues from various periods.
textile museum in Jakarta, Indonesia
In the mid-1970s era, the use of textiles, understanding the use and the quantity and quality of production is very obvious decline. Some even become very rare. It motivates some of the leading citizens of Jakarta to set up an institution dedicated to the preservation and study of Indonesian textiles. The Association Wastraprema (Textile Lovers Society) donated the basic collection of 500 high-quality textiles. Provincial government provides accommodation a lovely old building in the district of Tanah Abang Jakarta.
The core of the building now houses the Textile Museum was built in the early 19th century by a French and then sold to Abdul Aziz Al Mussawi Katiri Turkish consul in Jakarta. In 1942 the property was sold to Dr. Karel Christian Crucq and in early 1945 was used as the headquarters of the "Pioneer Youth Front" and the Civil Defence Forces in the struggle for independence was proclaimed Indonesia. For this last reason, the building is listed as a historic monument.
In 1947 the property is owned by Sion Lie Pin leased to the Ministry of Social Affairs is transformed into an institution for the elderly. In 1962 the property was acquired by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Originally used as an office, it turned into a hostel employee in 1966. Finally, in 1975, was officially handed over to the Jakarta City Government by Minister of Social Affairs. Governor Ali Sadikin decided that the need to preserve traditional Indonesian textiles is greater than the needs of the city for archival storage space, the building has been allocated and Textile Museum was born.
puppet museum in Jakarta, Indonesia
Building that looks unique and interesting has several times undergone renovation. At first this building named De Oude Hollandsche Kerk ("Old Dutch Church") and the first built in 1640. In 1732 repaired and renamed De Hollandse Nieuwe Kerk (New Church Netherlands) until 1808 due to destroyed by an earthquake in the same year , Above ground it is built in the ruins of buildings puppet museum and its use as a museum inaugurated on August 13, 1975. Although it has been restored several old and new parts of the church are still visible visible inside the building iniMuseum Puppet displaying various types and forms of puppets from all over Indonesia, both made of wood and leather and other materials. Puppets from abroad there is also here, for example, of the People's Republic of China and Cambodia. Until now Puppet Museum collects more than 4,000 puppets, consisting of shadow puppets, puppet show, puppet cardboard, puppets grass, coconut puppets, masks, dolls, puppets and gamelan beber. Generally dolls collected in the museum are the dolls that come from Europe even though some are derived from non-European countries such as Thailand, Suriname, China, Vietnam, India and Colombia.
In addition to periodically disenggelarakan also puppet at week 2 and 3 each month.
On November 7, 2003, the UN decided to recognize the puppet Indonesia as a world heritage that should be preserved.
cathedral church jakarta in Jakarta, Indonesia
Cathedral Church Jakarta (official name: Santa Maria Patron Assumption, De Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouwe ten Hemelopneming) is a church in Jakarta. The church building was inaugurated in 1901 and built with neo-gothic architecture of Europe, which is very prevalent architecture used to build a church building a few centuries ago.
The present church was designed and initiated by Father Antonius Dijkmans and the laying of the first stone made by Carolus Provicaris Wenneker. This work was followed by Cuypers-Hulswit when Dijkmans could not continue, and then inaugurated and blessed on 21 April 1901 by Mgr. Edmundus Sybradus Luypen, SJ, Apostolic Vicar of Jakarta.
Cathedral as we know it is not really original church building in that place, because the original cathedral was inaugurated in February 1810, but on July 27, 1826 the chapel was burnt along with 180 houses in the vicinity. Then, on May 31, 1890 in sunny weather, the church also had collapsed.
On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2000, this church became one of the locations hit by bomb blasts and many tourist attractions in other Indonesian jakarta
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46 homestead in Jakarta Indonesia |
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Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum in Jakarta Indonesia |