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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

welcome to beautiful Batam Indonesia

The bridge Barelang
Barelang bridge (an abbreviation of Batam, eccentric, and Galang) is the name of the bridge that connects the islands of Pulau Batam, Tonton Island, Nipah Island, rempang, Galang and Galang Baru Island. The locals call the "Bridge Barelang", but some are calling it the "Bridge Habibie", because he who initiated the construction of the bridge to facilitate the three islands which are designed to be developed into industrial areas in the Riau Islands. It now includes a third island province of Riau Islands.

Barelang bridge has become an icon of Batam, even popular as its landmark Batam Island. If the city of Jakarta identical to Monas then people will Batam with Barelang Bridge (Barelang Bridge).

Barelang bridge name that is given by the local community turned out to be far more popular than the original name ie Fisabilillah Bridge. The name "Barelang" by the public are taken from the names of islands connected by the bridge; Batam, Rempang, and Galang. Barelang bridge has another name, Habibie Bridge or Bridge one.

Barelang bridge is a high-tech pilot project involving hundreds of engineers Indonesia without the intervention of foreign experts. Built to expand the working area of ​​the Batam Authority (OB) as a regulator of the industrial area of ​​Batam Island. Trans bridge builders have drawn Barelang budget Batam Authority (OB) of Rp 400 billion that was built in the past six years (1992-1998). Six magnificent bridge is a vital project as a liaison Trans Barelang that stretches along 54 kilometers.

Barelang bridge consists of six bridges Sixth Barelang bridges consist of:
Tengku Fisabilillah bridge (bridge I), which is the largest bridge
Nara Lion bridge (Bridge II)

Raja Ali Haji bridge (bridge III)

Apart from the initial orientation Barelang bridge construction, bridge now Barelang especially bridges I have made one tourist destination for the local communities, local and international tourists. The strategic location is able to "hypnotize" the visitor to linger over Barelang Bridge I.
Bridge-type "cable stayed bridge" stretches along 642 meters connecting Batam Island with Island Watch. At a height of 38 meters above sea level, the tourists can enjoy the scenery around Barelang Bridge I. lined expanse of sea island blue nan will bring a sense of wonder and collaboration with the onshore breeze sea breeze can make people complacent.
Sultan Zainal Abidin bridge (bridge IV)
Tuanku Tambusai bridge (bridge V)
King Kecik bridge (bridge VI).

girder island

Galang island with an area of ​​approximately 80 km² is an island in the city administration Batam, Riau Islands province which is the third major island chain connected by six bridges Barelang. The island is famous for the Vietnam refugee camps that occur on a large scale in the years 1979 - 1996 and to the attention of the UN and the international community. Galang refugee camp is now a tourist attraction and historical city of Batam, because it is relatively close to the island of Batam (approximately 7 km).

In addition to this attraction, the island of Galang also visited by many tourists during the weekend because of the jasmine beach in the western part of the island which is quite beautiful.

Batam is known as an industrial city, but also a lot of interesting sights are there. One of the interesting places in Batam that Nongsa Beach. Nongsa beaches located in the northeast part of Batam Island, precisely in the District Nongsa, Batam, Riau Islands Province. The name of this beach is the same as the name of his district. While Nongsa name itself is taken from the name of a character who first developed the Malay coastal region. Formerly this area is only vacant land covered by scrub, but thanks to the cold hands of the Malay character of this region has now turned into a tourist area with huge potential and managed to make investors build various resorts in the vicinity.
Nongsa coast
Nongsa beaches, better known by the name of Old Nongsa by residents around a gorgeous beach with calm waves and white sand. Interestingly, Nongsa Beach is very close to the southern coast of Singapore, even so close it only takes half an hour to use a motorboat to go to the south coast of Singapore. Due to its proximity, at night when it is in the Nongsa Beach, you can enjoy views of Singapore's city very beautifully decorated with lights. Not only that, this beach facing the northwest so it is perfect for enjoying the sunset. Nongsa coast also has underwater scenery is no less beautiful. You can try snorkeling to enjoy it. In the vicinity of the beach there is also a traditional Malay village can be visited.

Nongsa coast has indeed been constructed in such a way by the government and investors to become a mainstay of the tourist area. Therefore many facilities that you can find here, ranging from hotels with various price, international-class resort and various golf courses. Various kinds of restaurants and restaurants with seafood dishes as the mainstay dishes can also be found here. Interested in the souvenirs and souvenirs, do not miss the souvenir shop in the center of Nongsa Beach.
Batam City Square
Batam City Square (better known as BCS) is a shopping center located at Jl. Bunga Raya, Baloi, Batam Riau Islands. Shopping centers managed by PT Sumber Jaya Lubuk is in a strategic location that is at the confluence of two roads, namely Jalan Bunga Raya and Jalan Penuin. Penuin street is bustling trade area with solid activity every day.

For shopping, recreation and entertainment, BCS Mall stands in the middle of the commercial locations visited by people of the city of Batam, even foreign tourists. BCS Mall building consists of six floors (can be built up to 8 floors) [1] with the effective location of over 30,000 m² and can accommodate more than 1,000 four-wheel vehicles in the parking garage that each floor of the parking building is directly connected to the center of the mall. Building facilities consist of AC Central, 2 lifts in the Atrium Hall, 2 units of elevators in the loading area, 18 units of escalators, powered backup electric power source capable of supplying the electricity needs throughout the building, installation of electricity and telephone cables, Installation Springkle (smoke detector) and Fire Detector, complete security equipment and monitored.

Batam city is not only known as a city of commerce and industry, but the city of Batam also has tremendous tourism potential. In mid-year and year-end holiday season, the ferry port on the island of Batam is always filled with tourists local and foreign tourists, mostly from Singapore and Malaysia. One of the favorite tourist attractions on the island of Batam, especially for tourists from Singapore is Bukit Senyum.Bukit smile on Batam Island became a favorite tourist attraction because of Hill's smile, we can see the sights of Singapore with flashing lights twinkle very sparkling city. From the top of this hill, you can see the look of the buildings in the city of Singapore and the ships passing to and from Singapore. In addition, you can see the view planes taking off from Changi International Airport which also passes through this area Bukit smile.

If the evening had come, a more spectacular view of lights edung-building in the city of Singapore and also the lights of a ship at sea presents a very beautiful scenery. Exotic scenery in Bukit smile in the evening can be enjoyed while sitting on the grass or also can line up sitting on the bench that had been prepared by local merchants.

hill smile batam
In the area of ​​Bukit smile, you can choose to hang out some, among others, The Peak Pujasera, Padang Pusako Eat, Eat Tofu Sumedang, and Sofonta Cafe. Take the most comfortable position to enjoy the view of the City of Singapore. In that area, you can also see the sights Lubuk Baja Batam. Smile hill became a favorite place to watch the turn of the year because of this hill momentum fireworks new year seems so obvious.

and many other tourist attractions in Batam

Monday, May 4, 2015

welcome enchanting natural beauty riau

sari valley artificial lake
Tour Lake Valley Made Sari is one of the natural nuances of tourism Pekanbaru. One tourist destination that is located in the District Rumbai Pekanbaru, Riau. Limbungan is an artificial lake in the form of irrigation dam is located approximately 10 kilometers from the town of Pekanbaru.

Made of natural scenery around Lake Valley Sari have a beautiful panorama, cool, comfortable and the hills are wooded, allowing tirta developed as tourist Attractions such as swimming, fishing, cycling of water and others. Currently, many investors are interested to invest Reviews their capital in this lake.
Currently Riau attraction is being renovated at a cost of millions of dollars to be converted into the destination location Riau Tour mainstay. Hopefully the location of Riau Tour this really be the object of the most popular Travel Riau.
the museum to play indigo pekanbaru
Museum Sang Nila Utama is one of the museum is probably the Reviews largest and most comprehensively in Pekanbaru. The museum is located at Jalan Sudirman, a main street that connects the Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport to the city center.

As with any other museum in Indonesia, visitors Museum Sang Nila Utama quite deserted. In fact I was the only visitor that comes at the time. But in this museum, there are two officers who keep the museum to withdraw the fees and Asks visitors to fill out the guest list. It is quite unfortunate is the visitors are prohibited from taking photos inside the museum and sayapun not allowed to bring my digital camera, so I did not bring home interior photos and collections at the Museum of Sang Nila Utama.

Sang Nila Utama Museum collection can be fairly complete. Ranging from collections in the form of a collection of geology, biology, ethnographic, archeology, history, numismatics / Heraldic, philology, ceramics, and art in the province of Riau.

The portions were quite prominent in this museum are some collections that form is one characteristic of Riau items, namely petroleum mining. Can not be denied again, especially Duri Riau Dumai and an oil producer run by Chevron.

Collection equipment and items such as drill bits mine, replica pumps swing, rock-forming oil, and crude oil or crude oil Became the most unique collections that are rarely found in other museums.

The rest, Sang Nila Utama Museum collection contains various collections of animals that have been preserved, a collection of historic objects (replicas Muara Takus, guns, swords), and a collection of cultural products (clothing and custom homes from various districts, Riau artificial kris, batik, ceramics from China, metal crafts, and others). In addition there is Also a collection of photographs of the governor who had led Riau.

If seen, Sang Nila Utama Museum in Pekanbaru quite terawa, neat, and has a fairly complete collection. It's just like with any other museum in Indonesia, visitors who come to the museum is not much.

riau an-nur great mosque
An Nur Great Mosque is a mosque located in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. This mosque was built in 1963 and was completed in 1968. The mosque in the capital of the province of Riau, Pekanbaru is currently one of the grandest in Indonesia. Viewed from the side of the building, the mosque are much influenced by the architectural style of Malay, Turkish, Arabic and Indian.Mesjid Supreme An Nur stand 27 Rajab 1388 H or coincide with the date of October 19, 1968, the Great Mosque of An-Nur unveiled by Arifin Ahmad, Riau Governor at that time and in 2000 during the governor Saleh Djasit mosque was renovated on a large scale.

Great Mosque of An-Nur Riau that we are witnessing today is not so magnificent original building development results in 1966 and inaugurated in 1968. But it is the result of a total renovation of the building and rebuilding of An-Nur Mosque long. At the turn of the millennium in 2000, when under the leadership of Riau governor Saleh Djasit, the Great Mosque of An-Nur were long in total reorganized into its current form.

From 2000 the construction of the mosque's land area tripled from the previous roomates only an area of ​​4 hectares to 12.6 hectares. The breadth of this new land mosque Provides flexibility for open land for public penyediakan Pekanbaru includes green park area and parking space is so vast.

In the history of the Great Mosque of An-Nur had been a campus for the Faculty of Islamic Theology Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekabaru in its early years until 1973. IAIN Syarif Kasim Sultan has now Become the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim (UIN Suska) Pekanbaru

Palace of Siak Sri Indrapura
Siak Sri Indrapura palace is the official residence of the Sultan of Siak which was built in 1889, during the reign of Sultan Syarif Hasyim. This palace is a relic of the Sultanate of Siak Sri Indrapura which was completed in 1893. Now the palace IS ALSO called the Palace of the Sun East, the entrance area Siak administration.

The palace complex has an area of ​​about 32,000 square meters consisting of four palaces that Siak Palace, the Palace of Lima, Padjang Palace, and Palace Baroe. Siak palace itself has an area of ​​1,000 meters persegi.Istana Siak has a patterned architecture Malay, Arab, and European. The building consists of two floors. The bottom floor is divided into six Courtroom: The waiting room of the guest of honor guest room, living room male, living room for women, one room on the right side is the royal court, Also used for the party room. Upstairs is divided into nine rooms, serves to break the palace of the Sultan and the guests. The top of the building there are six statues of the eagle as a symbol of courage Palace. While at the courtyard of the palace can still be seen eight cannons spread to different sides of the courtyard, then left behind the castle there is a small building that was formerly used as a temporary prison and many other tourist attractions in Riau

Muara Takus
Muara Takus

riau water waterfall law
riau water waterfall law

Friday, May 1, 2015

beautiful sights in western Sumatra Indonesia

Maninjau Lake tour
Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The lake is located about 140 kilometers north of Padang, capital of West Sumatra, 36 kilometers from New York City, 27 kilometers from Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital.

Maninjau This is a volcanic lake located at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level. Maninjau extensive approximately 99.5 km² and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. Cekungannya formed due to volcanic eruption called Sitinjau (according to local legend), it can be seen from the shape of the hills around the lake that resembles like a wall. According to legend in Minang, where Lake Maninjau is closely related to the Nine Single story.

Lake Maninjau is a source of water to the river named Rod Sri Antokan. In one part of the lake which is upstream from Sri Antokan Batang Hydropower Maninjau there. The highest peak around Lake Maninjau diperbukitan known as Puncak Lawang. To be able to reach Lake Maninjau if from Bukittinggi it will pass a winding road known as Curved 44 along approximately 10 km from Ambun morning to Maninjau.

The lake is listed as the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in West Sumatra, Maninjau is the second largest lake after Lake Batur which has an area of ​​129.69 km² located in two districts of Tanah Datar and Solok district. Around Lake Maninjau are tourist facilities, like hotels (Maninjau Indah Hotel, Pasir Panjang Permai) as well as lodging and restaurants.

Mentawai islands
Mentawai Islands are a cluster of islands that are geographically located in the Indian Ocean and administratively into the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Mentawai Islands are on the west side of the province of West Sumatra. Mentawai natives have different cultures with the Minangkabau because of separate by the sea.

Mentawai Islands has four large islands items, namely:

Siberut Island
Sipora Island
North Pagai Island
South Pagai Island
and Several smaller islands.
The Mentawai Islands sea area there are Several straits, Among others:

Mentawai Strait, the strait that separates the island of Sumatra in the Mentawai Islands
Siberut Strait, the strait that separates the island of Siberut Island Sipora
Sipora Strait, the strait that separates the island of Sipora with North Pagai Island
Sikakap Strait, the strait that separates Pualau North Pagai and South Pagai Island
Strait Sanding
Since 1999, the Mentawai Islands region confirmed as a district called the Mentawai Islands with a capital city in the Old Pejat.

Batur Lake
This lake has an area of ​​107.8 km² and is the 2nd largest lake on the island of Sumatra. This lake is upstream Trunk Ombilin. However sebahagian lake water is channeled through a tunnel cut through the Bukit Barisan to Batang Anai to drive hydroelectric generators Batur [1] in the near Lubuk Alung, Padang district Pariaman.Danau Batur is located at the geographic location coordinates of 0, 36 degrees south latitude (LS) and 100, 3 East longitude (BT) with a height of 363.5 meters above sea level (masl). Batur Lake water surface area reached 11,200 hectares with a maximum length of 20 kilometers and a width of 6.5 kilometers and a depth of 268 meters. The lake has an area of ​​water flow along 1,076 kilometers with rainfall 82 to 252 melimeter per bulan.Ikan bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) is a species of fish are estimated to only live in this lake, and became one of the specialties. Research experts revealed 19 species of freshwater fish living in habitats Lake Batur, Solok and Tanah Datar district, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), with the limited availability of food materials.

Of the 19 species, three species of which have a high density of population, namely fish Bilih / Biko (Mystacoleusus padangensis Blkr), Asang / Nilem (Osteochilus brachmoides) and Rinuak. Other fish species that live in Lake Batur is, Turiak / turiq (Cyclocheilichthys de Zwani), Lelan / Nillem (Osteochilis vittatus), Sasau / Barau (Hampala mocrolepidota) and Gariang / Tor (Tor tambroides).

Then, Kapiek fish species (Puntius shwanefeldi) and Balinka / Belingkah (Puntius Belinka), Baung (Macrones planiceps), Kalang (Clarias batrachus), Jabuih / Buntal (Tetradon mappa), Kalai / Carp (carp Osphronemus lac) and Puyu / Betok (Anabas testudeneus).

Furthermore, fish species sapek / Snakeskin (Trichogaster trichopterus), Tilan (Mastacembelus unicolor), Jumpo / Cork (Chana striatus), Kiuang / Cork (Chana pleurothalmus) and Mujaie / Mujair (Tilapia pleurothalmus).

With only 19 species of fish that live in Lake Batur shows the diversity of fish in places that are not are too high. Lake Batur mesogotrofik condition that causes this habitat carrying capacity for the development and growth of aquatic organisms such as plankton and Betos, very terbatas.Dari several times research shows plankton and Betos in Lake Batur very rendah.Padahal community of plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton) is the basis of the formation of a food chain and play a pivotal role in an ecosystem danau.Kondisi, causing the main source of nutrients naturally fish generally are various types of plankton and benthos.

hours gadang
Clock Tower is the name for the tower clock located in the center of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This clock has a clock tower with a large measure on the four sides so-called Clock Tower, designation Minangkabau language meaning "big clock".

Apart from being the center of Dublin city bookmarks, Clock Tower has also been used as a tourist attraction with the expansion of the park around the tower's clock. The park became a good community interaction spaces on weekdays and on holidays. The events of a general nature usually organized around a park near the clock tower

Sawahlunto is one of the cities in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The town is located 95 km northeast of the city of Padang, surrounded by three districts in West Sumatra, namely Tanah Datar, Solok district, and the district Sijunjung. Sawahlunto has an area of ​​273.45 km² which consists of 4 districts with a population of more than 54,000 inhabitants. During the government of the Dutch East Indies, Sawalunto city is known as a coal mining town. This town was dead, after coal mining stopped.

Today, the city developed into a tourist town Sawahlunto old multi-ethnic, thus becoming one of the best old city in Indonesia. The town, founded in 1888, many standing buildings from the Netherlands. Some have been designated as cultural heritage by the local government in order to encourage tourism and Sawahlunto launched into "Travel City Mine Cultured" Embryo dijadikannya Sawahlunto as a city associated with the research conducted by several Dutch geologist inland Minangkabau (then known as Plateau Padang), as assigned by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies. The first study conducted by Ir. C. De Groot van Embden in 1858, followed by Ir. Willem Hendrik de Greve in 1867. In the study De Greve, it is known that there are 200 million tons of coal contained in Batang flow Ombilin, one of the rivers in Sawahlunto. Since the study was announced to Batavia in 1870, the Dutch East Indies government began planning the construction of facilities and infrastructure to facilitate the exploitation of coal in Sawahlunto. Furthermore Sawahlunto also be used as a town in 1888, precisely on December 1, which was then set as Day Sawahlunto.

The city began producing coal since 1892. Along with that, the city started to become a residential area miners, and continues to develop into a small town with a population that essentially are employees and miners. Until 1898, the mine in Sawahlunto still rely narapaidana are forced to work to mine and paid a pittance. In 1889, the Dutch East Indies government began to build a railway line to the city of Padang to facilitate the transport of coal out of Sawahlunto. The railway line reached Sawahlunto in 1894, so since freight trains began operating coal production in this city continue to increase until it reaches hundreds of thousands of tons per year and many western Sumatra tour you must visit

Friday, April 24, 2015

let's enjoy the beauty of north Sumatra

lake toba
Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island.

Lake Toba has long been an important tourist destination in North Sumatra, Bukit Lawang, Berastagi and Nias, attract domestic and mancanegara.Diperkirakan Lake Toba formed during the explosion of about 73000-75000 years ago and is the eruption (super volcano) the most new. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that the total amount of material in the eruption about 2,800 km3-about 2,000 km3 of ignimbrite flows over the ground, and about 800 km3 of which falls as ash mainly to the west. Pyroclastic flow from the eruption destroyed an area of ​​20,000 km2, with a 600 m thick ash deposits with this utama.Kejadian crater caused mass death and extinction of some species of living things. According to some DNA evidence, this eruption also reduced the number of people to about 60% of the total human population of the earth at that time, which is about 60 million people. The eruption also caused the ice age, although experts still debate it. After the eruption, the caldera formed which is then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Pressure up by magma that has not come out cause the appearance SamosirPenyebaran island of volcanic dust was very spacious, found almost all over the world. Derived from an ancient supervolcano eruption, namely Mount Toba. Alleged leads to Mount Toba, as evidence of molecular forms of the same volcanic dust in the 2100 period. Since caldera crater that is now a lake Toba in Indonesia, 3,000 miles, from the source of the eruption. In fact, surprisingly enough, it turns out spread of dust to be recorded up to the North Pole. This is reminiscent of the experts, how powerful the Toba super volcano eruption at that time.

Tjong A Fie mansion terrain

Nam Fung Tjong more popular with the name of his title with Tjong A Fie was born in 1860 in rural areas Sungkow Moyan or Meixien and from the tribe of Khe or Hakka. He came from a modest family, elderly father had a grocery store. Together with his brother Tjong Yong Hian, Tjong A Fie had to leave school and help keep his father's store. Although only a modest education, but Tjong A Fie was quite smart and can be mastered in a short time tips trade and manages the family business making progress. But, Tjong A Fie apparently have an other ideals, he wanted to try his luck overseas in search of wealth and become a respected man. Determination is what prompted him to leave his hometown and went to the Indian Belanda.Tjong A Fie (Chinese character: 張 阿輝) (Guangdong, 1860 Medan, 1921) was a businessman, banker and a lieutenant who came from China and successfully build a big business in plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia.Tjong A Fie build a large business that has more than 10,000 employees. Because of his success, Tjong A Fie close to the people prominent in the field, including the Sultan of Deli, Ma'mun al Rasjid and Dutch colonial officials. In 1911, Tjong A Fie was named "Chinese Kapitan" (Majoor der Chineezen) to lead the Chinese community in Medan, replacing his brother, Tjong Yong Hian. As the leader of the Chinese community, Tjong A Fie highly regarded and respected, because he mastered the field of economics and politics. Business empire includes plantations, palm oil mills, sugar mills, banks and railway companies

Maimonides palace
Maimonides palace is a palace of the Sultanate of Deli which is one of the iconic city of Medan, North Sumatra, located in Jalan Brigadier General Katamso, Talbot Village, district of Medan Maimonides.

Designed by Italian architect and built by the Sultan of Deli, Sultan Mahmud Al-Rashid. Construction of the palace was started on August 26, 1888 and was completed on 18 May 1891. Maimonides Palace has an area of ​​2,772 m2 and 30 rooms. Maimonides palace consists of two floors and has 3 parts: the main building, left wing and right wing of the building. The palace building faces north and on the front side of the building there is the Al-Mashun or better known as the Great Mosque of Medan.

Maimonides palace became a tourist destination not only because of old age, but also a unique interior design, combining elements of the Malay cultural heritage, the Islamic style, Spain, India and Italy. But unfortunately, these attractions are not free from the region Street vendors.

Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni

Since 2005, a catholic temple, in the Indo-Mogul style, dedicated to Our Lady of Good Health Also known as Our Lady of Vailankanni (Tamil: ஆரோக்கிய மாதா Ārōkkiya eye), is built in Medan, Indonesia. This particular Saint knows its origin with an apparition in the 17th century in Velankanni Town, Tamil Nadu, India. [1] The temple is an imposing building, of two storeys and a small tower of seven storeys in Indonesian style, that already attracts attention from the main road (it is situated in the small road Jl. Sakura III besides Jl. Simatupang). It is important pilgrimage site in Asia.

Waterfalls Ponds Dwi Color and Sibolangit

The waterfall is usually a favorite destination on vacation, or on weekends. Have you ever visited one of the exotic waterfalls in Indonesia? Yes, Niagara and articles, this waterfall has unparalleled beauty, As well as having unique characteristics that can not be met in another waterfall.
Waterfalls and articles or also known as the Blue Lake and articles located in the village of Durin Sirugun, the foot of Mount Sibayak, District and articles, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. For those adventurers, this waterfall can you put in the reference list for your next visit.

Niagara Dwi Colour articles for a waterfall two colors, namely blue and white color greyish. Why do two colors? Since there are phosphorus and sulfur content which will produce a light blue color. Waterfall Two Color has a height of about 100 meters, sourced from Mount Sibayak, then the water coming down from the top of the river will be accommodated into a small lake. Since there are sulfur and phosphorus content in it, then you should not drink water from this waterfall, because it can endanger yourself.

Before you make a trip to the waterfall is Sibolangit this, it helps you prepare for purposes such as tracking equipment, tent if you want to camp, drugs and P3K, drinking enough water, change of clothes, a compass. Do not forget to bring along a backup energy and lighting fixtures at any time if necessary.

Your journey takes about 2-3 hours to reach the waterfall Sibolangit of Main Gate Campgrounds and articles. In order not to get lost during a trip to the location, there is a good idea to hire a local guide with a rate of about 100-300 thousand dollars. During the trip you will find an inscription made in memory of one of the tourists who died in 2006. After traveling through the tall trees, trails, and crossing streams, you came on tejun Dwi Water Color and articles, feel the sensation of coldness This two-color waterfall. However, do not forget to always keep this beautiful place naturalness yes.

Access to the waterfall is quite easy, and can be reached via public transportation, as well as a means of personal transportation. If you want to ride public transportation, from the city of Medan you can ride the bus inter-city bus Kabanjahe majors or majors and articles. Arriving at and articles, you can ride a motorcycle or public transportation to the Campgrounds and articles.

If you use private transportation, you will travel as far as 75 km from the city of Medan, crossed Hill Park or Mickey Holiday which is about 1.5 miles from the entrance to the campsite and articles.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

welcome in Aceh Indonesia

Tsunami Museum
Tsunami Museum, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, is a museum that is designed as a symbolic monument to the earthquake and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at the same time educational center and emergency shelter if a tsunami occurs lagi.Museum Tsunami designed by architects from Indonesia, Ridwan Kamil . This museum is a four-story structure with an area of ​​2,500 m² curved walls covered with geometric reliefs. Inside, visitors enter through a dark narrow corridor between two high walls of water - to recreate the atmosphere and panic when the tsunami. Museum walls decorated images of the Saman dance, a symbolic meaning to the strength, discipline, and religious beliefs Acehnese. From the top, the roof forming waves. The ground floor is designed like a traditional stilt house Acehnese who survived the tsunami.

This building commemorates the victims, whose names are listed on the wall of one of the deepest space museums, and community members who survived this disaster.

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque

In addition to its role as a memorial to the dead, the museum is also useful as a protection from disasters of this kind in the future, including the "hill of refuge" for visitors if a tsunami occurs again.
Baiturrahman Mosque is a mosque Sultanate of Aceh that was built by Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Nature in the year 1022 AH / 1612 AD beautiful and magnificent building which is similar to the Taj Mahal in India is located right in the heart of the city of Banda Aceh and become the focal point of all activities in Aceh Darussalam.

When the Kingdom of the Netherlands attacked the Sultanate of Aceh on the second Dutch military aggression on the Moon Shafar 1290 AH / 10 April 1873 AD, Mosque Baiturrahman burned. Then, in 1877 the Dutch rebuild Masjid Baiturrahman to attract attention and reduce anger Nation Aceh. At that time the Sultanate of Aceh still under the reign of Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah Johan Sovereign is the last Sultan of Aceh.

As a historic place that has high artistic value, Mosque Baiturrahman become the object of religious tourism that is able to make every tourist who comes amazed the history and beauty of its architecture, where the Mosque Baiturrahman including one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia, which has a stunning architecture, carvings Interestingly, a large courtyard with water fountain pond Ottoman Empire style and would be very cool if it were inside the mosque ini.Pada the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam, In addition to the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Makkah, Masjid Baiturrahman also became a center of religious learning Muslims are visited by people who want to learn Islam from all over the world

On March 26, 1873 the Kingdom of the Netherlands declared war to the Sultanate of Aceh, they began firing cannon to Aceh mainland of warships Citadel Van Antwerp. On April 5, 1873, the Dutch landed in Pante Ceureumen under the leadership of Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler, and instantly be able to master Mosque Baiturrahman. Köhler was carrying 3,198 soldiers. A total of 168 of them officers. However, this first battle was won by the Sultanate of Aceh, where in the event the death of General Johan Rudolf Kohler Hermen a large Dutch General due to the use of a rifle shot by an army of the Sultanate of Aceh are then perpetuated a shooting at a small monument that is located under the tree Kelumpang near the entrance north Mosque Baiturrahman.

weh island
Pulau Weh (or We) is a small volcanic island located in the northwest of the island of Sumatra. The island was once connected to the island of Sumatra, but later separated by sea after a volcanic eruption last time at the time of this Pleistosen.Pulau located in the Andaman Sea. The largest city on the island of Weh, Sabang, is the westernmost city located in Indonesia.

The island is famous for its ecosystem. The Indonesian government has set a 60 km² area as far from the edge of the island either to the inside or outside as nature reserves. Big mouthed shark can be found on the coast of the island. In addition, this island is the only habitat of frogs whose status is threatened, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo). Coral reefs around the island is known as a habitat for many species of ikanPulau Weh is located in the Andaman Sea, where two groups of islands, the Nicobar and Andaman Islands, spread out in a line of Sumatra to the Burma plate. Andaman Sea is located in a small active plate tectonics. Complex fault system and the islands have volcanic arc formed along the sea by the movement of tectonic plates.

The island stretches along 15 kilometers (10 miles) in the northern tip of Sumatra. The island is only a small island with an area of ​​156.3 km², but it has many mountains. The highest peak of the island is a volcano with a height of 617 meters fumarolic (2024 feet). The last eruption of the mountain is expected to occur in the Pleistocene. As a result of this eruption, most of the mountain is destroyed, filled with sea and formed a separate island.

At a depth of nine meters (29.5 feet) near the town of Sabang, underwater fumaroles emerging from the bottom of volcanic laut.Kerucut can be found in the forest. There are 3 areas solfatara: one located 750 meters southeast of the peak and the other is located 5 km and 11.5 km northwest part of the summit in the west coast of the Gulf of Lhok Perialakot.

There are four small islands that surround the island of Weh: Klah, Rubiah, Seulako, and Rondo. Among the four, Rubiah famous for diving tourism as coral reefs. Nuns became a haven Indonesian Muslims perform the Hajj sea for before and after Mecca.

Aceh p. Ramlee village
P.Ramlee or real name Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Puteh (born in Penang, March 22, 1929 - died May 29, 1973 at the age of 44 years) is a Malaysian actor in the 1950s. His father came from Lhokseumawe (Aceh) who married Che Mah Hussein in 1925 in Kubang Buaya, Butterworth, Malaysia.

Ramlee basic education in the School of Malay Kampung Jawa and then to Francis Light School. After that, Ramlee continued his education at the Penang Free School until the outbreak of World War II.

Starting from playing ukelele, P. Ramlee then switched to guitar and violin musical instrument under the guidance Kamaruddin (brass band leader in Penang Free School). Ramlee then joined the Cadet Orchestra Sekampung and then Sinaran Evening Star. He had been a champion singing contest organized by Radio Penang in 1947 and was elected as the Star Singer Main Malaya. In these competitions, Ramlee using the letter "P" (for Puteh) at the beginning of its name and since then the name of P. Ramlee lingered until his death.

The first film starring P. Ramlee is Chinta (1948) with a role as a villain and background vocals. His success continued and plays a role in 27 films between 1948 to 1955.

P. Ramlee died on May 29, 1973 at the age of 44 years. To commemorate his services, Yang Pertuan Agong of Malaysia awarded Commander of the Faithful Darjah Greatness Star Crown in 1990 and added the title Tan Sri on behalf Ramlee.

seumadu island

Seumadu island is located in Muara One, approximately 10 kilometers east of Lhokseumawe. This beautiful island is a popular tourist spot for residents Lhokseumawe to whom it is easily accessible. The island is also known as Rancong Beach.Seumadu Island is located in Muara Satu. PT Arun, the largest oil company in the province, located about 12 kilometers from downtown Lhokseumawe along the route to Banda Aceh from this island Medan.Seumadu previously named Rancong Beach. However, over time, become more commonly referred to as Seumadu Island. The origin of this name change is based on the story of a husband and wife who live in the region. Husband, Mr. Jali, is one of the first to set up a stall near the beach Rancong. Although others then follow his example, people began to call the beach "Seumadu", after the name of Mr. Jali itu.Pulau shop is famous for its natural beauty and as a result attract many tourists. Lhokseumawe and surrounding communities are frequent visitors who want to enjoy the beautiful beaches. Access to the island is via a simple foot bridge built by one of the local residents. Before the foot of the bridge was built, the only way to cross is by boat.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

hawaii attractions and heaven world

The USS Arizona Memorial, located at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, marks the resting place of 1,102 of the 1,177 sailors and marines killed on the USS Arizona (BB-39) during the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 and commemorates the events of that day. The attack on Pearl Harbor and the island of Oʻahu was the action that led to the United States' direct involvement in World War II.

The memorial, built in 1962, is visited by more than two million people annually. Accessible only by boat, it straddles the sunken hull of the battleship without touching it. Historical information about the attack, shuttle boats to and from the memorial, and general visitor services are available at the associated USS Arizona Memorial Visitor Center, which opened in 1980 and is operated by the National Park Service. The sunken remains of the battleship were declared a National Historic Landmark on 5 May 1989.During and following the end of World War II, the Arizona's wrecked superstructure was removed and efforts began to erect a memorial at the remaining submerged hull. The Pacific War Memorial Commission was created in 1949 to build a permanent memorial somewhere in Hawaiʻi. Admiral Arthur W. Radford, commander of the Pacific Fleet attached a flag pole to the main mast of the Arizona in 1950 and began a tradition of hoisting and lowering the flag. In that same year a temporary memorial was built above the remaining portion of the deckhouse. Radford requested funds for a national memorial in 1951 and 1952 but was denied because of budget constraints during the Korean War.

The Navy placed the first permanent memorial, a ten-foot-tall basalt stone and plaque, over the mid-ship deckhouse on December 7, 1955. President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved the creation of a National Memorial in 1958. Enabling legislation required that the memorial budgeted at US$500,000 be privately financed; however, $200,000 of the memorial cost was actually government subsidized.

Principal contributions to the memorial included:

$50,000 Territory of Hawaiʻi initial contribution in 1958

$95,000 privately raised following a 1958 This Is Your Life television segment featuring Rear Admiral (ret.) Samuel G. Fuqua,[6] Medal of Honor recipient and the senior surviving officer from the USS Arizona

$64,000 from 25 March 1961 benefit concert by Elvis Presley

$40,000 from the sale of plastic models of the Arizona in a partnership between the Fleet Reserve Association and Revell Model Company

$150,000 from federal funds in legislation initiated by Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye in 1961

During planning stages, the ultimate purpose of the memorial was the subject of competing visions. Some were eager to keep it a tribute to the sailors of the Arizona, while others anticipated a dedication to all the war dead of the Pacific theater.In the end, the legislation authorizing and funding the memorial (HR 44, 1961) declared that the Arizona would "be maintained in honor and commemoration of the members of the Armed Forces of the United States who gave their lives to their country during the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941."The national memorial was designed by Honolulu architect Alfred Preis who had been detained at Sand Island at the start of the war as an enemy of the country because of his Austrian birth.[8] The United States Navy specified that the memorial be in the form of a bridge floating above the ship and accommodating 200 people.[citation needed]
The 184-foot (56 m)-long structure has two peaks at each end connected by a sag in the center of the structure. It represents the height of American pride before the war, the sudden depression of a nation after the attack and the rise of American power to new heights after the war. Critics initially called the design a "squashed milk carton".

The architecture of the USS Arizona Memorial is explained by Preis as, "Wherein the structure sags in the center but stands strong and vigorous at the ends, expresses initial defeat and ultimate victory ... The overall effect is one of serenity. Overtones of sadness have been omitted to permit the individual to contemplate his own personal responses ... his innermost feelings."

hawaii national memorial cemetery of the pacific
The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (informally known as Punchbowl Cemetery) is a national cemetery located at Punchbowl Crater in Honolulu, Hawaii. It serves as a memorial to honor those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces, and those who have given their lives in doing so. It is administered by the National Cemetery Administration of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Millions of visitors visit the cemetery each year, and it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Hawaii.In 1964, the American Battle Monuments Commission erected the Honolulu Memorial at the National Memorial Cemetery "to honor the sacrifices and achievements of American Armed Forces in the Pacific during World War II and in the Korean War". The memorial was later expanded in 1980 to include the Vietnam War. The names of 28,788 military personnel who are missing in action or were lost or buried at sea in the Pacific during these conflicts are listed on marble slabs in ten Courts of the Missing which flank the Memorial's grand stone staircase.

Bishop Museum

The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, designated the Hawaiʻi State Museum of Natural and Cultural History, is a museum of history and science located in the historic Kalihi district of Honolulu on the Hawaiian island of O'ahu. Founded in 1889, it is the largest museum in Hawai'i and is home to the world's largest collection of Polynesian cultural artifacts and natural history specimens. Besides the comprehensive exhibits of Hawaiiana, the museum's total holding of natural history specimens exceeds 24 million, of which the entomological collection alone represents over 13.5 million specimens (making it the third largest insect collection in the United States). The museum is accessible on public transit

pali lookout hawaii

Nuʻuanu Pali is a section of the windward cliff (pali in Hawaiian) of the Koʻolau mountain located at the head of Nuʻuanu Valley[3] on the island of Oʻahu. It has a panoramic view of the windward (northeast) coast of Oʻahu. The Pali Highway (Hawaii State Highway 61) connecting Kailua/Kāneʻohe with downtown Honolulu runs through the Nuʻuanu Pali Tunnels bored into the cliffside.

The area is also the home of the Nuʻuanu Freshwater Fish Refuge and the Nuʻuanu Reservoir in the jurisdiction of the Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources.

The Nuʻuanu Pali State Wayside is a lookout above the tunnels where visitors are treated to a panoramic view of the Oʻahu's windward side with sweeping views of Kāneʻohe, Kāneʻohe Bay, and Kailua. It is also well known for strong trade winds that blow through the pass (now bypassed by the Nuʻuanu Pali Tunnels), forming a sort of natural wind tunnel

hawaii hulihee palace
hawaii hulihee palace

Hilton Hawaiian Village
Hilton Hawaiian Village

wet and wild
wet and wild

Monday, March 23, 2015

beautiful and fascinating tourist attractions in Mexico

Chapultepec, more commonly called the "Bosque de Chapultepec" (Chapultepec Forest) in Mexico City, is one of the largest city parks in the Western Hemisphere, measuring in total just over 686 hectares (1,695 acres). Centered on a rock formation called Chapultepec Hill, one of the park's main functions is to be an ecological space in the vast megalopolis. It is considered the first and most important of Mexico City's "lungs", with trees that replenish oxygen to the Valley of Mexico. The park area has been inhabited and held as special since the Pre-Columbian era, when it became a retreat for Aztec rulers. In the colonial period, Chapultepec Castle would be built here, eventually becoming the official residence of Mexican heads of state. It would remain such until 1940, when it was moved to another part of the park called Los Pinos. Today, the park is divided into three sections, with the first section being the oldest and most visited. This section contains most of the park's attractions including its zoo, the Museum of Anthropology, the Rufino Tamayo Museum, and more. It receives an estimated 15 million visitors per year. This prompted the need for major rehabilitation efforts which began in 2005 and ended in 2010.According to archeological studies, there has been human presence since at least the pre-Classic period with the first identified culture in evidence that of the Toltecs. It was they who gave the area the name of "grasshopper hill" which would become Chapultepec. Remains of a Toltec altar have been found on the hill's summit. In the Classic Period, the area was occupied by people of the Teotihuacan culture. When the Mexicas, or Aztecs arrived in the Valley of Mexico, it was inhabited by a people called the Tepanecas of Azcapotzalco.

Palacio de Bellas Artes
The Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts) is the most important cultural center in Mexico City as well as the rest of the country of Mexico. It is located on the west side of the historic center of Mexico City next to the Alameda Central park.

The first National Theater of Mexico was built in the late 19th century, but it was soon decided to tear this down in favor of a more opulent building in time for Centennial of the Mexican War of Revolution in 1910. The initial design and construction was undertaken by Italian architect Adamo Boari in 1904, but complications arising from the soft subsoil and the political problem both before and during the Mexican Revolution, hindered then stopped construction completely by 1913. Construction began again in 1932 under Mexican architect Federico Mariscal and was completed in 1934. The exterior of the building is primarily Neoclassical and Art Nouveau and the interior is primarily Art Deco. The building is best known for its murals by Diego Rivera, Siqueiros and others, as well as the many exhibitions and theatrical performances its hosts, including the Ballet Folklorico de Mexico.The earliest known structure on the site was the Convent of Santa Isabel, whose church was built in 1680. However, significant Aztec finds, such as a sacrificial altar in the shape of a plumed serpent have been found here. The convent area suffered frequent flooding during the early colonial period and development here grew slowly. In spite of this, the convent remained until it was forcibly closed in the 1860s by the Reform Laws. It was replaced by a textile mill and lower-class housing

cathedrals in mexico city

The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary of Mexico City (Spanish: Catedral Metropolitana de la Asunción de María) is the largest cathedral in the Americas,[2] and seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico. It is situated atop the former Aztec sacred precinct near the Templo Mayor on the northern side of the Plaza de la Constitución in Downtown Mexico City. The cathedral was built in sections from 1573 to 1813 around the original church that was constructed soon after the Spanish conquest of Tenochtitlan, eventually replacing it entirely. Spanish architect Claudio de Arciniega planned the construction, drawing inspiration from Gothic cathedrals in Spain.

The cathedral has four façades which contain portals flanked with columns and statues. The two bell towers contain a total of 25 bells. The tabernacle, adjacent to the cathedral, contains the baptistery and serves to register the parishioners. There are two large, ornate altars, a sacristy, and a choir in the cathedral. Fourteen of the cathedral's sixteen chapels are open to the public. Each chapel is dedicated to a different saint or saints, and each was sponsored by a religious guild. The chapels contain ornate altars, altarpieces, retablos, paintings, furniture and sculptures. The cathedral is home to two of the largest 18th-century organs in the Americas. There is a crypt underneath the cathedral that holds the remains of many former archbishops.

Over the centuries, the cathedral has suffered damage. A fire in 1967 destroyed a significant part of the cathedral's interior. The restoration work that followed uncovered a number of important documents and artwork that had previously been hidden. Although a solid foundation was built for the cathedral, the soft clay soil it is built on has been a threat to its structural integrity. Dropping water tables and accelerated sinking caused the structure to be added to the World Monuments Fund list of the 100 Most Endangered Sites. Reconstruction work beginning in the 1990s stabilized the cathedral and it was removed from the endangered list in 2000.

After the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, the conquistadors decided to build their church on the site of the Templo Mayor of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan to consolidate Spanish power over the newly conquered domain. Hernán Cortés and the other conquistadors used the stones from the destroyed temple of the Aztec god of war Huitzilopochtli, principal deity of the Aztecs, to build the church. Cortés ordered the original church's construction after he returned from exploring what is now Honduras. Architect Martín de Sepúlveda was the first director of this project from 1524 to 1532. Juan de Zumárraga, the first Bishop of the first See of the New World, established in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, promoted this church's completion. Zumárraga's Cathedral was located in the northeast portion of what is now the cathedral. It had three naves separated by three Tuscan columns. The central roof was ridged with intricate carvings done by Juan Salcedo Espinosa and gilded by Francisco de Zumaya and Andrés de la Concha. The main door was probably of Renaissance style. The choir area had 48 seats made of ayacahuite wood crafted by Adrian Suster and Juan Montaño. However, this church was soon considered inadequate for the growing importance of the capital of New Spain.

In 1544, ecclesiastical authorities in Valladolid ordered the creation of new and more sumptuous cathedral. In 1552, an agreement was reached whereby the cost of the new cathedral would be shared by the Spanish crown, encomenderos and the Indians under the direct authority of the archbishop of New Spain. The cathedral was begun by being built around the existing church in 1573. When enough of the cathedral was built to house basic functions, the original church was demolished to enable construction to continue.and many more tourist attractions in Mexico that you must visit

angel de la independencia
angel de la independencia

cathedrals in mexico city
cathedrals in mexico city


fundidora park
fundidora park

meksiko church of santo domingo de guzmán
meksiko church of santo domingo de guzmán

palacio de bellas artes
palacio de bellas artes